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4/9/2020 12:56:00 PM
Choose the word which underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
  • purpose
  • produce
  • pollute
  • compose
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.
  • chef
  • parachute
  • scholarship
  • champagne

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

  • crooked
  • intended
  • hooked
  • wicked
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
  • village
  • message
  • heritage
  • arbitrage

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • disadvantageous
  • environmentally
  • idiosyncrasy
  • mischievousness
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group.
  • extensive
  • destructive
  • positive
  • effective

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • federation
  • territory
  • quintessential
  • surreptitious

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • meticulous
  • understanding
  • euphoria
  • ambiguous

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Wild horses wouldn't drag me away from attending my daughter's graduation ceremony, even if it meant missing an important business meeting.

  • I might be easily convinced to stay
  • Nothing could persuade me to stay
  • I couldn't stay
  • I have no choice but to stay

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in the following question.

The emblem of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was designed basing on rice - the most important crop for the Southeast Asian people.

  • banner
  • logo
  • motto
  • slogan

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Acupuncture can ease nausea and vomit caused by chemotherapy.

  • increase
  • raise
  • reduce
  • spoil

Choose the word(s) which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

I knew drink was dear in the South but 80 euro for a cup of raspberry beer cocktail is a bit much.

  • lovely
  • costly
  • inexpensive
  • expensive

Choose the word(s) which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

If we continue to deplete the earth's natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment.

  • consume
  • increase
  • reduce
  • empty

Choose the word(s) which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Now and then they glanced at one another, hardly able to suppress their laughter.

  • prevent
  • withhold
  • control
  • show

Choose the correct answer.

Mainly because of the recent health _____ involving beef and chicken, the number of vegetarians _____ to rise dramatically in the next five years.

  • scares/are expected
  • scares/is expected
  • fears/are expected
  • fears/is expected

Making mistakes is all _________ of growing up.

  • flesh and blood
  • odds and ends
  • part and parcel
  • top and bottom

Many children in state schools have expressed frustration at having to _____ with values they don’t share.

  • corroborate
  • conceive
  • comply
  • comprise

Choose the correct answer.

Mosquitoes are becoming more ____________ to insecticides.

  • stubborn
  • resistant
  • opposed
  • rebellious

Only if the teacher has given permission _____ allowed to leave the room.

  • a student is
  • is a student
  • has a student been
  • a student has been

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Have you ever asked yourself what you are working for? If you have ever had the time to consider this taboo question, or put it to others in moments of weakness or confidentiality, you well have heard some or all of the following.

It's the money, of course, some say with a smile, as if explaining something to a child. Or it’s the satisfaction of a task well-done, the sense of achievement behind an important . I worked as a bus once, and I can’t say I felt the same as I staggered along the narrow path trying to give out tickets without falling over into someone's lap. It’s the company of other people perhaps, but if that is the , what about farmers? Is it the conservation in the farmyard that keeps them captivated by the job? Work is power and a sense of status say those who have either attained these  goals, or feel aggrieved that nobody has yet recognized their leadership qualities. Or we can blame it all on someone else, the family or the taxman, I suspect, and I say this under my , that most of us work rather as Mr. Micawber lived, hoping for something to turn up. We'll win the pools, and tell the boss what we really think. We'll together the money and open that little shop we have always dreamed of, or go round the world, or spend more time in the garden.

One day we'll get that promotion we deserve, but until then at least we have something to do. And we are so busy it that we won't have time to wonder why.

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer.

Vincent Van Gogh was born in Groot Zundert, in The Netherlands on March 30th 1853, to parents Theodorus Van Gogh, a preacher, and Ana Cornelia Carbentus. In 1869 at the age of 16, Van Gogh began a career, not as a painter, but as an art dealer with the firm Goupil & Cie. He spent 7 years at Goupil & Cie where daily contacts with works of art kindled his appreciation of paintings and drawings. Gradually Vincent lost interest in his work and decided to try his hand at teaching at a Catholic School for boys. His growing interest in religion and his desire to help the poor eventually drove him to become a clergyman. In 1878, he became a lay preacher in one of the most impoverished regions in Western Europe: the coal-mining district of the Borinage in Belgium. Vincent sympathized with the poverty-stricken miners and gave away most of his food and clothing to ease their burdened lives. His extreme commitment to the miners drew disfavor from the church, which dismissed him of his post. Vincent, however, decided to remain with the miners and began to paint them and their families, chronicling their harsh conditions. 

