Bài tập hoàn thành câu điều kiện loại 1 - Conditional Sentence Type 1

1/10/2019 12:00:00 AM
Bài tập hoàn thành câu điều kiện loại 1 - Conditional Sentence Type 1 nhằm phục vụ nhu cầu chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi đại học môn Tiếng Anh.

You _____ to see better if you turn on the lamp.

  • will
  • will able
  • will be able
  • can

If they _____ up early, they can't go jogging.

  • don't get
  • didn't get
  • hadn't got
  • not get

If you _____ too much sugar in your coffee, you will put on weight.

  • would put
  • will put
  • put
  • don't put

If he continues to work hard, he _____ the best in his class.

  • will be
  • is
  • would be
  • would have been

He _____ sore eyes if he spends too much time on the computer.

  • has
  • would have
  • will have
  • could have

She _____ to drive on the left side of the road if she goes to Britain.

  • will have
  • has
  • would have
  • have had

If he _____ a good job he will be able to pay all his bills.

  • found
  • find
  • finds
  • will find

If the report is not on my desk by tomorrow, you ______ in big trouble.

  • will be
  • will to be
  • would be
  • were

If you sell more than you did last year you _____ more money.

  • earned
  • would earn
  • won't earn
  • will earn

If the plan _____, you will make a big profit.

  • succeed
  • succeeds
  • will succeed
  • doesn't succeed

If you read this manual, you _____ any mistakes.

  • will make
  • can make
  • won't make
  • wouldn't make

If you _____ an apple every day, you will stay healthy.

  • will eat
  • ate
  • have eaten
  • eat

If you pass your examination, we _____ a celebration.

  • would have
  • will have
  • have had
  • had

The door will be unlocked if you _____ the green button.

  • will press
  • press
  • would press
  • pressed

If I ____ a work permit, I will stay for another month.

  • will get
  • would get
  • get
  • got

If we reduce the speed of population growth, there ____ less pressure on the earth.

  • are
  • were
  • would be
  • will be

If we continue to use fuels at the current rate, we _____ to face a fuel crisis.

  • would soon have
  • soon have had
  • will soon have
  • will soon have had

If it ____ so heavily, the football match will take place as planned.

  • not rains
  • didn't rain
  • doesn't rain
  • won't rain

Paul ____ if he doesn't stop jumping up and down on the sofa.

  • falls off
  • would fall off
  • would have fallen
  • will fall off

If you don't have a passport, you ______ to travel abroad.

  • won't be able
  • will be able
  • would be able
  • be able