Level L Reading Assessment - Peanut Butter: An American Favorite

5/28/2019 10:56:36 PM
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Peanut Butter: An American Favorite
People have eaten peanuts for thousands of years. Peanuts first grew in South America. People started growing them in the United States around 1818.
Over the years, many people ground peanuts to make them easy to eat. Dr. John Kellogg made a recipe for peanut butter around 1890. He wanted people to eat peanut butter instead of meat.
In the 1900s, people built machines to make large amounts of peanut butter. They also mixed in oil to make peanut butter easier to spread.
Americans love peanut butter. Some like smooth peanut butter best, and others like chunky best.
Overall, Americans eat more than a million pounds of peanut butter every year!

Which of the following details best supports the idea that Americans love peanut butter?

  • People started growing peanuts in the United States around 1818.
  • People have eaten peanuts for thousands of years.
  • In the 1900s, people built machines to make large amounts of peanut butter.
  • Americans eat more than a million pounds of peanut butter every year.

What solution did people come up with to make large amounts of peanut butter?

  • People stopped eating meat.
  • People made chunky peanut butter.
  • People grew more peanuts in South America.
  • People built machines to make the peanut butter.

Which event happened first?

  • People made machines to make peanut butter.
  • Dr. John Kellogg made a recipe for peanut butter.
  • People grew peanuts in the United States.
  • Peanuts grew in South America.

Read the example sentence: Over the years, many people ground peanuts to make them easy to eat. What does the word ground mean in this sentence?

  • bagged or boxed
  • sold or traded
  • pressed or mashed
  • mixed or sorted

What did people do to make peanut butter easier to spread?

  • They added oil.
  • They built machines.
  • They ground peanuts.
  • They invented special knives.