Soon after, thanks to his brother’s financial help, Vincent decided to go to Brussels in 1880 to begin studies in art. During the next 10 years, Vincent painted around 872 paintings. In 1882, Vincent began living with Clasina Maria Hoornik, also known as Sien, and her children, in the Hague. Their volatile personalities and the strain of living in complete poverty created a stormy relationship. Vincent was devoted to Sien and her children, but art always came first. As his drawing and painting skills advanced, his relationship with Sien deteriorated and they parted ways in September 1883. 

In 1886, Vincent moved in with his brother - Theo in Paris where he met Paul Gauguin and various other artists, who had a tremendous impact on his ongoing evolution as an artist. Never truly happy in large cities, Vincent decided to move to Aries Province in the south of France, where he rented a studio and invited Paul Gauguin to live with him. In December 1888, Vincent experienced a psychotic episode in which he cut off a piece of his left ear. After his episode, he was in and out of asylums for the next year. It was thought that Van Gogh was actually epileptic and that is why people thought he had fits of insanity throughout his life. He painted one of his best-known paintings, Starry Night, during one of his stays in the asylum. In mid-1890, Vincent left the asylum and spent the last few months of his life in Auvers, France. On July 27th 1890, Vincent Van Gogh shot himself in the chest. Two days later he died with his younger brother - Theo by his side. He left behind a wonderful array of paintings that make him one of the most influential painters of our time. 

Which of the following is NOT true according to the first paragraph?

  • Vincent was a man with compassion for the needy.
  • Vincent unwillingly changed his job as an art dealer.
  • Vincent worked as an art dealer at Goupil & Cie for 7 years.
  • Vincent preached in a deprived Belgian area at the age of 25.

Vincent’s extreme commitment to the miners resulted in _____.

  • his painting the miners and their families
  • his sympathizing with the miners
  • the church discharging him of his duty
  • the church giving food and clothing to the miners

The word "chronicling" in paragraph 1 is closest meaning to "_____".

  • recording
  • classifying
  • suffering
  • colouring
Vincent and Clasina's relationship was stormy because of ________.
  • his devotion to art
  • the stress of living in poor conditions
  • her children
  • their tame personalities

Vincent went to Aries because of  _____.

  • his close affinity with Paul Gauguin
  • his discontentment with life in metropolitan areas
  • his deep affection for France
  • his constant quarrels with Theo after moving in together

Which of the following information correctly describes Van Gogh's life and career in paragraph 3?

  • Vincent found peace in Paris, steering clear of mental health issues and creating art independently.
  • Because of epilepsy, Van Gogh entered an asylum for the rest of his life and created his best-known painting there.
  • Vincent rarely sought help from the asylum; instead, he prioritized his artistic endeavors.
  • Vincent experienced psychological disorders but still painted a notable work amid struggles.

What can you NOT know from the third paragraph?

  • Vincent had company during the last moments of his life.
  • Vincent spent his twilight years with his brother.
  • Vincent finally decided to take his own life.
  • Vincent's impact on contemporary art was prominent.

Which of the following could best describe the tone of this passage?

  • Sarcastic
  • Objective
  • Argumentative
  • Pessimistic

Linda: “Which gender is most likely to ask strangers for directions?”

Jean: “_____”

  • Men sometimes ask strangers for directions as well.
  • Women are because their sense of space and directions is worse.
  • Both men and women can use GPS these days.
  • GPS is very useful to help car drives.

Mary: “Why are there generally so few women in top positions?”

Peter: “_____”

  • Top positions are the highest in career ladder.
  • Top positions are hard to climb to.
  • I guess men tend to make better leaders.
  • Women also want to climb to top positions.

Choose the correct response.

Ngoc Minh: “What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday?”

Yoko: “_____”

  • Going away on holiday is getting more and more popular.
  • Ecotourism brings a number of benefits to the local people.
  • It is always expensive if people go to a place of tourist attractions.
  • We may broaden our horizons and experience new cultures.

