Đề thi thử vào 6 môn tiếng Anh trường THCS Marie Curie năm 2024 - Lần 1 (có giải thích đáp án chi tiết cho tài khoản FREE)

3/1/2015 6:00:00 AM

Đề thi thử vào 6 môn tiếng Anh trường THCS Marie Curie được biên soạn theo cấu trúc đề thi của trường, giúp học sinh đánh giá năng lực và chuẩn bị kiến thức cho kỳ thi năm 2024-2025.

Học sinh chưa mua gói Luyện đề 3 môn vào 6 Đoàn Thị Điểm, Marie Curie vẫn xem được giải thích đáp án chi tiết.

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • depend
  • prepare
  • predict
  • forecast

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • scissors
  • object
  • wardrobe
  • transmit

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • summary
  • convenient
  • relation
  • eliminate

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • footprint
  • textbook
  • display
  • basement

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • donate
  • distance
  • pumpkin
  • vehicle

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • lighthouse

  • continue

  • website

  • combine

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • chubby

  • function

  • successful

  • customer

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • attach

  • chemistry

  • architect

  • stomach

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • humid

  • honour

  • hamster

  • hippo

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • wasteful

  • dangerous

  • ancient

  • natural

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence.

most / of / successful / "Spirited away" / cartoon / the / Ghibli Studio. / is

  • "Spirited away" is the successful most cartoon of Ghibli Studio.
  • "Spirited away" is most successful cartoon of the Ghibli Studio.
  • "Spirited away" is the most successful cartoon of Ghibli Studio.
  • "Spirited away" is successful cartoon the most of Ghibli Studio.

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence.

my opinion, / not / In / beautiful / daisies. / roses / as / so / are 

  • In my opinion, roses are so beautiful not as daisies.
  • In my opinion, roses are so not beautiful as daisies.
  • In my opinion, roses are not as beautiful so daisies.
  • In my opinion, roses are not so beautiful as daisies.

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence.

much / cars. / Travelling / safer / is / than / travelling / by / by / planes

  • Travelling by planes is much than safer travelling by cars.
  • Travelling by planes is safer much than travelling by cars.
  • Travelling by planes is much safer than travelling by cars.
  • Travelling by planes much safer than is travelling by cars.

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence.

spite / are / different hobbies, / of / we / In / still / good friends. / the 

  • In spite of the different hobbies, we are still good friends.
  • In spite the different hobbies, we are still of good friends.
  • In spite of the different hobbies, we still are good friends.
  • In the spite of still different hobbies, we are good friends.

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence.

took / 4 hours / It / to / last Sunday. / grandparents' house / me / my / to go 

  • It took me 4 hours to go my grandparents' house to last Sunday.
  • It took me 4 hours to my grandparents' house to go last Sunday.
  • It took me 4 hours to go to my grandparents' house last Sunday.
  • It took 4 hours to me to go my grandparents' house last Sunday.

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence.

today. / is / This coat / enough / not / for / warm / me / to wear 

  • This coat is not enough warm for me to wear today.
  • This coat is not warm enough for me to wear today.
  • This coat is warm not enough for me to wear today.
  • This coat is enough warm not for me to wear today.

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence.

James / hard, / If / he / will / get / in / study / low marks / doesn't / every exam. 

  • If James study hard, he doesn't will get low marks in every exam.
  • If James will study hard, he doesn't get low marks in every exam.
  • If James doesn't study hard, he will get low marks in every exam.
  • If James doesn't study hard, he will get in low marks every exam.

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence.

far / it / is / your / the / How / house / to / from / amusement park?

  • How is far it from your house to the amusement park?
  • How far it is from your house to the amusement park?
  • How far is your house from it to the amusement park?
  • How far is it from your house to the amusement park?

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence. 

suggests / tonight. / dinner / having / Amelia restaurant / at / My sister 

  • My sister having dinner suggests at Amelia restaurant tonight.
  • My sister suggests having dinner Amelia restaurant at tonight.
  • My sister suggests having dinner at Amelia restaurant tonight.
  • My sister suggests dinner having at Amelia restaurant tonight.

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence.

used / Mary / ballet / her aunt. / she / to / in Canada / learn / with / when / lived

  • Mary learn ballet when she used to lived in Canada with her aunt.
  • Mary used ballet learn to when she lived in Canada with her aunt.
  • Mary learn to used ballet when she lived in Canada with her aunt.
  • Mary used to learn ballet when she lived in Canada with her aunt.

Their family hasn’t visited their hometown _____ two years.

  • in
  • on
  • since
  • for

Mrs. Ngoc speaks Spanish _____ among the teachers I have known.

  • fluent
  • the most fluent
  • the most fluently
  • more fluently

My father is fond _____ watching football matches on TV.

  • to
  • from
  • of
  • on

Mark _____ a letter to his pen pal when we visited him this morning.

  • is writing
  • writes
  • will write
  • was writing

Since we have to be there by 8:30, we _____ take a taxi instead of bus.

  • had better
  • may
  • ought
  • are able to

If the weather _____ worse, we won’t go to the beach.

  • will get
  • would get
  • got
  • gets

At this time next month, Manuel _____ his uncle's farm in Italy. 

