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3/14/2020 6:48:00 PM
Choose the word which underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
  • bombing
  • plumber
  • subject
  • debt

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • exhalation

  • exuberant

  • execution

  • exhibition

Choose the word which underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

  • struggle
  • reduction
  • multiply
  • endure

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • complained

  • hatred

  • naked

  • ragged

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • perceive
  • clamour
  • neglect
  • compile

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • admirable
  • accessible
  • compatible
  • respiratory

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • eradicate
  • voluntary
  • characterize
  • communism

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • descent
  • dissent
  • discontent
  • content

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Amelia was keen to become an actor, but her teacher's criticism of her performance took the wind out of her sails.

  • depleted
  • demoralized
  • distressed
  • disoriented

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Many inhabitants in the village have been inflicted with cancer due to the polluted source of water.

  • have fought against
  • have prevented
  • have suffered from
  • have avoided

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

The neighbors' constant wrangles with each other shattered our tranquility.

  • wrecks
  • wraths
  • quarrels
  • conversations

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Organized research may discourage novel approaches and inhibit creativity, so seminal discoveries are still likely to be made by inventors in the classic individualistic tradition.

  • common
  • coherent
  • varied
  • unbiased

Choose the word(s) which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Fields and gardens not far from the site of the explosion now are resplendent with daffodils, roses and tulips.

  • splendid
  • gloomy
  • diverse
  • gorgeous
Choose the word(s) which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Children are more receptive to new experiences if their parents prepare them ahead of time.
  • recognizable
  • understanding
  • intriguing
  • inaccessible

You _____ anything to me if you want to spend virtually your entire wages on lottery tickets, then that’s up to you.

  • don’t have to explain
  • weren’t able to explain
  • shouldn’t have explained
  • weren’t supposed to explain
After Jim’s accident and his subsequent appearance in court, he was ___________ from driving for a year.
  • dispossessed
  • disqualified
  • arrested
  • captured

Her _____ approach to problem-solving, characterized by a stubborn adherence to traditional methods, often clashed with the team's innovative spirit and hindered our progress.

  • single-minded
  • narrow-minded
  • absent-minded
  • feeble-minded

Before her big presentation, she always gets _______ in her stomach, but once she starts speaking, her confidence takes over.

  • worms
  • butterflies
  • crabs
  • ants

Kathy _____ comes up with a solution when everyone else is at a loss.

  • absolutely
  • invariably
  • persistently
  • universally

Read the passage below and decide which word best fits each space.


Seldom is the weather more dramatic than when thunderstorms strike. Their electrical fury inflicts death or serious injury around 500 people each year in the United States alone. As the clouds roll in, a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death - out in the , a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt’s most inviting target. And there is damage to property too. Lightning damage costs American companies more than $100 million a year.

But researchers in the United States and Japan are planning to hit back. Already in laboratory trials they have tested strategies for neutralising the power of thunderstorms, and this winter they will real storms, equipped with an armoury of lasers that they will be pointing towards the heavens to discharge thunderclouds before lightning.

The of forcing storm clouds to discharge their lightning on command is not new. In the early 1960s, researchers tried firing rockets trailing wires into thunderclouds to set up an easy discharge path for the huge electric charges that these clouds generate. The technique survives to this day at a test site in Florida by the University of Florida, with support from the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), based in California. 4EPRI, which is funded by power companies, is looking at ways to protect the United States’ power grid from lightning strikes. We can cause the lightning where we want it to using rockets,’ says Ralph Bernstein, manager of lightning projects at EPRI. The rocket site is providing precise measurements of lightning voltages and allowing engineers to check how electrical equipment .

Read the following passage then choose the best answer to each question below.

