Đề thi chính thức vào 10 năm 2019 môn Anh - Sở GD&ĐT Thừa Thiên Huế

9/10/2019 10:03:00 AM

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed quickly.

  • leisurely
  • shortly
  • weakly
  • slowly

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Nobody, nowadays, can deny the benefits of the Internet in our life.

  • interests
  • profits
  • advantages
  • disadvantages

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

I just want to stay at home and watch TV and take it easy.

  • sit down
  • eat
  • work
  • relax

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Although he can speak Vietnamese fluently, his first language is French.

  • foreign language
  • second language
  • mother tongue
  • civil tongue

Choose the sentence that is DIFFERENT in meaning to the sentence given.

People are not allowed to smoke in this room.

  • People don’t have to smoke in this room.
  • Smoking in this room is strictly forbidden.
  • People mustn’t smoke in this room.
  • Smoking in this room is not allowed.

Choose the sentence that is DIFFERENT in meaning to the sentence given.

That man used to work with me in Moscow.

  • That man often worked with me in Moscow.
  • That man no longer works with me in Moscow.
  • I am now working with that man in Moscow.
  • That’s the man I used to work in Moscow.

Choose the sentence that is DIFFERENT in meaning to the sentence given.

Although he lives far away from the office, he cycles to work.

  • He doesn’t live near the office, but he cycles to work.
  • He goes to work by bike in spite of living far away from the office.
  • Living far away from the office makes him cycle to work.
  • He cycles to work despite the fact that he doesn’t live near the office.

Choose the sentence that is DIFFERENT in meaning to the sentence given.

Let’s buy a kilo of meat for dinner.

  • I suggest buying a kilo of meat for dinner.
  • Why didn’t you buy a kilo of meat for dinner?
  • Why don’t we buy a kilo of meat for dinner?
  • How about buying a kilo of meat for dinner?

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • understand
  • pesticide
  • minimize
  • evidence

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • arrive
  • visit
  • receive
  • prefer

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • relaxation
  • environment
  • entertainment
  • concentration

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.


Do you like honey? Honey is a natural product, and it is made by honey bees. It has a special sweet flavour some people prefer to ordinary sugar. Sometimes, it is even possible to know from the flavour what kind of flowers the bees before producing the honey. Have you ever about how honey is produced? Beekeepers - people who look after bees - are very important in the making of honey. They the bees in their care produce honey than is needed. Then the honey can be removed causing problems for the bees. Honey collection is an ancient activity, back to at least 10,000 years and honey has increasingly popular nowadays as a healthy food.

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Playing games are a useful way of improving your memory skills.

  • Playing
  • are
  • improving
  • memory skills

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

In the past few months, food prices have risen such rapidly that some families have been forced to change their eating habits.

  • have risen
  • such
  • some
  • to change

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Would people be able to fly if they have two wings?

  • be able
  • to fly
  • they
  • have

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

The boys promised not to make so many noise the following day.

  • The boys
  • not to make
  • so many noise
  • the following day

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

What a pity that he is not at the party.

  • He feels sorry about the party.
  • I feel very little pity for his party.
  • He regrets being at the party.
  • I wish he were at the party.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

Fiona has typed the report for an hour.

  • Fiona will finish typing the report in an hour.
  • It takes Fiona an hour to type the report.
  • Fiona started to type the report an hour ago.
  • Fiona finished the report an hour ago.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

No one has seen Linda since the day of the meeting.

  • No one is permitted to see Linda at the meeting.
  • Linda has not been seen since the day of the meeting.
  • They stopped the meeting since Linda was not seen.
  • Linda is nowhere to be seen at the meeting.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

The tree died so they cut it down.

  • The tree was cut down and then it died.
  • The tree died after they cut it down.
  • They cut down the tree that died.
  • Because they cut down the tree, it died.

Mary: "What is your favourite type of clothing?"

Daisy: "_____"

  • Uniforms make us alike in the schoolyard.
  • They often wear T-shirts on the weekend.
  • I know jeans are made from cotton.
  • Baggy pants. They’re so comfortable.

John and William are at a buffet.

John: "More coffee?"

William: "_____."

  • I think so
  • I’d love to
  • Yes, please
  • I’m afraid

_____ are funnel-shaped storms which pass overland below a thunderstorm.

  • Tidal waves
  • Tornadoes
  • Earthquakes
  • Volcanoes

The best way to _____ garbage is to reuse and recycle things.

  • recover
  • rebuild
  • recollect
  • reduce

He thinks that mothers _____ are employed full-time will not be able to give their children enough care and attention.

  • who
  • whose
  • whom
  • which

Of all the sports in the Olympics, which sport is _____?

  • as dangerous
  • less dangerous
  • more dangerous
  • the most dangerous

The streets are crowded _____ vehicles at rush hour.

  • by
  • with
  • from
  • about

Let’s go out for a walk, _____?

  • don’t we
  • won’t we
  • shall we
  • do we

Computers offer a much greater degree of _____ in the way work is organized.

  • flexibly
  • flexible
  • flex
  • flexibility

Our teacher wanted to know what _____ in the next project.

  • would we do
  • we would do
  • will we do
  • we will do

_____ his poor health, he’s always cheerful.

  • Although
  • Because of
  • Despite
  • Because

My English teacher suggested that we _____ English whenever we could.

  • will speak
  • should speak
  • had to speak
  • might speak

Don’t forget _____ the door before you go to bed.

  • locked
  • to lock
  • locking
  • lock

So many staff members were ill that we had to _____ the meeting.

  • go out
  • turn out
  • put off
  • look after

If parents don’t cook at home, their children _____ more fast food.

  • would have
  • may have
  • had
  • were having

Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each of the questions.


The worst days of any summer are the rainy ones. We spend all year looking forward to nice weather and long, hot days. All of winter, with its dreary gray days and bitter cold, we dream of those endless days at the beach, lying on the sand and soaking in the bright and burning sun. And then, summer comes, and it rains.

As a child, I would wake up to rainy summer days and come close to crying. It wasn’t fair. We suffered through months of schooling and miserable weather for those scant ten weeks of freedom and balmy weather. Any days that I could not spend at the beach or playing ball with my friends seemed like a punishment for something I didn’t even do.

On those rainy summer days, I had nothing fun to do and could only sit inside, staring out at the rain like a Dickensian orphan. I was the only child, so there was no one else to play with. My father worked from home, so I was not truly alone, but he could not actively play with me since he was technically at work. It was those days that I would resign myself to whatever was on television or any books that I could find lying around. I’d crawl through the day and pray each night that the rain would not be there the next day.

In summers, the writer doesn’t like _____.

  • the burning sun
  • nice weather
  • hot days
  • rainy days

The word “its” in paragraph 1 refers to _____.

  • summer’s
  • winter’s
  • year’s
  • weather’s

The phrase “come close to crying” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.

  • almost cry
  • cry a lot
  • be in tears
  • burst into tears

According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about the writer as a child?

  • He didn’t care about the weather.
  • He was bored on rainy summer days.
  • He was always alone in the summer.
  • He had sisters and brothers.
As a child, what did the writer often do on rainy summer day?
  • He watched TV or read books.
  • He looked for the books.
  • He walked in the rain.
  • He played with his father.

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • tomatoes
  • changes
  • boxes
  • watches

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • described
  • damaged
  • memorized
  • celebrated

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • think
  • rather
  • this
  • weather