Đề thi tuyển sinh vào 10 THPT Chuyên Sư Phạm năm 2018

9/30/2019 3:46:34 PM
Đề thi vào 10 chuyên Anh của trường THPT Chuyên sư phạm năm 2018 gồm: 10 câu chọn từ/cụm từ điền hoàn thành câu, 5 câu ngữ âm (2 trọng âm, 3 phát âm), 10 câu chọn từ điền để hoàn thành một đoạn văn, 10 câu thành lập từ để hoàn thành một đoạn văn, 15 câu tìm và sửa lỗi trong một đoạn văn, 1 bài đọc và thực hiện matching gồm 14 câu, 1 bài chọn cụm từ/câu để hoàn thành đoạn văn gồm 06 câu, 1 bài từ viết từ để hoàn thành đoạn văn có 10 chỗ trống, 05 câu viết lại câu bằng cách điền thêm một vài từ bao gồm cả một từ cho sẵn, 05 câu viết lại câu bắt đầu như được gợi ý. Tổng cộng có 90 chỗ cần trả lời. Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút.

_____, all the students couldn't do it well.

  • Giving the test at short notice
  • The teacher gave the test at short notice
  • At short notice did the teacher give the test
  • The teacher giving the test at short notice

Jane promised __ me up at 5 o'clock.

  • me to pick
  • me that she would pick
  • to me that she would pick
  • to me to pick

Jane: "Which one can I have?"

Anne: "Take your _____ mate. It's first-come, first-served."

  • choice
  • pick
  • pluck
  • vote

I think you're being ______ pessimistic.

  • worthlessly
  • unduly
  • undeservedly
  • abundantly

The _____ of Cat Tien National Park includes 105 listed mammal species, 351 species of birds, over 120 reptile and amphibian species and over 130 species of freshwater fish.

  • species
  • creatures
  • flora
  • fauna

We must prepare for the attack. Every ___ counts.

  • second
  • hour
  • day
  • minute

Miss McCrea was _____ anyone could have had. She never lost her temper with even the stupidest pupils.

  • as patient teacher as
  • so patient teacher as
  • as patient a teacher as
  • so patient a teacher as

Once the story _____ the headlines, everyone was talking about it.

  • smashed
  • hit
  • crashed
  • struck

The clown was wearing a ________ wig and a red nose.

  • red funny plastic French
  • French funny plastic red
  • funny red French plastic
  • red French plastic funny

Hillary was an effective speaker and her audience seemed to _____ on her every word.

  • hang
  • cling
  • hold
  • catch

Choose the word whose primary stress is placed differently from that of the others.

  • safari
  • hurricane
  • continent
  • industry

Choose the word whose primary stress is placed differently from that of the others.

  • archipelago
  • articulation
  • argumentative
  • architectural

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

  • money 

  • something

  • nonsense

  • comfort

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

  • island

  • domestic

  • escort

  • foster

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

  • certificate

  • immediate

  • unfortunate

  • exacerbate

Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning. (0)

Example: 0. intended|imagined|supposed|said

Round pegs in round holes

Do you remember when technology was (0) supposed to bring about big changes in the workplace, improve the working environment and increase leisure time? Well, you'll also recall that it failed to bring about such desired for most of us at least. In fact, many of these technological advancements led to various health , like eyestrain and back problems. And the extra leisure time all the experts promised us never became a reality.

Luckily, there does appear to be some good news. Some employers have become enlightened enough to that happy, relaxed employees are more and friendly than those who are burnt out and undervalued. Therefore, many businesses are attempting to
their work environments in a way that promotes a positive, calm workplace. The principles of the ancient Chinese art of “Feng Shui” are being applied to harmonious environments in many workplaces. For instance, as a calming influence, an aquarium of fish can be placed in any workspace or chunks of amethyst can be placed next to workers' computers to help neutralize radiation and relieve stress.