A folk culture is a small, isolated, cohesive, conservative, nearly self-sufficient group that is homogeneous in custom and race with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed rituals. Order is maintained through sanctions based on the religion or family, and interpersonal relationships are strong. Tradition is paramount and change comes infrequently and slowly. There is relatively little division of labor into specialized duties. Rather, each person is expected to perform a great variety of tasks, though duties may differ between the sexes. Most goods are handmade, and a subsistence economy prevails. Individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures, as are social classes. Unaltered folk cultures no longer exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Canada. Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo-America is the Amish, a German-American fanning sect that largely renounces the products and labor-saving devices of the industrial age. In Amish areas, horsedrawn buggies till serve as a local transportation device and the faithful are not permitted to own automobiles. The Amish's central religious concept of Demut, "humility", clearly reflects the weakness of individualism and social class so typical of folk culture, and there is a corresponding strength of Amish group identity. Rarely do the Amish marry outside their sect. The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining order.

By contrast, a popular culture encompasses a vast, diverse group of people who are often characterized by their distinct individualism and continuous evolution. In this realm, relationships frequently have an impersonal nature. Furthermore, there's a distinct division of labor which has paved the way for the emergence of many specialized professions. Instead of relying on religion and familial ties to ensure societal order, secular institutions, including the police force and military, step in as primary regulators, and an economy rooted in monetary transactions prevails. Due to these stark differences, the terms "popular" and "folk" are seen as fundamentally distinct from each other.

In today's world, especially in industrialized nations and many that are developing, there's a noticeable shift where the popular is replacing the folk. Objects traditionally made in the folk style are now being replaced by their popular equivalent. This switch often occurs because items born from popular culture can be produced more rapidly or at a lower cost. Additionally, they might be more convenient, save users time, or lend more prestige to the owner. This shift underlines the ever-evolving nature of societal values and preferences.

Which of the following is typical of folk cultures?
  • There is a money-based economy.
  • Social change occurs slowly.
  • Contact with other cultures is encouraged.
  • Each person develops one specialized skill.
What does the author imply about the United States and Canada?
  • They value folk cultures.
  • They have popular cultures.
  • They have no social classes.
  • They do not value individualism.
Which of the following statements about Amish beliefs does the passage support?
  • A variety of religious practices is tolerated.
  • Individualism and competition are important.
  • Pre-modern technology is preferred.
  • People are defined according to their class.

What is the main source of order in Amish society?

  • The government
  • The economy
  • The clan structure
  • The religion

The phrase "prevails" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.

  • dominates
  • abuses
  • patrols
  • induces

According to the third paragraph, a popular culture ____.

  • appears to belittle individualism
  • is limited to a specific demographic or social group
  • has deep personal connections in relationships
  • is dynamic and adaptable to new trends

Which of the following is NOT given as a reason why folk-made objects are replaced by mass-produced objects?

  • cost-efficiency
  • prestige
  • quality
  • convenience
What does the passage mainly discuss?
  • The abandoning of traditions in developing and industrialized countries around the world
  • The ongoing evolution of societal values and preferences over time
  • The distinct differences and evolving transition between folk and popular cultures
  • The role of religion in shaping individualism in modern societies

Jane is talking to Mike, who has just helped her with her luggage.

- Jane: "_____"

- Mike: "It's my pleasure."

  • It's too heavy.
  • It's not my duty.
  • Thanks a lot, indeed.
  • Welcome back.

Two students are talking about the school curriculum.

- Ted: "Swimming should be made part of the school curriculum."

- Kate: "______. It is an essential life skill."

  • Oh, that's a problem
  • I can't agree with you more
  • Not at all
  • You can make it

- “I think selling on our unwanted and underused goods can lead to a lesser impact on our environment.”

- "_______ It's much better than throwing them away."

  • You must be kidding.
  • That’s totally out of the question.
  • That sounds sensible.
  • I don't know.

Jack and Kevin are in their office.

Jack: “I was wondering if you like to join us for drinks after work?”

Kevin: "_______"

  • Sorry, I’m busy tonight.
  • I'm hungry.
  • You're welcome.
  • Don't worry.

Hiền: "Do you want to go for lunch? _______"

Laura: "I'd love to, thanks!"

  • Let me get this.
  • You paid last time.
  • It's my treat.
  • Please, don't stay.

Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation.

a. Too bad, I don’t have any pennies left for the repairs.

b. Let me see. Well, I'm afraid there’s a lot of work to be done.

c. I don’t know. The mechanic doesn’t work.

d. Hey, Mary. What’s wrong with your bike?

