Đề thi chính thức vào 10 năm 2021 môn Anh - Sở GD&ĐT Bắc Ninh

9/22/2021 2:35:11 PM

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Luckily, Susan got over her operation very quickly.

  • paid for
  • looked at
  • got up
  • recovered from

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

The professor tried to stimulate interest in archaeology by taking his students on expeditions.

  • diminish
  • encourage
  • simulate
  • fake
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
  • erupted

  • appeared

  • received

  • destroyed

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
  • primary

  • invite

  • river

  • shrine

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
  • surface
  • dentist
  • factor
  • describe
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
  • practical
  • dominate
  • universe
  • tomato

- "Mum. I've got 600 on the TOEFL test."

- "_____"

  • Oh, hard luck!
  • You are right.
  • Good way!
  • Good job!

- "Would you like to join our volunteer team this summer?"

- "_____"

  • Yes, it is.
  • Yes, I do too.
  • Yes, I'd love to.
  • I'm very happy.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

She is the woman. I met her last week.

  • She is the woman whose I met last week.
  • She is the woman to who I met last week.
  • She is the woman which I met last week.
  • She is the woman whom I met last week.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

Cars cause pollution. However, people still want them.

  • Cars cause pollution, so people still want them.
  • Although cars cause pollution, people still want them.
  • In spite of cars cause pollution, people still want them.
  • Because cars cause pollution, people still want them.

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

We have no idea who talking to when we have problems.

  • no idea
  • talking
  • when
  • problems

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

John's father made him repeated the poem many times.

  • father
  • repeated
  • poem
  • times

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

They suggested that we must book a hotel by the Perfume River.

  • suggest
  • must
  • a
  • by

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

We have been cooking for the party for four hours.

  • We started cooking for the party four hours ago.
  • We cook four hours for the party.
  • We didn't start cooking for the party for four hours.
  • Cooking for the party will be done in four hours.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

"Remember to write to your aunt," I said to Miss Linh.

  • I said to Miss Linh to remember to write to her.
  • I said to Miss Linh remember to write to her aunt.
  • I reminded Miss Linh to write to her aunt.
  • I told Miss Linh remember to write to her aunt.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.

  • It was believed that 13 is an unlucky number.
  • It is believed that 13 is an unlucky number.
  • 13 is believed that as an unlucky number.
  • 13 is believed to have been an unlucky number.

Read the passage and choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks.

Until he was ten, young Alexander Fleming attended the nearby Loudoun Moor School. He was then transferred to Darvel School, he attended with his brothers. Alexander learned a good deal about nature during that four-mile downhill hike to school and the four-mile uphill return . He was a quick student and at twelve, the age limit prescribed for Darvel School, he was sent to Kilmarnock Academy. Two years , he joined his brothers, John and Robert, at the home of his elder brother Thomas, who was to become a successful oculist in London. , Alexander was forced to leave school for economic reasons. When he was sixteen, he obtained a job in a shipping company. Good fortune, however, was on his side and on the side of humanity. In 1901, he a share in a legacy which made it possible for him to return to school where he decided to study medicine.

Read the following passage then choose the best answer to each question below.

Fathers used to act as the "breadwinner" of their family, and as the teacher of moral and religious values. Today, however, those roles are gradually changing.

More and more women are going out to work and earn money. This increases the budget of the family. Apart from that, there are various social welfare programmes which financially assist mothers in supporting their children. Both these changes have greatly impacted the role of fathers because they make paternal financial support less essential for many families.

With the burden of financial support reduced, and with a changing concept of a father's role, modern fathers tend to be more involved in children's caregiving. They are now spending more time and energy on their children.

Psychological research across families from all ethnic backgrounds suggests that the influence of a father's love and attention is as great as that of a mother's. Fatherly love helps children develop a sense of their place in the world, which helps their social and emotional development. Moreover, children who receive more love from their fathers are less likely to have behavioural problems.

This trend is still increasing and its effects will become clearer and clearer in the future, especially in traditionally male-dominated societies.

The word "who" in paragraph 4 refers to _____.
  • mothers
  • development
  • children
  • fathers
Which of these is NOT the traditional role of a father?
  • religious educator
  • financial supporter
  • teacher of moral values
  • caregiver
Children who get more fatherly love will _____ behavioral problems.
  • have fewer
  • have more
  • have a lot of
  • never have any
Social welfare programmes _____.
  • help mothers with domestic abuse
  • support families financially
  • train caregivers
  • educate fathers about their responsibilities

The influence of a mother's love is _____ that of the father's.

  • as important as
  • more important than
  • much greater than
  • less important than

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

After several weeks of not being able to sell the house, the owner reduced the price by 10,000 dollars.

  • increased
  • expanded
  • purchased
  • divided

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

The plane landed safely.

  • took up
  • took off
  • touched down
  • took over
Ho Chi Minh City has been divided into twenty-four _____ divisions since December 2003.
  • administrative
  • administrator
  • administer
  • administration
Trains stop here in order to _____ passengers only.
  • got on
  • pick up
  • get off
  • pull in
My cousin will spend at Ieast one year working abroad _____ he can find out how things operate overseas.
  • because
  • so that
  • as long as
  • as so
I wish I _____ English as well as a native speaker.
  • will speak
  • can speak
  • spoke
  • am speaking
The weather is _____ this week than it was last week.
  • more good
  • much better
  • gooder
  • too better

We joined the same club in college two years ago and _____ good friends ever since.

  • had been
  • were
  • have been
  • are

If she _____ sick, she would have gone to the party with me.

  • wasn't
  • hadn't been
  • weren't
  • hasn't been

The Statue of Liberty in New York is a monument which _____ millions of visitors every year.

  • pulls
  • interests
  • attracts
  • collects

Alex _____ out because the door is locked outside.

  • can't be
  • mustn't be
  • be
  • must be

You have cleaned your bike, _____?

  • don't you
  • haven't you
  • have you
  • do you

My mother has bought a _____ bag.

  • new black Japanese
  • black Japanese new
  • new Japanese black
  • Japanese new black

He's a professional singer. With his beautiful voice, he could _____.

  • do a nine-to-five job
  • burn the midnight oil
  • make a bundle
  • take into account