Next, the furniture and office fixtures in the workspace affect the people who work in it. When employees are comfortable and are provided with quality equipment, they feel better and take greater pride in their work. It is for people to feel as though they are an integral and valued part of the company.

To sum up, when people are treated as individuals and not merely as dispensable pieces of equipment, they are more to give their best. Offering employees in the shape of bonuses, regular pay increases, holidays, etc. can serve as all excellent way to increase productivity. So go on, give it a try and see how your work environment can become more positive and energized.

Read the text below and use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0)

Can roads help nature?

It is (0) reasonable (REASON) to assume that roads, generally, are not very good for nature, and there is good evidence to support this (ASSUME).

Scientists William Laurance and Andrew Balmford point out, for example, that '95% of (FOREST), fires and atmospheric carbon  (EMIT) in the Brazilian Amazon occur within 50 kilometres of a road.' One hundred thousand kilometres of roads now criss-cross the Amazon, and roadbuilding there continues, often (LEGAL) contravening environmental laws.

However, Laurance and Balmford believe that roads can be environmentally (BENEFIT). In agricultural areas where forests have already been cleared, good roads ease access to markets, which improves the (EFFICIENT) and profitability of farms, and tends to encourage people to stay away from vulnerable wilderness. Laurance and Balmford propose a worldwide project to establish which areas should not have roads and which areas governments should (PRIOR) for road improvement. They believe a scheme of this kind could (LITTLE) the damage roads cause. It would be challenging, but, in Laurance and Balmfold's view, influencing road development is (QUESTION) more practical and cost-effective than any other measure currently deployed to protect (CRUX) ecosystems.

There are 11 mistakes in the following text. The first mistake in sentence (1) is corrected as an example. Find the other mistakes and correct them. For sentences that don't have an error, type "No error" in box 1 and type "NA" in box 2.

(1) Much women nowadays choose to have a baby without getting married. (2) They are usually well-off, single professionals who, in their thirty, find that work is not everything and so decide to have a baby. (3) They don't want to find a husband and have a regular family but only want to be mothers. (4) They find a partner to be the father of their baby, but the man doesn't often know that the baby will be him. (5) The women claim they don't need a man to keep a family and bring up a child: they prefer to do it on her own.

(6) Psychologists say that a child can develop normally only in a complete family with a loving mother and a loving father. (7) The child who grows with a father lacks his love and guidance, and also the role-model that a father provides. (8) This is especially important in the case of boys. (9) In some cases so children can even develop serious psychological disorders. 

(10) Also, the social situation of a single mother and a child whose father is neither unknown or far away has to be taken into account. (11) Despite the years when a single mother would be ostracized are luckily gone, it still happens that children without fathers can feel awkward at school, especially when their peers boast about their own fathers.
(12) The importance of a father in a child life is unquestionable. (13) Even if the fighters for the emancipation of women claim that mothers can take care of their sons by themselves, the situation is a little bit different. (14) Fathers are replaceable because their love has much to say in the well-being of children.

(15) One in all single mothers are to be appreciated for their courage but at the same time they should always think twice before taking this crucial decision in their lives.


0.  sentence 1: much -> many

 What is the error in sentence 2?


What is the error in sentence 3?


What is the error in sentence 4?


What is the error in sentence 5?


What is the error in sentence 6?


What is the error in sentence 7?


What is the error in sentence 8?


What is the error in sentence 9?


What is the error in sentence 10?


What is the error in sentence 11?


What is the error in sentence 12?


What is the error in sentence 13?

- >

What is the error in sentence 14?


What is the error in sentence 15?


Answer questions by referring to the magazine article describing new technologies and choosing the right paragraph (A-G) that matches with each of the following statements. Some of the choices may be required more than once.

Our changing world

So many new technologies have appeared in the past half century that it's impossible to list them all. But these eight high tech breakthroughs stand out over the last 50 years because they‟ve revolutionized the way we live.

