Đề thi chính thức Anh Chuyên vào 10 Chuyên Sư Phạm năm 2010

4/10/2019 10:17:07 AM
Đề thi vào 10 chuyên Anh trường THPT Chuyên Sư phạm năm 2010

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • label
  • danger
  • natural

  • ancient

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • sugar
  • sight
  • sense

  • success

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.
  • bombing
  • plumber
  • subject
  • debt

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • plough
  • laugh
  • bought
  • caught

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

  • purpose
  • produce
  • pollute
  • compose

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • priority
  • temperature
  • considerate
  • traditional

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • describe
  • behave
  • provide
  • damage

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • extensive
  • decorate
  • generous
  • nominate

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • collapse
  • parade
  • destroy
  • household

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others in each group.

  • economic
  • inspiration
  • understanding
  • minority

What a nice day! Let's go for a picnic, _______?

  • will we
  • do you
  • shall we
  • don't we

Choose the correct answer.

John gets good marks, _____ pleases his parents.

  • that
  • which
  • they
  • it

The fewer bags you take, _____ trouble you will have on route.

  • the fewer
  • the little
  • the less
  • the least

This house needs ______.

  • to repaint
  • repainted
  • to be repainting
  • repainting

I have just bought _____.

  • a brown nice leather belt
  • a nice leather brown belt
  • brown a leather nice belt
  • a nice brown leather belt

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

Either I or John ________ the keys to the car.

  • has taken
  • have taken
  • has been taken
  • have been taken

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

The doctor was attending _____ the sick.

  • by
  • to
  • over
  • with

Never put _____ till tomorrow what you can do today.

  • over
  • off
  • back
  • away

______ your father was in hospital, we would have gone to see him.

  • Had we known
  • If we have known
  • If we knew
  • We had known

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

_________ turn color and fall to the ground is a sign of winter.

  • That leaves
  • Leaves
  • When leaves
  • If leaves

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

_________ at the table when the phone rang.

  • Hardly we had sat down
  • Hardly had we sat down
  • No sooner we had sat down
  • No sooner had we sat down

Your friendly attitude makes ________ for you to socialize.

  • easier
  • easier it
  • it easier
  • more easily

Only a few movies _____ on this channel are suitable for children.

  • show
  • showing
  • shown
  • to show

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

She was ________ as anyone could have had.

  • as patient teacher
  • a patient a teacher
  • as patient as teacher
  • as patient a teacher

Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If a sentence is correct, type "correct". If a line has a word which should not be there, type "cross out (wrong word)". There is an example at the beginning (0).


(0): cross out one


(0) London is a big city, but many of the people who live there regard it as a one number of small towns put together. (1) Each district has its own identity and atmosphere and some of parts are even described by their inhabitants as 'villages'. (2) Much of the centre of the city consists of shops and businesses and the majority of people they live in the suburbs. (3) A great many of them travel to work in the city every day by a train, bus, tube or car; this is called commuting. (4) Commuters might spend as much as two hours every morning getting to work and too another two hours getting home again. (5)The cost of living in London is higher than so in most other parts of Britain, and many people are paid extra money on the top of their salaries because of this. (6) Millions of visitors come to London every year from all over the world for to see the famous sights, such as Buckingham Palace, in where the Queens lives, and many other historic buildings. (7) London is also very famous for including its theatres, red buses and black taxis. (8) Some people find it as a noisy, dirty place but it has many large, pleasant parks where everyone can enjoy themselves some peace and quiet. (9) London has many attractions there, both for people from overseas and for people from other parts of Britain. 

What is the mistake in sentence 1?


What is the mistake in sentence 2?


What is the mistake in sentence 3?


What is the mistake in question 4?

What is the mistake in question 5?

What is the mistake in question 9?

Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

I (try) to learn by heart this text for half an hour, but  (not succeed) yet.

Give the correct form of the verb in the bracket.

He (fight) in Flanders in the First World War.

Supply the correct form of the verb in bracket.

Though smoking (consider) harmful to people's health, the number of its addicts (increase) .

Supply the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

Yesterday I (catch) in the rain because I (not watch) the weather forecast.

Supply the correct form of the verb in bracket.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (receive) great excitement everywhere since it (first show) in 1937.

Supply the correct form of the verb in bracket.

The plane (take) off by this time tomorrow.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals at the end of each sentence.

My grandfather only had a very education. (BASE)

We must take before things get worse. (ACT)

He was not satisfied with her being and decided to dismiss her. (RELY)

Language is not the private property of those who use it. (NECESSARY)

A lot of humour depends on the use of words which sound the same but have different . (MEAN)

It is fairly common in Britain that men these days do more housework than they did in previous . (BELIEVE) (GENERATE)

 is normally used to refer to the treatment and training of the child within the home. (BRING)

Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.

