Đề thi chính thức vào 10 năm 2022 môn Anh - Sở GD&ĐT Bình Định

7/1/2022 9:29:35 AM

Complete the sentences with the words given. There are more words than needed.

1. Leonardo Dicaprio is a talented actor, , he only won an Oscar after six nominations.

2. Travelers cross the Atlantic from New York to London often suffer from jet lag for a few days.

3. It would be easier for us to master English there weren't so many words.

4. Eat vegetables and fruits. You'll be healthy.

5. You studied about the roles of robots in the future last week, you?

6. The Sports Festival takes place in the sports center June 3rd.

Match the beginning (left column) to the correct ending (right column).

  • If we dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers,
  • Have you thought about asking a friend
  • The tree cannot get enough food and energy to stay healthy
  • Thousands of people lined the streets
  • You can improve your writing skills
  • According to scientific research,

Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.

They (give) warm clothes to homeless people last month.

Give the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

She wishes she (can / visit) the Eiffel Tower in Paris next summer.

Give the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

Now she (lie) to her mother about her bad marks. I think she should tell the truth.

Give the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

 Would you like (participate) in this "Preserving the past" project?

Give the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

My students really enjoy (talk) about traditional paintings.

Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.

Our understanding of cancer remains though we can cure many diseases. (PERFECT)

Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.

can help you succeed in many fields. (CONFIDENT)

Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.

Not , his favorite poster is one of the strangest and most colorful fishes. (SURPRISE)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first. Use NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.

Someone has provided the victims with food and clothing.

=> The victims with food and clothing.

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first. Use NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.

Mai often talks to foreigners. She is fluent in English.

=> If Mai foreigners, she couldn't be fluent in English.

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first. Use NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.

She asked me," Are you tired of the noise from the street?"

=> She asked me of the noise from the street.

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first. Use NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.

The teacher speaks French well. You met her yesterday.

=> The teacher speaks French well.

Complete the passage with the words given. Make a change if necessary.

     on      surround        geography        century      decade       history       off

Listed as a World Heritage Site in 1999, Hoi An is the former main port of Viet Nam dating back to the 16th . Today, most of its structures have been preserved as landmarks. There are many things you can do there. For example, you can walk down the streets, by the atmosphere of times gone by. You should visit the town during the full moon when the shop owners turn the lights and decorate the streets with candle lanterns. You can also take a sampan ride down the Song Do River, hunting traces of foreign traders such as the Japanese, Chinese, and Dutch who made Hoi An a center of culture in old Viet Nam.

Read the following passage and decide if the statements that follow are TRUE or FALSE.

Many students listen to music while they are studying, and say that it helps them learn. Many parents and teachers say that music is just distracting and that students are better at studying in silence. Who is right?

In a study, some scientists asked three groups of students to listen to a piece of music by Mozart or a relaxation tape for ten minutes, or just sit in silence for ten minutes. The students then did a 'spatial reasoning test (a test about remembering shapes and imagining looking at objects from different directions), and the ones who had listened to Mozart did better in the test.

Taking part in musical activities and learning to play an instrument can improve verbal memory (the ability to remember words). The longer the training lasts, the better the improvement in the memory. So, there's no excuse to give up the piano lessons!

Many students think it's helpful to listen to music when studying.

Teachers say music helps students to better concentrate.

The students who had listened to Mozart did better in the spatial reasoning test.

Music training helps to improve memory.