- “My life’s got stuck these days. I am so depressed and unable to think of anything.”

- “_____”

  • You will be tired.
  • Stay stuck there.
  • Stay calm. Everything will be alright.
  • No, thanks.

A: “Thanks for giving me a ride to work today.”

B: “_____. I was heading this direction anyway.”

  • You don’t need to
  • Yes, thanks
  • No worries
  • I’d love to

Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation.

a. No, I’ll just talk to him later. He and his supervisor are in a meeting with a customer.
b. I want to send this package to Janet Barton. Do you have her address by any chance?
c. Okay. You’re sending Janet this year’s sales record, right?
d. No, but Tim has a list of all our consultants’ addresses. Should I call him for you?

  • c-d-a-b
  • b-d-a-c
  • b-a-c-d
  • c-d-b-a

Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation.

a. Great, I can’t wait until I have my own vacation.

b. It’s great to be home!

c. It has its surprises, but I loved the parties.

d. Let’s plan for one next month.

e. Did you have a nice trip?

  • e-b-a-c-d
  • b-e-c-a-d
  • a-d-e-b-c
  • e-c-b-d-a

Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation.

a. I think you look great in the blue one. 

b. Lucy, long time no see. You look great.

c. You always did have a good taste.

d. What a coincidence! I haven’t seen you for ages, Meghan.

e. I just got a new job. And I’m looking for new dresses.

  • b-e-d-a-c
  • d-b-a-e-c
  • b-d-a-c-e
  • d-b-e-a-c

Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation.

a. But I’ll get home late tonight.

b. How about ordering something home?

c. My body is aching. I don’t want to cook.

d. Pizza would be perfect.

e. Someone should prepare dinner for the kids.

f. What’s for dinner tonight, darling?

  • f-c-a-e-b-d
  • c-f-e-a-b-d
  • e-f-d-a-c-b
  • b-f-d-c-a-e

Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation.

a. I feel like my toes are starting to go numb.

b. It’s freezing outside!

c. I guess the wind chill is really driving down the temperature.

d. What happened to the weather report?

e. Well, never trust the weather forecast again.

f. Yeah, this cold front was supposed to pass.

  • e-b-a-c-f-d
  • c-b-d-e-a-f
  • b-d-f-c-a-e
  • d-f-b-a-c-e
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to this one.

It's my shout this time! Waitress!

  • I will shout at the waitress.
  • I will pay for the drinks.
  • I have to call the waitress loudly.
  • The waitress does not seem to hear me well.

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to this sentence.

To let Harold join our new project was silly as he knows little about our company.

  • We shouldn’t have allowed Harold to join our new project as he doesn’t know much about our company.
  • Harold must have known so little about our company that he wasn’t let to join our new project.
  • We would have joined the new project with Harold provided that he knew much about our company.
  • Harold couldn’t have joined our new project with such poor knowledge about our company.
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to this one.

I know I can convince Dave that I'm right about that matter.

  • I know I can bring Dave up to my way of thinking on this matter.
  • I know I can get Dave round my way of thinking on that matter.
  • I know I can bring Dave round to my way of thinking on this matter.
  • I know I can bring Dave around my way of thinking on this matter.

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to this one.

My impression of him was that he was a very capable person.

  • He struck me when I was impressed by his capability.
  • It struck me as an impression that he was a very capable person.
  • He struck me as being a very capable person.
  • I struck him with the impression that he was very capable.

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to this one.

Realizing the environmental impact of the fashion industry, some bloggers, vloggers, and influencers are now entering the 'no-buy' movement.

  • It is a new trend that some bloggers, vloggers and influencers now refuse to buy new stuff regardless of the environment impact of the fashion industry.
  • Instead of using the things they have already owned, some bloggers, vloggers, and influencers make a commitment to buy new stuff because of the environment impact of the fashion industry.
  • With the fashion industry's environmental impact under consideration, there's a move to avoid new stuff among some bloggers, vloggers, and influencers.
  • Some bloggers, vloggers and influencers, taking fashion industry's environmental impact into account, now deny buying new products.

Choose the correct sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following question.

We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping. We know relatively little about sleep.