  • d-a-b-c
  • d-c-a-b
  • d-b-c-a
  • d-c-b-a

Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation.

a. Dave, are you going to the Corner Café to get a cup of coffee?
b. No, not at all. I feel lonely going by myself anyways.
c. No, that’s closed. I’m going to the café by the bookstore on the next street.
d. Do you mind if I go with you? Sheila, the marketing director, asked me for coffee. She always tells me to do all these annoying things.

  • a-c-d-b
  • d-c-a-b
  • a-b-d-c
  • a-c-b-d

Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation.

a. No, thanks. Just let me sleep until I wake up.

b. I'm going to take a nap.

c. That's a good idea.

d. You should unplug the phone.

e. Do you want me to wake you in an hour?

  • e-a-b-d-c
  • e-a-b-c-d
  • b-d-c-e-a
  • b-e-c-d-a

Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation.

a. Me too. Imagine. It's a long weekend. We've got three days in a row.

b. We're going to go hiking and camping in the mountains.

c. That sounds exciting! 

d. I'm so glad the weekend's finally here.

e. I don't have any plans yet. I'll just play it by ear. How about you?

f. So, where're you going? 

  • d-a-f-e-b-c
  • a-f-d-c-e-b
  • a-e-d-f-c-b
  • c-a-b-d-f-e

Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation.

a. Oh, look at the thermometer!  The temperature has hit 98!

b. Well, I just hope it'll level off.

c. Tell me about it.  It's like the whole world is broiling.

d. I hope it's not gonna break into three digits!

e. Oh, my!  It's really hot!  I've never seen such scorching weather in my life!

f. But it's already awfully close!

  • f-d-b-c-a-e
  • a-f-c-e-b-d
  • e-c-a-d-f-b
  • c-e-a-b-f-d

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to this one.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  • Being apart from someone you love makes you love them more.
  • Our heart needs absence to grow.
  • Being apart from someone you love makes you love them less.
  • Absence makes us grow older.

Choose the sentence CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

Even if the job market is not stable, those who persist will be able to land jobs eventually.

  • When it’s hard to find a job, jobs on land are even harder.
  • Patient people will secure jobs even in an unstable job market.
  • Only persistent job seekers can find jobs.
  • In land, jobs are only available to persistent job applicants.
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to this one.

There won’t be peace in the conflict if both sides do not really desire it.

  • It is only if both sides actually want the conflict to end peacefully that it will happen.
  • As both sides in the conflict apparently desire peace, it is likely that there will be peace soon.
  • The main problem in the conflict seems to be that neither side really desires peace.
  • There has been a lot of fighting in the conflict because both sides seem to want it that way.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

There is no point in your phoning Jane - she's away.

  • It would be a waste of time phoning Jane - she's away.
  • You waste your time if you insist on phoning Jane - she's away.
  • Don't spend your valuable time phoning Jane - she's out.
  • Jane is very difficult to phone - she's always away.

Choose the sentence CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

Only their own mother can tell Simon and Mike apart.

  • No one other than their own mother can separate Simon and Mike.
  • Simon and Mike bear some resemblance to each other.
  • It's very difficult to distinguish Simon and Mike.
  • Except for their own mother, no one can talk to Simon and Mike.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused people to change their behaviors for the better. People are now more conscious of making sustainable choices in their daily lives.

  • It is the coronavirus pandemic that has pushed social development because people had to cross the bridge when they came to it and selected feasible solutions in life.
  • Even the coronavirus pandemic has its bright side since individuals are more enlightened about making responsible and lasting changes in how they live.
  • Drastic times call for drastic measures, which forced people to opt for If you wish to offer me a renewable substances in their daily lives during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Humans could kill two birds with one stone when people's consciousness was raised towards sustainable living style because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Choose the correct sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following question.

I wouldn’t mind having a late meeting tomorrow. I’m quite used to going home late.

  • I’m trying to get more accustomed to going home late, so I think I’ll start the meeting late tomorrow.
  • Why don’t we start the meeting late tomorrow, even though I know none of us is used to leaving late.
  • As it’s rather normal for me to go home late, conducting a meeting late tomorrow would be no problem for me.
  • It’s rare that I go home late, but it’ll be no problem if tomorrow’s meeting is a bit later than usual.

