Bài tập Viết câu (Chọn câu sát câu gốc) - Các dạng câu bị động đặc biệt

4/9/2019 7:01:53 AM
Bài tập Viết lại câu - Các dạng câu bị động đặc biệt nhằm phục vụ nhu cầu chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi đại học môn Tiếng Anh.

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the following question.

People thought that the earth was flat.

  • The earth was thought was flat.
  • It was thought that the earth was flat.
  • The earth is thought to be flat.
  • It was thought that the earth be flat.
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.
People say that this house is haunted.
  • This house is said is haunted.
  • It is said that this house be haunted.
  • This house is said to be haunted.
  • That the house is haunted is said.
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.
They know that she has left the country.
  • She is known to have left the country.
  • It is known for her to have left the country.
  • She is known to leave the country.
  • She has been known to have left the country.
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.
Many people think that modern life is better than life in the past.
  • It is thought for modern life to be better than life in the past.
  • Modern life is thought to be better than life in the past.
  • Many people think that life in the past is better than modern life.
  • Life in the past is thought to be better than modern life.
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.
They believe that the thieves have used a stolen car.
  • A stolen car is believed to be used by the thieves.
  • It has been believed that the thieves have used a stolen car.
  • The thieves have been believed to use a stolen car.
  • The thieves are believed to have used a stolen car.

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the following sentence.

She sent me a book on my birthday.

  • A book was sent by me on my birthday.
  • I was sent to a book on my birthday.
  • A book was sent to me on my birthday.
  • I sent a book to her on my birthday.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

My father bought me a camera last month.

  • A camera was bought for me last month.
  • A camera was bought by me last month.
  • I was bought by a camera last month.
  • A camera was bought for my father last month.

Choose the sentence closest in meaning to the following sentence.

The funny story made all of us laugh our heads off.

  • The funny story was made to laugh its head off by all of us.
  • We were made to laugh our heads off by the funny story.
  • Our heads were made to laugh off by the funny story.
  • We were laughed off our heads by the funny story.
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.
The government hasn't done anything to stop the pollution.
  • Nothing has been done by the government to stop the pollution.
  • Anything hasn't been done to stop the pullution by the government.
  • The pollution hasn't been stopped by anything from the government.
  • Everything has been done to stop the pollution by the government.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

Nobody can work out the problem.

  • The problem can't be worked out by everybody.
  • The problem can be worked out by nobody.
  • The problem can be worked out by anybody.
  • The problem can't be worked out by anybody.
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.
It's necessary for her to finish the report today.
  • She must be finished the report today.
  • The report needs to finish today.
  • The report must be finished today.
  • She needs finishing the report today.
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.
Turn off the lights when you leave the office.
  • You must leave the office when the lights turned off.
  • The lights must be turned off when you leave the office.
  • The office must be left turned off the lights.
  • The lights must be left turning off at the office.
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.
I have my boyfriend repair my motorbike.
  • I have my motorbike repaired by my boyfriend.
  • I have my motorbike be repaired by my boyfriend.
  • My boyfriend has my motorbike repaired.
  • My motorbike has been repaired by my boyfriend.

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the following sentence.

Her parents never let her do anything by herself.

  • Nothing is let be done by herself.
  • She's never allowed to do anything by herself.
  • She's never let do anything by herself.
  • Nothing is allowed to be done by herself.

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the following sentence.

For your safety, we recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened during the flight.

  • For your safety, it is recommended that your seat belt is kept fastened during the flight.
  • For your safety, your seat belt is recommended to be kept fastened during the flight.
  • For your safety, we recommend that your seat belt are kept fastened during the flight.
  • For your safety, it is recommended that your seat belt be kept fastened during the flight.

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given.

The boss made the workers work from morning till night.

  • The workers made the boss work from morning till night.
  • The workers were made to work from morning till night.
  • The workers were made to working from morning till night.
  • The boss made the workers worked from morning till night.
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.
When I was small, my parents never let me go out in the evening.
  • When I was small, I was never let go out in the evening.
  • When I was small, I was never gone out in the evening.
  • When I was small, I was never allowed to go out in the evening.
  • When I was small, my parents never allow me go out in the evening.
Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.
I had my dad answer me questions.
  • I had my questions answered by my dad.
  • I had my questions to be answered by my dad.
  • My questions had been answered by my dad.
  • My dad had my questions answered.

Choose the sentence CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

It is reported that the harvest had been wiped out due to heavy frost.

  • The harvest is reported that it had been wiped out due to heavy frost.
  • The harvest is reported to have been wiped out due to heavy frost.
  • It is reported that heavy frost had been wiped out the harvest.
  • The harvest had been reported to be wiped out due to heavy frost.

Mark the sentence that is closest in meaning to the given one.
People think that the company is planning a new advertising campaign.

  • It is being thought that a new advertising campaign is planned by the company.
  • The company is being thought to plan a new advertising campaign.
  • People think that a new advertising campaign is being planned.
  • The company is thought to be planning a new advertising campaign.
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the following question
He expects us to offer him the job.
  • He is expected that we should offer him the job.
  • He expected to be offered the job.
  • We were expected to be offered him the job.
  • He was offered the job without expectation.

Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the given one.
People say that Cameron was the best director of his time.

  • Cameron is said to be best director of his time.
  • Cameron was said to have been the best director of his time.
  • It was said that Cameron was the best director of his time.
  • Cameron is said to have been the best director of his time.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the given sentence.

He broke my watch.

  • My watch were broken.
  • My watch be broken.
  • My watch is broken.
  • My watch was broken.