Paragraph A

In 1954, Dr Joseph Murray removed a kidney from one human patient and implanted it in another. The recipient accepted the kidney as its own rather than rejecting it as a foreign body. It was more than skillful surgery; Murray had chosen a pair of identical twins, Ronald Herrick and his terminally ill brother Richard, in the hope that their similar genetic makeup would reduce the likelihood of Richard's body rejecting Ronald's kidney. Soon afterward, though, other researchers developed drugs that could suppress a transplant recipient's immune system long enough for the new organ to become incorporated into its new body. Each year, thousands of people receive a new heart, kidney, liver, lung, pancreas or intestine - and are given a new lease of life.

Paragraph B

The term "robot‟ was coined by Czechoslovakian playwright, Karel Capek, in 1920 - robots being a Czech word for tedious labour - but the first real industrial robot was built in 1954 by George Devol. Five years later, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology founded its Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in a quest to mechanically mimic human minds as well as hands. Today, robots assemble products better, faster and often cheaper than manual labourers. Still, some individuals eye such systems with the cynical view of novelist Kurt Vonnegut, whose 1952 story Player Piano warned that the machines might leave people without a way to make a living or a purpose in life.

Paragraph C

When the Queen herself threw the switch on the world's first atomic power plant at Calder Hall outside London in 1956. Nuclear reactors were seen as a source of cheap, pollution-free energy. But a partial meltdown in 1979 at the Three Mile Island reactor in Pennsylvania soured the world on nuclear energy as a safe source of power. Nonetheless, in Britain today there are 16 active plants that generate 25 percent of the nation‟s electricity and they have been steadily increasing their capability. Will the next 50 years bring a better alternative?

Paragraph D

The idea for a mobile phone service dates back at least to 1947, but the first call was not actually made until 1973. This initial call was made on the pavement outside the Manhattan Hilton by Martin Cooper, a Motorola researcher, who rang up his rival at AT&T Bell Labs to test the new phone. Thirty years later, it appears that almost everyone in the Western world has a mobile device growing out of their car and cellular networks are beginning to serve Internet access at broadband speeds through thin air.

Paragraph E

Viewers of the famed moon walk in 1969, who are now decreased, would have been disappointed to learn we never went further than the Moon - no Mars colony, no 2001 odyssey to Jupiter, no speed of light spaceships. Even the Shuttle is in trouble. But the space race against the Russians that dominated the American psyche (and a good chunk of its budget) in the '60s and '70s pushed the development of hundreds of enabling technologies, including synthetic fibres and integrated computer circuits, necessary to fly astronauts to the moon and back. And, far more importantly, the astronauts brought back a lesson from space: "We saw the earth the size of a coin, and we realized then that there is only one earth.‟

Paragraph F

Before IBM recast the desktop computer from hobbyist's gadget to office automation tool in 1983 - followed by Apple's people-friendly Macintosh a year later - a "minicomputer‟ was the size of a washing machine and required a special air-conditioned room. But the trained technicians who operated the old mainframes already knew computers were cool: they could use them to play games, keep diaries, and trade messages with friends across the country, while still looking busy. Today, thanks to the PC, we all look busy.

Paragraph G

Everyone knows Watson and Crick, who unravelled the secret of DNA in 1953. But have you heard of Boyer and Cohen, who constructed the first organism with combined DNA from different species in 1973? They inserted toad genes into a bacterium that then replicated itself over and over, passing the toad's genetic code down through generations of bacteria. Thirty years later, an estimated 70 percent of processed foods contain genetically modified ingredients, such as soybeans or com engineered for higher crop yields. Of course, the much bigger potential - good and bad - is in engineering humans. It might prevent birth defects, and diseases later in life. But the side effects could be disastrous and, do we really have the right to interfere with Mother Nature?