That large dog is perfectly  and has never been known to attack anyone. (HARM)

The experiences of the child in his first years largely determine his character and later . (PERSON)

Read a magazine article about changing your life. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A - H for each part. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

List of headings

A. Don’t limit your dreams

B. Analyse what you’ve thought of

C. Don’t delay

D. Don’t rush into something that doesn’t suit you

E. Don’t worry about past mistakes

F. Work out what you’ve actually going to do

G. Add some details

H. Don’t think about it - do something !

Fresh Start 


Knowing that we want to make a change in our lives is the easy bit - deciding what to do and how to do it is more difficult. First of all, we must learn to take out dream seriously and to trust our abilities. Old habits die hard, and fear of failure may prevent us from even trying something new.

Making a fresh start takes effort and time. It is important to think carefully before you set off into something new, because it must be right for you and your way of life. You will need determination to overcome the problems that are sure to arise and the crises of confidence that you will face, so be sure that it's something you want to do - not what you think you can do, or what someone else think you should do.

Before you begin to think of specific projects, let your imagination fly beyond the here and now and think about what, in an ideal world, you would really love to do. This should help you to get in touch with the real you beneath the daily worries that drag you down. Don't let lack of money, time, qualifications or any other negative reasons why you cannot do what you want stand in the way of your fantasies. The time for assessing real possibilities will come later, when the various options can be considered in a systematic way.

Imagining the impossible need not be a waste of time. Such flights of fancy can provide clues as to where you would like to be, or what you might want to work towards. Try the following exercise. Imagine for a time there are no restrictions for you of time, money, age, status, ties, etc. Then select one of the following - MY FANTASY JOB; MY FANTASY DAY; MY FANTASY LIFE.

Think through your chosen topic and write down your version of what would be involved. For example, in your fantasy job identify things such as status, salary, job specification, style of work, the lifestyle which accompanies it, with whom you would work and in what surroundings. Your fantasy day is an invitation to list the events of what for you would be the “perfect day”. Where would you be, what would you do, and with whom, if anybody ? Your fantasy life offers an opportunity to consider your ideal life as a whole. This picture would include the work pattern, combining work, home and social life, status, income, lifestyle, etc. Whichever topic you choose, put in as many of the particulars as you can so that the fantasy becomes a full picture.

When you have written down your fantasy, think carefully through the following:

- What are my reactions to doing the exercise ? What does the fantasy indicate about what I want for myself ? 

- What are the differences between my fantasy and my reality ?

- How much a my fantasy is achievable at present or might be in the future ? If I can't have it all, can I have some of it ?

- Where are the barriers to my achieving some of my fantasy and how might these be overcome ?

- What would be the consequences of my working to achieve some of the features of my fantasy, for myself and for other people ? 

- Would the pursuit of my fantasy be worth the possible consequences ? What objectives would I like to set myself on the basis of this exercise ?

You then need to identify your strengths and weaknesses, update all skills or learn new ones. Look at your resources and, perhaps most important, what you enjoy and what you really can't bear doing. Be specific about your goals, and be careful not to try to do too much.

When you have decided what your goal is, and all the thinking, planning and preparation has been done, your fresh start can no longer be put off. Ban negative thoughts and seize the moment - fresh starters are determined to see the positive side of things and not to let problems, real or imagined, block the path. Good luck !

Read a magazine article and choose the best answers to the questions about it.

Want to write a bestseller 

It's the sort of things that usually only happens in fiction. A young bank worker buys a home computer and to fill his spare time writes a first novel. A few months later the books has been sold here and abroad in deals worth 750 000$, a Hollywood film is under consideration. That, though, has been the experience of Michael Ridpath, who before tapping out Free to Trade, a fast-moving thriller about international financial crime, had never written anything more imaginative than a financial report.

For those of us who still haven't found a legal, decent and honest way of getting rich, such stories get us excited. But the trouble with trying to pen a small literary masterpiece is that everyone else is to. Writing unsaleable bestsellers is one of the most popular hobbies in Britain. According to one estimate, 20 000 - 30 000 manuscripts of proposed books are lying in British publishers’ in-trays at any one time. That suggests there must be several hundred thousand people out there nightly peering into word processor screens and seeking inspiration. Blake Friedmann, Mr Ridpath’s literary agent, receives 20 to 30 manuscripts a day sent in by hopeful writers, but the company has only seen two writers published from this so-called “slush pile” in the last decade. Any other London literary agent or publisher will tell you a chance are the same. The sad truth is that for 99.9% of authors, all their masterworks will ever earn is a string of rejection letters, and some praise from Auntie Doris if she can be persuaded to read the thing.

David O'Leary, a literary agent who is currently wading through a huge pile of manuscripts from hopefuls, says: “The Mr Ridpath of this world are a bad example. People read about them and think they can do it. But there is a mystery at the heart of writing. The more you see, the more you realize this is the sad truth. Pick up a page and you can tell whether someone can write or not. Some publishers who shall be nameless have a 10-page test. If the story hasn’t gripped them by then, they don’t read anymore.” 

