Cambridge KET Test 44 - Reading & Writing

8/12/2021 8:52:55 AM

Choose the correct answer that goes with this text.

  • Nancy has lost her homework diary.
  • Nancy needs help with some difficult homework.
  • Nancy forgot to make a note of what she needs to do.

Choose the correct answer that goes with this text.

  • Money from the competition will be used to repair Mill School.
  • Everyone has to pay £2.00 to take part in the competition.
  • The first runner will win £10.00 as a prize.

Choose the correct answer that goes with this text.

  • Kate's mum wants her to make dinner.
  • Kate's mum will be home in time to make dinner.
  • Kate's mum wants her to put dinner in the oven.

Chloe wrote this message because _____

  • she wants to borrow money to buy a present.
  • she needs ideas about what present to buy.
  • she wants to share the cost of a present.

Choose the correct answer that goes with this text.

  • After 5 p.m. bananas will be more expensive.
  • You can only buy bananas today.
  • Before 5 p.m. there is no special offer.

Choose the correct answer that goes with this text.

  • The park closes on Saturday and Sunday.
  • The park will be open again at the weekend.
  • The park is closed after next weekend.

Read the article. Then answer the questions.

Young people's holiday activities

A. Sarah

Sarah likes holidays by the sea where she can rest all day. She doesn't like doing sports or going sightseeing. She likes to go to bed early in the evening and wake up late in the morning. When she wakes up, she goes to the beach and stays there all day, until about 5 p.m. She usually travels with her friends, so she spends most of her day talking to them. At lunchtime, she only has a sandwich and some orange juice. In the evening, she goes back to her hotel to have a shower and change clothes. She then goes into town with her friends where they have supper at a local or a fast-food restaurant.

B. Jane

Jane loves going on holiday to places which have a lot of old buildings. Before each journey, she always likes to buy a guidebook, so she knows where she can go and what things to see. She especially likes looking around old castles and learning about how people lived hundreds of years ago. Jane also likes to look around different museums. To eat a meal, she will always go to restaurants which cook local food. She hates eating burgers and other unhealthy snacks.

C. Gemma 

Gemma is a great fan of dangerous sports. Every time she goes on holiday, she likes doing some very dangerous activities. One of the activities she likes is climbing up the side of a high mountain without any help. She also likes going on a small boat down a very fast and dangerous river. She tries to do a different dangerous activity every day when she's on holiday. She tries to be careful but once she ended her holiday in hospital and was taken home in an ambulance.

Who likes places with a lot of history?
  • Sarah
  • Jane
  • Gemma
Who likes to do things that are not very safe?
  • Sarah
  • Jane
  • Gemma
Who likes to eat a little in the middle of the day?
  • Sarah
  • Jane
  • Gemma
Who doesn't like to eat at fast food restaurants?
  • Sarah
  • Jane
  • Gemma
Who travels with other people on holiday?
  • Sarah
  • Jane
  • Gemma
Who had a problem when she was on holiday?
  • Sarah
  • Jane
  • Gemma
Who likes to sleep a lot on holiday?
  • Sarah
  • Jane
  • Gemma

Read the passage then choose the best answer to each question.

Joe Brown: being a writer

I wrote my first stories when I was about 12, but I really didn't know how good they were. My friends weren't interested, but my teacher sent some of them to a national magazine for children. The magazine didn't want them, but then my mum heard about a competition while she was listening to the radio. So I sent in one of my stories and it won first prize! Then I thought, "I can do this".

During my years at school, I continued writing when I had time. Then when I left school, I went to university. I didn't study writing - I studied French and Spanish. After university, I worked in a bookshop and in a library, but I wanted to write again. I decided to move to France.

At first, I worked as a waiter. I worked every day except Sunday. I wrote my novel on Sundays and in the evenings!

I love writing and I'm never bored. I spend a lot of time alone, but this isn't a problem for me. I've finished my second novel now and I've got ideas for another, but I wanted a break first so I've come home to England for a while.

My parents live in London, I have a brother in Liverpool and my sister lives in a village in the countryside. I'm staying with my parents, but this weekend, we're all going to go to my sister's house to have a family party.

(Adapted from CE Key for School Exam Trainer)

How did Joe know that he was a good writer?
  • He won a competition.
  • His friends liked his stories.
  • He wrote for a magazine.
What did he do when he left school?
  • He wrote more stories.
  • He studied languages.
  • He traveled to France and Spain.

When he was a waiter, Joe worked _____

  • most evenings.
  • six days a week.
  • every day.
What is Joe doing now?
  • He's writing his next novel.
  • He's having some time off.
  • He's traveling around England.

Joe is going to meet his family in _____

  • a village.
  • Liverpool.
  • London.

Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Acting since childhood

The actor Dakota Fanning started her acting career at the early age of five. As a child, she starred in major films War of the Worlds, Charlotte's Web, The Cat in the Hat, Hound Dog, and as a teenager in the extremely popular Twilight series. She is different from many actors who started acting as children because she continued her success. people often wonder what life is like for child actors away from the big screen and the lights. Perhaps it would surprise you to learn that Dakota was a regular teenager. She was a member of the girl scouts and learned speak French. She loved films and even collected dolls. She liked to knit and could also play violin. And her dream was always to be an actor. She doesn't sound much different from most children, does she?

For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE word for each gap.

Hi Sylvia, 

I'm glad to hear (0) that you like your new school in Paris. What's it like? Is it bigger your old school here in Bristol? It must be hard to listen to everyone speak French all the time, but I'm sure it will get easier a few months. 

your new classmates friendly? What about the teachers? Do they give you a of homework? Send some pictures, please! 

Well, I to go now.

Write soon!


You want to meet your English friend, Jane, for lunch this weekend.

Write an email to Jane. In your email,

  • suggest meeting for lunch this weekend
  • say when you would like to have lunch
  • say where you would like to have lunch.

Write 25 words or more.

Look at three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures. Write 35 words or more.