Đề thi vào 6 chính thức môn tiếng Anh trường THCS Marie Curie năm 2022-2023 (có giải thích đáp án cho tài khoản FREE)

8/3/2023 4:50:05 PM

ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO LỚP 6 Trường THCS Marie Curie năm học 2022-2023, kỳ thi được nhà trường tổ chức vào ngày 05/06/2022.

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • greenhouse
  • compass
  • surround
  • classmate

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • boarding
  • judo
  • replace
  • pocket

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • newspaper
  • engineer
  • television
  • pencil

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • pleasant
  • repeat
  • idea
  • today

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • lampshade
  • bookworm
  • postcard
  • rewind

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

  • gorilla

  • parrot

  • worm

  • minor

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

  • wildlife

  • smile

  • biography

  • incredible

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

  • swallow

  • ham

  • panic

  • stand

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

  • character

  • chamber

  • childhood

  • poaching

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

  • hide

  • habitat

  • honest

  • human

Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

vacation/ How/ on/ family/ often/ go/ your/ does/?

  • How does your family go on vacation often?
  • How often does your family go on vacation?
  • How often your family does go on vacation?
  • How your family does often go on vacation?

Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

singing/ I'm/ brother/ not/ good/ as/ my/ at/ as/.

  • I'm not as good at singing as my brother.
  • I'm not as good as singing at my brother.
  • I'm as good at singing as not my brother.
  • I'm not as good as at singing my brother.

Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

some/ like/ Would/ dessert/ you/ more/?

  • Would you some dessert like more?
  • Would you like dessert some more?
  • Would you like more some dessert?
  • Would you like some more dessert?

Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

species/ animal/ today/ endangered/ than/ ten/ ago/ years/ More/ are/.

  • More endangered animal species are today than ten years ago.
  • More animal species are endangered today than ten years ago.
  • More species are endangered today than animal ten years ago.
  • More animal species are endangered ten years ago than today.

Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

cousin/ My/ caves/ likes/ exploring/.

  • My cousin likes exploring caves.
  • My cousin exploring likes caves.
  • My exploring cousin likes caves.
  • My exploring caves likes cousin.

Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

inspiration/ is/ My/ father/ biggest/ my/.

  • My inspiration is my biggest father.
  • My father is my inspiration biggest.
  • My father is my biggest inspiration.
  • My biggest is my inspiration father.

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence.

here / near / any / good / eat / to / places / Are / there /?

  • Are here any good places to eat near there?
  • Are there any good places to eat near here?
  • Are there good places to eat any near here?
  • Are any good places to eat there near here?

Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

a/ toys/ She/ to/ second-hand/ old/ took/ her/ shop/ all/.

  • She took all old toys to her second-hand a shop.
  • She took all her second-hand toys to a old shop.
  • She took all her old toys to a second-hand shop.
  • She all took her old toys to a second-hand shop.

Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

army/ grandfather/ ever/ your/ Was/ in/ the/?

  • Was the grandfather ever in your army?
  • Was your grandfather ever in the army?
  • Was your grandfather in the ever army?
  • Was the army your grandfather ever in?

Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

I/ move/ the/ countryside/ in/ want/ of/ city/ to/ the/ out/ and/ live/.

  • I want to move the city and out of live in the countryside.
  • I want to move in the city and live the countryside out of.
  • I want to live out of the city and move in the countryside.
  • I want to move out of the city and live in the countryside.

We usually go on holiday _____ July.

  • on
  • in
  • at
  • to

_____ to Singapore?

  • Have you ever been
  • Has you ever been
  • Are you ever
  • Do you ever been

- What did Emma do last night?

- She _____ us a huge dinner.

  • cooks
  • will cook
  • cooked
  • had cooked

If I don't get a good mark on my math test, I _____ be allowed to go to the party.

  • aren't
  • won't
  • don't
  • wasn't

Which is _____ for a farmer to plow, a hill or a plain?

  • easily
  • easiest
  • ease
  • easier

My sister _____ really well. I can't wait to see her in the new play.

  • singing
  • sings
  • is sing
  • sang

I saw a photo of my _____ first car. It looked so old!

  • grandfathers
  • grandfathers'
  • grandfather
  • grandfather's

The ice cream man parked the van and waited for _____ customers.

  • he
  • him
  • his
  • its

You _____ arrive at work on time or you may be fired. 

  • must
  • has to
  • mustn't
  • can

The kids _____ in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.

  • are playing
  • played
  • have played
  • were playing

I need _____ smartphone which allows me to check my email and use Facebook.

  • a
  • some
  • a few
  • an

It has been the _____ drought in the country's history.