Pierre Reylan, one of the readers employed to go through the vast number of unsolicited manuscripts at one publisher, says that the only manuscript sent in unrequested he can remember being published was a nonfiction book - on how to improve your eyesight. “What impresses me is the huge amount of work and effort going into the manuscripts. It feels sad always having to send them back.” Sometimes a letter will accompany a no-hope manuscript, announcing that the author has given up a perfectly respectable job to spend their whole time writing. 

Darley Anderson, a London agent who receives 100 manuscripts a week (he might get up to four writers a year published) insist the talent is out there. “It’s just that some publishers are too lazy, too busy or don’t have the imagination to find them.” Two years ago he sold a novel by a nurse, Martina Cole, for 150 000$. “If in that year I had not taken on anybody else I would have felt it was a very successful year.” 

The odds against success, then, are enormous. But for some writers, the urge to write a book is too great to be resisted, whether it is because of the need for money, the desire to be famous or the wish to be creative.

What is unusual about Michael Ridpath ?
  • He has succeeded with his first attempt at writing.
  • He has written a book set in the financial world.
  • He has had great success with a nonfiction book.
  • He has had success as a writer in an early age.
What is the “slush pile”, mentioned in the second paragraph ?
  • manuscripts that have been rejected
  • manuscripts not requested by publishers
  • manuscripts sent to publishers on one day
  • manuscripts that are unlikely to be read.
What is emphasized in the second paragraph ?
  • The low quality of most manuscripts sent to publishers.
  • The effort that is required in order to write a book.
  • The unwillingness of publishers to read manuscripts.
  • The number of people trying to be published authors.
According to David O’Leary, Michael Ridpath’s success has
  • led other writers to copy the style of his book
  • encouraged people who are not good writers
  • suggested that publishers’ methods do not work
  • affected publishers’ reactions to manuscripts they receive
What does Pierre Reylan say about the manuscripts he receives ?
  • The people who send them deserve sympathy.
  • They are usually longer than they should be.
  • Non-fiction ones have a good chance of success.
  • He has difficulty deciding which ones to reject.

What do some letters accompanying manuscripts indicate?

  • how little writers understand the system
  • the difficult circumstances some writers are in
  • the previous successes some writers have had
  • how serious the writers are about writing
What does Darley Anderson say about the manuscripts he receives ?
  • Too many people who can’t write well send them in.
  • Any of them may come from a possibly successful writer.
  • It is relatively easy for him to get one published.
  • Most years none of them are good enough to be published.

What is the purpose of the article?

  • to discourage people from trying to write bestsellers
  • to emphasize how difficult it is to write a good book.
  • to describe some of the difficulties that publishers face
  • to point out how hard it is to get a book published

Choose the word that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

Clothing habits are a matter of personal preference in the United States. Most people are free to wear they feel comfortable. Business people in large urban areas are likely to wear suits or dresses, while clothing in rural areas is less formal. Most Americans tend to dress casually when not in formal or business situations.

When eating, most Americans a fork in the hand with which they write. Americans eat away from home often, and usually they their own meals when dining with friends.

When Americans greet one another they often a firm handshake. They may greet strangers on the street by saying “Hello” or “Good morning”. Friends often greet each other “How are you ?” and respond “Fine, thanks.” Americans do not really expect any other answer to the question “How are you ?” because it is a way of saying hello. Except in formal situations, people address each other by their given names once they are acquainted.

Although Americans are generally informal people, it would be to schedule an appointment before going to visit someone, especially in business when an appointment has been made, it is considered to be prompt.

Complete the text with a word that best fits each space.

Recycling steel cans

Cans made of steel are very easy to remove from domestic rubbish because steel is the only common metal that is attracted to magnets. Many waste removal authorities have advantage of this fact and have installed large magnets, which, to put it simply, put all steel containers out of the general household rubbish. The system is known “magnetic extraction” and it has two great advantages.

Firstly, unlike most recycling schemes, the recycling of steel cans through “magnetic extraction” requires almost effort from the public. As long as you throw your used steel can into the rubbish bin, it will be collected then the waste removal authority will the rest. Other packaging cannot be recycled the public collect the material and take it, usually by car, to a central collection point. This often uses up more energy in petrol than eventually saved by recycling the material.

Secondly, local authorities actually save public money {{@by|@through}} recovering used steel cans. Magnetic extraction equipment is simple and cheap, and the steel that has been saved is sold to companies who re-use it in making new steel products. the value of the metal is greater than the cost of magnetic extraction, the process has financial benefits.

So, magnetic recycling of steel cans from waste saves you time, effort and money, as as saving energy for us all.

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

"I must see the manager" he cried.

=> He insisted ..............

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

Arthur said to Jane he was sorry he had hurt her feelings.

=> Arthur apologized ...............

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

You had better forget about buying a new house.

=> If I ..........

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

People say that he was left alone for a long time.

=> He is .........

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

Their teacher is making them study hard.

=> They are ............

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

Would you mind not smoking here?

=> I'd rather .............

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them.

=> They had ..........

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

I had better get back to school.

=> It's ............


Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

I'm sorry now that I asked her to stay.

=> Now I wish ..........

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

She is proud of being such a good cook.

=> She prides ..........