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It has become smaller over the years.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It may prove to have a negative effect on employment.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It has been the subject of literature.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It required one family member to help another.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

The use of an animal advanced its development.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

A malfunction caused people to view it in a different light.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It has allowed some people's lives to be prolonged.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It has allowed farmers to be more productive.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It was named by a person who wrote for the stage.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

There was a long lapse between its conception and its invention.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It led to the invention of many other things.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It hasn't advanced in line with people expectations.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It has been incredibly costly.

About which new aspects of technology is the following mentioned?

It once to be housed in a special place.

Indo-European Languages

Today, most European languages, and many Asian languages as far east as India, are very similar to each other. (0)_J_ about memorizing French word lists in school, these so-called "Indo-European‟ languages resemble English and each other in terms of vocabulary and grammar . Only 140 of the modern world's 5,000 tongues belong to this language family, . Thanks to the global expansion of Europeans since 1492 – especially people from England, Spain, Portugal, France and Russia – nearly half the world's present population of five billion now speaks an Indo-European language as its native tongue.

When, however, we go to parts of the world , we realize how unusual Europe's linguistic similarity is, and how it calls for explanation. , in areas of the New Guinea highlands , we find languages as different as English is from Chinese being spoken in neighboring areas. until some people speaking the mother tongue of the Indo-European language family began to dominate and pushed almost all other European languages out of existence.

Complete the following article by writing the missing words in the spaces. Use only one word for each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

The future at your fingertips

There is a scene in the film Minority Report in (0) which Tom Cruise stands in front of a vast Perspex-like screen housed in the police department‟s Pre-Crime Unit. He gazes earnest at the transparent surface, waving his hands across the tablet to swirl great chunks of text and moving images across the screen to form a storyboard of yet-to-be committed crimes. a simple twist of his finger or a flick of his wrist, pictures expand and enlarge, words scroll, and whole trains of thought come to tangible fruition there on the board. The year is 2054.

Yet it seems the era of true touch-screen technology is much closer than that. Indeed, when Apple boss Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone in San Francisco earlier this year, he declared: “We're reinventing the cell phone.” of the main reasons for Jobs' bold claim was the iPhone‟s futuristic user interface – “multi-touch”. As demonstrated on stage by Jobs , multi-touch was created to make the most of the iPhone‟s large screen. most existing smartphones, the iPhone has only one conventional button – all the rest of the controls appear on the screen, adapting and morphing around your fingertips as you use the device, rather like the giant tablet in Minority Report.

The demonstration iPhone handset certainly looked like re-invention, but multi-touch, while new for Apple, is no means a new technology. The concept has been for years, waiting for the hardware side of the equation to get small enough, smart enough and cheap enough to make it a reality. While it remains of a novelty now, there's a good chance that the coming years will bring many more computers and consumer gadgets that depend wholly or on multi-touch concepts.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between TWO and FIVE words, including the word given.

The applicant's cover letter impressed his prospective employers immediately on viewing it. (SOONER)

=> No the applicant's cover letter than his prospective employers were impressed by it. 

Complete the second sentence in each pair. Use no more than six words including word in bold. Do NOT change this word.

The researcher insisted on proper conduct of the experiment. (CONDUCTED)

=> The reasearcher was known to insist on properly.

Complete the second sentence in each pair. Use no more than six words including word in bold. Do NOT change this word.

Only the top fifteen players will make it through the next round. (ADVANCE)

=> The to the next round.

Complete the second sentence in each pair. Use no more than six words including word in bold. Do NOT change this word.

I did my best to get here on time. (EFFORT)

=> I here on time.

Complete the second sentence in each pair. Use no more than six words including word in bold. Do NOT change this word.

He was really jealous when he saw his brother's new car. (GREEN)

=> He was see his brother's new car.

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

His daughter has startling intelligence, though she wastes most evenings playing computer games.

=> Intelligent .....

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

You must concentrate on your work more.

-> You must apply ..........

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

The trip was so amazing that we will never forget.

-> The trip was too ..........

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

He threatened the officers with violence.

-> He made ..........

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

It was assumed that Roy would marry that old rich lady.

-> People took ..........