Choose the correct sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following question.

William Clark was not granted the rank of captain. Captain Lewis more or less ignored this and treated Clark as his equal in authority and rank.

  • William Clark was not granted the rank of captain because Captain Lewis more or less ignored this and treated Clark as his equal in authority and rank.
  • William Clark was not granted the rank of captain, thus Captain Lewis more or less ignored this and treated Clark as his equal in authority and rank.
  • Although William Clark was not granted the rank of captain, Captain Lewis more or less Ignored this and treated Clark as his equal in authority and rank.
  • As William Clark was not granted the rank of captain, Captain Lewis more or less ignored this and treated Clark as his equal in authority and rank.

Choose the correct sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following question.

Olga was about to say something about the end of the movie. He was stopped by his friends right then.

  • Hardly had Olga intended to say something about the end of the movie before he was stopped by his friends.
  • Only after Olga had said something about the end of the movie was he stopped by his friends.
  • Were it not for Olga’s intention of saying something about the end of the movie, he would not be stopped by his friends.
  • It was not until Olga was stopped by his friends that he started to say something about the end of the movie.

Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

The champion arrived. The villagers rushed out to give him a special welcome.

  • On the champion's arrival, the villagers eagerly rolled out the red carpet for him.
  • Since their arrival, the champion was given the red carpet treatment.
  • On arriving, the villagers dropped everything to greet him with open arms.
  • Rushing out, the champion was greatly welcomed by the villagers.

Read và choose the correct answers. 

In the past, people used to work at one job for their whole life. They had a sense of loyalty to their company or employer. But these days it is common for people to work at two or three companies during their career. Sometimes they even change their profession completely. Because of this situation, (1) _________ There are certain ways they can do this.

The most important thing is to treat the workers well. This means providing good benefits, such as health care, vacation time, sick leave, bonuses, and pension plans. Many employers do not want to spend much money on these benefits because they are very expensive. This can be a big mistake. The workers feel that the boss doesn't care about them. As a result, the workers feel they don't need to be loyal to the company. If they see a better job offer, (2) ___________ Another way that an employer can keep their workers' loyalty is by maintaining a friendly workplace environment. The boss can do this by visiting the workers regularly while they are working. They can encourage the employees to do a good job and compliment them when the work is done well. The boss can also throw parties around the holiday season. At this time they can take the workers out to restaurants and buy them food and drinks. (3) __________, supportive atmosphere can make the employees more comfortable. This positive relationship with their boss will make them decide to be loyal to the company.

(4) ___________ They consider whether or not the company has made them feel welcome and comfortable. If they think that their employer tries hard to make their life good, then they will probably be more loyal to the company. (5) ___________

Choose the correct answer for (1)

  • employers should be able to determine effective accommodations for their employees.
  • employers must take disciplinary actions against their employees.
  • employers must make more effort to earn the loyalty of their employees.
  • employers must recruit more experienced workers.

Choose the correct answer for (2)

  • they can jump to the new job without hesitation.
  • they may consider declining,provided it goes against their moral and values.
  • they may hesitate because it can – and should – be a difficult decision.
  • they can easily get motivated to continue working.

Choose the correct answer for (3)

  • Creating a friendly
  • To create an effective
  • In order to create a friendly
  • Employers who create an effective

Choose the correct answer for (4)

  • In general, all employees should have access to some information which employers would consider confidential.
  • In conclusion, employees must be given the same status as shareholders and the consequent right to elect directors to the Board.
  • Last but not least, emotional wellbeing of employees is an issue for many companies.
  • In sum, people often think about the ways in which their company takes care of them.

Choose the correct answer for (5)

  • They wouldn’t take on better-paid job offers.
  • They can also be satisfied with their relations with co-workers and the physical safety conditions at their workplaces.
  • Although they remain overwhelmingly unsatisfied with their jobs.
  • They will not leave easily and they will work hard.

Write an academic essay of about 250 words on the following topic.

In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of aging populations.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.