Đề thi chính thức vào 10 năm 2020 môn Anh - Sở GD&ĐT Yên Bái

8/31/2020 4:25:00 PM

Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

It’s quite rare to meet teenagers who don’t like sports. When you are young, you know how important it is to physical exercise if you want to be healthy and strong, and for that reason, you often concentrate on just one sport with so much enthusiasm that in the end, you can’t live it. The problem is, though, that as you grow up you have less and less spare time. At your age, you have to study harder you want to get good marks to go to university, with perhaps only one afternoon a week to do any sport. This happens just when you are at the best age for many sports, such as gymnastics and swimming. By the time you finish all your studies you will probably be too old to be really good at sports like those, but if you spend enough time on while you are young, then one day you will find that you are very good at your sport but too old to study, and you will find it to get a good job. Somehow, it doesn’t seem fair.

I _____ Chinese for 7 years.

  • has learned
  • learn
  • have learned
  • am learning

She wore warm clothes _____ get cold.

  • in order not to
  • so as to not
  • so as to
  • in order to

My sister didn’t get the job _____ she couldn’t speak English well enough.

  • so
  • because
  • therefore
  • though

We were thirsty, so I suggested _____ some cold drink.

  • to have
  • have
  • having
  • to having

This blue dress is _____ than the red one.

  • cheaper
  • cheapest
  • cheap
  • the cheapest

I _____ an accident while I was walking home yesterday.

  • see
  • have seen
  • would see
  • saw

I didn’t have enough time _____ my work yesterday.

  • finishing
  • to finishing
  • finish
  • to finish

Vietnam is a tropical country _____ has a lot of beautiful scenery.

  • which
  • who
  • what
  • whom

Bill: What an attractive hairstyle you have got, Susan!

Susan: _____.

  • Thank you for your compliment
  • Thank you very much, I am afraid
  • You are telling a lie
  • I see what you mean

It’s cold today. I wish it _____ so cold because I hate cold weather.

  • is
  • weren’t
  • isn’t
  • were

The _____ of the computer has revolutionized the business world.

  • invent
  • inventive
  • inventing
  • invention

Jack: "It’s a nice day today. Let’s go out for a walk!"

Jill: "_____."

  • It’s very kind of you to say so
  • Nevermind
  • Yes, please
  • That’s a good idea

The students said that they _____ their work the following week.

  • would finish
  • finished
  • will finish
  • finish

She did all the housework _____ because her mother was sick.

  • with herself
  • on her own
  • in mind
  • by heart

Students are encouraged to participate _____ after-school activities.

  • on
  • at
  • about
  • in

People go to a _____ to look at famous works of art.

  • fair
  • theater
  • stadium
  • gallery

The plane will take _____ at 6.30, so you must be there at 6.00.

  • down
  • after
  • up
  • off

It is often hot _____ July, so I can’t sleep well at night.

  • at
  • in
  • on
  • for

He used to _____ video games when he was young.

  • plays
  • playing
  • play
  • played

Today, many medicines _____ from plants. They are good for people’s health.

  • made
  • is made
  • are made
  • make

He cycles to work every day, _____?

  • didn’t he
  • did he
  • does he
  • doesn’t he

Sam: _____ is this toy car?

Shop assistant: It’s fifty thousand dongs.

  • How many
  • How far
  • How often
  • How much

Are you interested _____ the harvest festival?

  • on
  • in
  • about
  • at

If he _____ up smoking, he will be well again soon.

  • gave
  • give
  • gives
  • will give

We are _____ with the same routine day after day.

  • boringly
  • bore
  • boring
  • bored

Read the following passage then choose the best answer to each question.

If we took a look at how people in Europe communicated just one hundred years ago, we would be very surprised to find out that English was hardly used outside the United Kingdom. The language most commonly used between people of different nationalities, and particularly the aristocracy, was French. In fact, French was the language of diplomacy, culture and education. However, that is not the case nowadays. English has replaced French as the international language of communication. Today, there are more people who speak English as a second language than people who speak it as a first language.

There are many reasons why English has become the language of international communication. Britain’s colonization of many parts of the world had something to do with it, but it is mainly due to America’s rise to the position of major world power. This helped spread popular American culture throughout the world bringing the language with it.

But is it good that English has spread to all parts of the world so quickly? Language specialists seem to be divided over this issue. There are those who claim that it is important to have a language that the people in our increasingly globalized world have in common. According to others, English is associated with a particular culture and therefore promotes that culture at the expense of others. Linguists have suggested “Esperanto”, an artificially put-together language, as a solution to international communication problems but without success. So English will continue being the world language until some other language, maybe Chinese, which is the most widely-spoken native language in the world, takes over as the world’s international language instead of English.

What does the word “which” in paragraph 3 refer to?

  • Esperanto
  • English
  • a language
  • Chinese

What is the main reason why English has become the language of international communication?

  • Britain’s becoming an international power
  • America’s becoming powerful
  • The development of British culture
  • The French losing many colonies

What is TRUE according to the passage?

  • Esperanto is difficult to learn.
  • Esperanto is not a natural language.
  • The linguists don’t like Esperanto.
  • Esperanto is becoming more and more popular.

What would be a good title for this passage?

  • English language means English culture
  • English - a difficult language to learn
  • English as an international language
  • English in the future

According to the passage, what was the most commonly used language a century ago?

  • Chinese
  • French
  • English
  • Esperanto
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
  • which
  • when
  • who
  • what
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
  • attended
  • expected
  • appeared
  • affected
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
  • control
  • complain
  • centre
  • complete
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
  • candle
  • cancel
  • passage
  • nation

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • tools
  • bags
  • trees
  • bats

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

They developed a vaccine to cope with the flu epidemic.

  • The flu epidemic was developed for them to cope with a vaccine.
  • The flu epidemic developed a vaccine to cope with them.
  • A vaccine was developed to cope with the flu epidemic.
  • The flu epidemic was developed to cope with a vaccine.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

Ho Chi Minh City is the most crowded city in Vietnam.

  • Ho Chi Minh City is not so crowded as all the other cities in Vietnam.
  • Ho Chi Minh City is more crowded than all the other cities in Vietnam.
  • All the other cities in Vietnam are more crowded than Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Ho Chi Minh City is as crowded as all the other cities in Vietnam.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

It’s a pity that we can’t communicate with animals.

  • I wish we will communicate with animals.
  • I wish we can communicate with animals.
  • I wish we could communicate with animals.
  • I wish we had communicated with animals.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

We started learning English 7 years ago.

  • We have learnt English for 7 years.
  • We didn’t learn English 7 years ago.
  • We haven’t learnt English for 7 years.
  • This is the first time we have learnt English after 7 years.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

Steve said to Mike: “Don’t touch the electric wires!”

  • Steve let Mike touch the electric wires.
  • Steve warned Mike not to touch the electric wires.
  • Steve reminded Mike to touch electric wires.
  • Steve allowed Mike to touch the electric wires.

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

She wondered what would she wear at his birthday party the next day.

  • wondered
  • would she wear
  • at
  • the next day

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

She entered the room, turned on the light and begins to read a newspaper.

  • entered
  • on
  • begins
  • to read

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

When she came to my house, I lied in bed and listening to music.

  • came to
  • lied
  • listening
  • to

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

One of the worst diseases mankind has ever faced are cancer.

  • One of
  • worst
  • mankind
  • are

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

All the members of the committee seemed happily about the final decision.

  • All
  • members of
  • happily
  • final decision