  • will visit
  • is visiting
  • will be visiting
  • visited

John felt very happy as his father bought him _____ toys after his business trip. 

  • much
  • few
  • many
  • a little

Nick's bicycle is _____ my bicycle, so I can ride his bicycle. 

  • the tallest
  • so tall as
  • as tall as
  • taller

_____ Lucy practices, the better her performance becomes.

  • The most frequently
  • The more frequently
  • The frequently
  • More frequently

Have you ever _____ to play a musical instrument? 

  • learned
  • learn
  • to learn
  • learning

If I were a millionaire, I _____ a school for poor children.

  • build
  • will build
  • can build
  • would build

On my way to school yesterday, I _____ an old friend.

  • met
  • meet
  • have met
  • was meeting

She received _____ beautiful birthday card with a lovely message from her best friend.

  • a
  • an
  • the
  • no article

I _____ a lot of cartoons about space exploration recently.

  • was watching
  • watch
  • watched
  • have watched

Anna wants to go shopping. She has _____ to wear to the party tonight. 

  • something
  • nothing
  • anything
  • anybody

My father _____ a flight to New York to attend a conference next month.

  • will take
  • takes
  • has taken
  • took

Alex is a member of the school's dance club, _____?

  • doesn't he
  • isn't he
  • is he
  • does he

Mike _____ by his mother for coming home late yesterday.

  • was punished
  • are punished
  • is punished
  • were punished

She _____ her younger brother with his homework every day.

  • will help
  • helps
  • was helping
  • is helping

The _____ bicycle my father bought me was stolen yesterday.

  • green new Italian
  • Italian new green
  • new green Italian
  • new Italian green

She detests _____ the bus because it's always so crowded.

  • to taking
  • to take
  • take
  • taking

Alex is _____ than his sister. 

  • more intelligent
  • most intelligent
  • as intelligent
  • the intelligent

My grandparents _____ married in the year 1960.

  • gets
  • got
  • getting
  • get

Drivers _____ use phones while driving to ensure safety.

  • mightn't
  • mustn't
  • oughtn't
  • needn't

She asked me if I _____ a piano class the following day.

  • take
  • will take
  • took
  • would take

We planned to have a trip to Los Angeles _____ August, 2020.

  • in
  • to
  • from
  • on

I feel like _____ some chocolate ice cream after having dinner. 

  • to eating
  • to eat
  • eat
  • eating
I am so angry that I _____ want to see him again.
  • never
  • seldom
  • usually
  • occasionally

I played with _____ dog in the backyard last night.

  • my
  • mine
  • me
  • I

At 7 a.m. tomorrow, I _____ a cooking class with my best friend.  

  • am attending
  • will be attending
  • attended
  • will attend

The Barbie doll _____ is displayed at the toy store looks so beautiful.

  • why
  • who
  • which
  • whose

She made a delicious omelet with a _____ of cheese inside.

  • carton
  • slice
  • bar
  • pack

My father asked us _____ too much time playing computer games.

  • spending
  • spend
  • to not spend
  • not to spend

What word can be removed from this sentence without changing its meaning?

This is the first time I have ever tried rock climbing, and it was quite challenging.

  • the
  • ever
  • was
  • challenging

Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question below.

The Secrets of Sleep 

Research by the National Sleep Foundation in Washington says that we all need eight hours sleep every night. Scientists have found that people who sleep for less than six and a half hours a night are more often ill than people who sleep for eight hours. Going without sleep also increases the chance of serious illness. People who sleep for less than five hours often die young, and do less well at work.

The scientists found that, on average, adults sleep for seven hours a night, with thirty-two percent sleeping less than six hours. It also says that the idea that we need less sleep as we get older is completely untrue. “People have no idea how important sleep is to their lives," Dr Thomas Roth, director of the Foundation says. “Good health needs good sleep."

“But not too much of it,” says Professor Jim Horne of Loughborough University. “Sleep is like food and drink” he believes: “you would always like to have a little bit more, but that doesn't mean you need it." Professor Horne studied a group of people who could spend as many hours as they wanted in bed; after ten hours they didn't find it any easier to get up in the morning. And people who sleep for more than nine hours a night die younger than people who usually sleep for seven or eight!

(Adapted from "New Cutting Edge, Pre-intermediate” by Cunningham, Moor, Carr) 

According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

  • People that do not sleep enough may get sick.
  • Everybody needs less sleep when they get older.
  • People who sleep for ten hours each night are healthy.
  • Everybody knows how important sleep is to their lives.

What does the word "serious" in paragraph 1 mean?

  • Bad or dangerous
  • Important and valuable
  • Unimportant or unnecessary
  • Unique and impressive

According to the scientists, how long do most adults sleep on average?

  • For no more than six hours a night
  • For less than six and a half hours a night
  • For seven hours a night
  • For more than nine hours a night

What does the Professor Horne compare sleep to?

  • Food and medicine
  • Medicine
  • Food and drink
  • Oxygen

What can happen to people who sleep more than 9 hours a night?

  • They often suffer from diseases.
  • They have shorter lifespan.
  • They have better health.
  • They have better sleep quality.