  • most bad
  • baddest
  • worse
  • worst

The team _____ with Microsoft's research division for a year to improve the technology.

  • worked
  • has been worked
  • has been working
  • has working

I could hear _____ crying in the next room.

  • anyone
  • someone
  • no one
  • everyone

Has Susan ever _____ a cowboy hat?

  • weared
  • wore
  • woren
  • worn

The people of _____ Philippines have voted to elect a new president.

  • a
  • one
  • the
  • an

The town center today is _____ usual.

  • not as crowded as
  • as crowded as not
  • more crowded as
  • not crowded than

Andrea lives next door so we _____ see her every morning.

  • never
  • often
  • rarely
  • sometimes

I hate being alone in the house. It _____ nervous.

  • make them
  • make me
  • makes us
  • makes me

I didn't know _____ about computers till I started this project.

  • nothing
  • everything
  • anything
  • something

If I could live in any time period, I _____ the Middle Ages.

  • would choose
  • chose
  • used to choose
  • have chosen

Emma _____ in seven different countries, so she knows a lot about different cultures.

  • lives
  • lived
  • has lived
  • have lived

I _____ an elephant to my brother, but he drew a dog!

  • described
  • describing
  • will describe
  • be describing

I _____ your book all day. It's very interesting, but I'm only on chapter 2.

  • has read
  • has been reading
  • have been reading
  • am reading

My sister and I _____ the museum downtown this time tomorrow.

  • are visiting
  • were visiting
  • have been visiting
  • will be visiting

You like this film we're watching, _____?

  • do you
  • aren't you
  • aren't we
  • don't you

They took her to the hospital immediately. That spider _____ poisonous.

  • must have been
  • should have been
  • might be
  • must be

My friend _____ I have been waiting for since this morning hasn't arrived.

  • which
  • where
  • whom
  • whose

I don't spend a lot of time _____ computer games.

  • play
  • playing
  • to play
  • to playing

'Are you coming to the party?', Maria asked.

Maria asked Izzie if _____.

  • she came to the party
  • she will come to the party
  • she is coming to the party
  • she was coming to the party

Mr. Pike asked his students _____ their hair every month.

  • cutting
  • to cut
  • cut
  • to cutting

_____ I work, _____ time I spend with my family.

  • The more/ the less
  • The less/ more
  • The less/ the less
  • The more/ the more

English _____ as a second language in many countries.

  • has taught
  • is teaching
  • is taught
  • are taught

By eight o'clock tomorrow, I _____ off for Japan.

  • will take
  • will have taken
  • have taken
  • will be taken

What word can be removed from this sentence without changing its meaning?

The Wimbledon men's final was the best game of tennis that I've ever seen.

  • final
  • the
  • of
  • that

Read the text and choose the best answer to each question below.

A very clever family

The Smiths are possibly the cleverest family in the country, and now the youngest member, ten-year-old Charlotte, has won a national spelling competition to add to the family's successes. Charlotte is the youngest ever winner of the National Young Spelling Bee Competition - the youngest winner before her was her older sister, Helen, who won it when she was eleven. Charlotte and Helen's older brother, Mark, is also very clever. He finished school early and went to university at the age of fifteen, three years before most young people start their university studies. The children's parents, Charles and Vivien, are both teachers and say their children's success comes from working hard, playing hard, and following strict rules about homework and bedtimes. 'Other people think that Charles and I don't let the children have any time to relax and play and that we're always making them do their homework. But it's not true!" says Vivien. 'We have lots of fun time in the family. But there's a time for fun and there's a time for work, and we make sure the children understand that work comes before play.' When Charlotte took part in the spelling competition, the whole family, including her grandparents, went to watch her. Helen took off a day from school - the first day in her life that she missed going to school. 'I felt bad about missing school,' Helen said, 'but I think it was important to Charlotte that I was there.

Charlotte won the spelling competition _____.

  • after her sister
  • when she was eleven
  • when she was older than Helen
  • before her sister

Most people _____.

  • go to university early
  • are like Mark when they go to university
  • don't study at university
  • start university at the age of eighteen

Charles and Vivien help their children by _____.

  • letting them relax and play any time they want
  • making them do their homework before they relax
  • not letting them have any time to relax and play
  • making them relax before they do their homework

When Charlotte won the competition, _____.

  • Helen missed it because she was at school
  • all the family was there, but not her grandparents
  • her brother, sister, parents, and grandparents were watching
  • the rest of her family were working

Helen said that _____.

  • Charlotte wanted her to be at the competition
  • Charlotte missed school for the competition
  • Charlotte thought competitions were more important than school
  • She enjoyed missing school