Đề thi thử môn Tiếng Anh vào lớp 10 năm 2020 của cô Quỳnh Trang (GV ĐH Ngoại ngữ) số 2

11/20/2019 10:44:00 AM
Cô Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang đã trúng tuyển 9 trường ĐH hàng đầu của Úc, học ĐH Sydney Australia, là thạc sĩ, giảng viên Đại học Ngoại Ngữ, quản lý chuyên môn và đào tạo giáo viên cho nhiều tập đoàn đa quốc gia, tác giả của nhiều đầu sách học tiếng Anh. Muốn học offline với cô Quỳnh Trang, đăng kí tại https://forms.gle/GyCrUGWqgTw255zbA

Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Television now plays such an role in so many people’s life that it is essential for us to decide whether it is good or .

First of all, television is not only a convenient source entertainment but also a rather cheap one. For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home than to go out. There is no transport to arrange. They don’t have to pay for seats at the theatre or in the cinema. All they have to do is to press a , and they can see plays and films of every kind, not to mention political discussion and the latest exciting football matches. Some people, however, say that this is just where the danger is. The TV viewer needs to do nothing. He doesn’t use his legs.

There are many people _____ lives have been spoiled by that factory.

  • whose
  • who
  • that
  • which

A computer is a _____ typewriter which allows you to type and print any kind of document – letters, memos or requests for leave.

  • magical
  • magician
  • magic
  • magically

The villagers had to work hard in the fields all day and could _____ make ends meet.

  • easy
  • hard
  • harder
  • hardly

Marie Curie was born in Warsaw ______ November 7th, 1867.

  • in
  • at
  • by
  • on

His special talent makes him _____ famous in his village.

  • to be
  • Ø
  • being
  • been

You may get _____ if you spend too much time in the sun.

  • a cold
  • sunburnt
  • hardened
  • a cramp

My brother _____ swimming since he was young.

  • was enjoying
  • has enjoyed
  • enjoyed
  • would enjoy

Unfortunately, by the time we _____ to the railway station, the train _____.

  • got / had already left
  • had got / was already leaving
  • got / already left
  • get / will have already left

After each period, we have a _____ break.

  • five-minute
  • fifth-minute
  • five minutes
  • fifth-minutes

The doctor advised me _____.

  • not to smoke
  • not smoking
  • to not smoke
  • smoke not

A well-_____ child often behaves quite differently from one who did not get good schooling.

  • educate
  • education
  • educating
  • educated

Choose the correct answer.
They tried to find a way of bettering their lives.

  • moving
  • improving
  • achieving
  • changing

The villagers hoped that with an _____ of science and technology, their children could find a way of _____ their lives.

  • educational/ bettering
  • educational/ bettered
  • education/ bettering
  • education/ bettered

Finally in 1891, Marie, with very _____ money to live on, went to Paris to realize her dream at the Sorbonne.

  • a little
  • little
  • many
  • few

Choose the correct answer.
We had to cancel the football match because of ____________ .

  • the weather bad
  • the weather was bad
  • the weather is bad
  • the bad weather

After the tragic death of Pierre Curie in 1996, she _____ the position which her husband had obtained at the Sorbonne.

  • took in
  • took off
  • took after
  • took up

Tom _____. Please don’t disturb him.

  • is studying
  • studies
  • has studied
  • was studying

I don’t remember _____ of the decision to change the company policy on vacations.

  • telling
  • being told
  • to be told
  • to tell

Mike: "Have a nice weekend!"

Ian: "_____."

  • Will you?
  • So do I
  • The same to you
  • You are the same

Although he coughed badly, he _____ no effort to stop smoking.

  • had
  • made
  • took
  • did

“How many people are there in your family?” - The interviewer asked me _____.

  • how many people were there in my family?
  • how many people were there in your family.
  • how many people there were in my family.
  • how many people there were in your family.

The people _____ were injured in the accident were taken to hospital.

  • which
  • who
  • whose
  • whom

Jack _____ me that he was enjoying his new training course.

  • said
  • spoke
  • talked
  • told

Trees will grow _____ there is enough water.

  • as long as
  • otherwise
  • unless
  • since

Newspapers and magazines present information _____.

  • orally
  • aurally
  • visually
  • verbally

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

I know you are too busy to stay, but I look forward to see you again.

  • too busy
  • to stay
  • look forward
  • to see

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

It’s high time you begin to study seriously.

  • It’s
  • begin
  • to study
  • seriously

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

I was said that my grandparents would visit me the next day.

  • the next day
  • would
  • me
  • was said

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

The rich has just raised a fund for the disabled children in the neighborhood.

  • has
  • raised
  • for
  • in

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

The children returned to the village and bringing new farming methods with them.

  • returned
  • with them
  • bringing
  • farming

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • flight
  • multiply
  • printer
  • scenic

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • scent

  • scare

  • scarf

  • scope

Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation.

  • destination
  • altitude
  • visual
  • wildlife

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • hurtful
  • nurse
  • survive
  • furniture

Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation.

  • sound
  • around
  • mountain
  • could