  • We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, thereby limiting our knowledge of this aspect.
  • Sleep occupies approximately one-third of our lives, yet we have a limited grasp of it.
  • Seeing that we dedicate one-third of our lives to sleep, it's still out of our depth.
  • We have unravelled the mystery of sleep after spending roughly one-third of our lives sleeping.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

He was successful because he was determined to pursue personal goals. He was not talented.

  • In addition to his determination, his talent ensured his success in pursuing his goals.
  • His determination to pursue personal goals made him successful and talented.
  • It was his determination to pursue personal goals, not talent, that contributed to his success.
  • His success lay in his natural ability, not in his determination to pursue personal goals.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

Peter told us about his leaving the school. He did it on his arrival at the meeting.

  • Only after his leaving the school did Peter inform us of his arrival at the meeting.
  • Not until Peter told us that he would leave the school did he arrive at the meeting.
  • Hardly had Peter informed us about his leaving the school when he arrived at the meeting.
  • No sooner had Peter arrived at the meeting than he told us about his leaving the school.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

The government doesn’t raise interest rate. They win the election.

  • Had the government imposed a higher interest rate, their election victory would have been in the bag.
  • Were the government to increase the interest rate, their election victory would slip through their fingers.
  • Not until the government had boosted interest rate did they secure the election win.
  • Only if the government holds the line on interest rates will they win a narrow victory in the election.

Choose the correct sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following question.

He missed the opportunity to study abroad. He didn’t realize the importance of English.

  • He hadn’t realized the importance of English until he missed the opportunity to study abroad.
  • Had he missed the opportunity to study abroad, he wouldn’t have realized the importance of English.
  • It was only after he realized the importance of English that he missed the opportunity to study abroad.
  • Not until he realized the importance of English did he miss the opportunity to study abroad.

Read and choose the correct answers.

Most people work about eight hours a day. They start their jobs in the morning and they finish in the evening. _____ (1) They work the night shift. It is true that working at night has certain advantages and disadvantages. Here I will discuss both sides of the issue.

Many people do not like working at night because they would rather relax or sleep. For this reason, if somebody can work at night, it can be easier to find a job. Working at night is also good because it is a very calm time. Because most people are sleeping, _____ (2) Finally, the salary for working a night shift can be higher than for a day shift. This is also because most people do not want to work late.

_____ (3) For one thing, you cannot sleep at a normal time of the day. When you are working, other people are sleeping. When you are asleep, other people are awake. This kind of situation can make you feel very strange because you are not on the same schedule as other people. _____ (4) This will make it hard for you to go out and buy things you need. When you are awake, the stores are closed. One last reason that working late is not good is the effect on your social life. Again, because you are awake when most people are asleep, it will be hard to meet your friends and family. This can harm your relationships with the people you like the most.

Even though there are some advantages to working late at night, _____ (5) Working a day shift creates a healthy schedule for your body and mind, and it also helps your social life.

Choose the correct answer for (1).

  • But sometimes they do exactly the opposite.
  • As hard as it can be, there is the opposite choice.
  • However, a lot employees choose the opposite way.
  • But some people do things the opposite way.

Choose the correct answer for (2).

  • it's almost impossible to stay awake.
  • there's no reason to work comfortably.
  • you can work in a very peaceful and comfortable way.
  • you'll find it impossible to nod off despite the environment.

Choose the correct answer for (3).

  • You could find no negative points about night working.
  • Working late at night also has some negative points.
  • People who work on the night shift are paid more.
  • Working nights can be tough on your body and mind.

Choose the correct answer for (4).

  • Another disadvantage of working a night shift is that you will probably be sleeping during normal business hours.
  • Nevertheless, working a night shift would significantly restrict your mobility.
  • Last but not least, working a night shift will isolate you from normal daily activities.
  • You may feel so alone and isolated that you will gradually lose the motivation to continue working the night shift.

Choose the correct answer for (5).

  • I believe that it is better to work during the day.
  • I strongly believe that working at night is not an option.
  • there're even more disadvantages to working during the day.
  • it’s eventually up to you to decide which shift to work.

Write an academic essay of about 250 words on the following topic.

Today men and women have children later in their life. What are the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.