Tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng bài Opinion Essay

Dạng bài Opinion Essay là dạng bài thường xuyên gặp nhất trong đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2. Đây cũng là dạng đề khó, khiến nhiều bạn sĩ tử mất điểm nhất. Chính vì vậy, TAK12 sẽ tổng hợp lại các dạng bài Opinion Essay đã ra trong những năm vừa qua. Thông qua bài viết, hy vọng giúp các bạn hiểu được cách làm bài một cách tốt nhất!

1. Tổng quan về dạng bài Opinion Essay

1.1: Opinion Essay là gì?

Dạng bài Opinion Essay (Agree or Disagree Essay) là dạng bài yêu cầu người viết nêu lên quan điểm cá nhân cho một vấn đề hoặc ý kiến nào đó được nhắc tới trước trong đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 đã cho. Đề bài có thể sẽ nhắc tới một sự phát triển nào đó và hỏi rằng liệu đó là một sự phát triển tích cực hay không, liệu bạn có đồng ý với điều đó hay không,…

1.2: Các yêu cầu của dạng bài Opinion Essay

1.3: Cách viết dạng bài Opinion Essay

Dưới đây là 2 cách viết Opinion Essay phổ biến nhất, đó là:

Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Các câu hỏi thường xuất hiện cuối đề bài của dạng bài này → Có rất nhiều loại câu hỏi/ý kiến khác nhau như sau:

2. Tổng hợp các đề dạng bài Opinion Essay đã ra trong những năm qua

2.1: Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 01/07/2021

Đề bài: It is natural process of animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos, etc.). There is no reason why people should stop this from happening. Do you agree or disagree?

Bài viết tham khảo: 

Whether or not humans should intervene in the potential extinction of certain species is still up for debate. While some people believe that such events occur naturally, I entirely disagree with this conviction.

On the one hand, it is true that several ancient species, such as dinosaurs, were exterminated due to unavoidable apocalyptic events like asteroid collision and vast volcanic eruptions. However, this is currently not the primary factor in the disappearance of most species. Instead, animals are on the verge of extinction because of negligent human activities in their natural habitat. For instance, unfiltered industrial gas released from factories brings about acid rains in the surrounding areas, destroying forests and polluting water sources, which in turn devastates the homes of wildlife. In such regard, humans are deemed responsible, hence their obligation to protect these animals from becoming extinct.

On the other hand, saving wild animals is also a matter of morality. Firstly, as humans consider themselves the superior species, they should take responsibility for preventing extinction among the inferior ones. It goes against their moral sense to let these animals vanish without taking any action. Secondly, wild animals have significant aesthetic and socio-cultural values in various countries across the globe, where some species play a crucial role in their religions or traditions. Finally, if one species were to disappear, the balance of the ecosystem would be disturbed, significantly impacting other species. These points make protecting wildlife imperative for the sake of moral decency.

In conclusion, the extinction of many species may not always occur as a natural process but rather a result of human actions. Therefore, the intervention of humanity is crucial to maintain the planet’s biodiversity.

2.2: Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 12/05/2018

Đề bài: Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is spent on the protection of wild animals, and that this money could be better spent on the human population. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Bài viết tham khảo: 

There can be little doubt that in recent decades a lot of time and money has been spent on protecting wild animals. Although spending on protecting these kinds of wild animals can sometimes be beneficial to humans, I would argue that it is of higher importance to allocate these resources to the human population.

On the one hand, it is reasonable to provide financial support for wildlife protections. In fact, by saving wild animals, humans are saving themselves. Wild animals, for instance, may hold the keys to certain medical breakthroughs, just as many modern medicines are based on compounds found in plants. Moreover, humans, animals and other forms of life all form a giant ecosystem whereby each part can influence the others. If a certain animal becomes less common, this, in turn, will reduce the population of the animals that prey on it, which is more likely to disrupt the ecological balance and eventually threatens the survival of human society .

However, it is sometimes difficult for people to accept that these perfectly legitimate reasons outweigh the immediate requirements of the human population. If money is not available to people who have problems such as mental illness, physical disabilities or to those living in dire poverty, it is inevitable that some will suggest spending less on wild animals. There is a strong argument that by spending more on the education of humans, we could make the world a better place for us and for wild animals.

Overall, I tend to agree with those who claim that too much money is currently being spent on wild animals at the cost of humans. This is not to suggest that we cut all funding for wildlife projects since many of these projects can directly benefit humans. However, a key argument for me is that by spending money on people, we can improve the world generally.

2.3: Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 06/07/2019

Đề bài: Many foods are shipped from far away. Some people think that eating local foods is more environmentally and economically. Do you think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?

Bài viết tham khảo: 

The shipping of a wide range of foods from other cities or countries may have an adverse impact on locally produced food in this modern world of aggressive competition. However, the latter, in my own eyes, obviously offers more merits than demerits.

On the face of it, the consumption of local food might be said to have certain drawbacks. One of them is the lack of diversity or exotic taste. Without access to strange food from far away, people in Vietnam today, for instance, would feel fed up with a limited number of food choices or would never have a chance to try, and probably enjoy, the taste of a similar type of food which is actually imported from other countries, such as Kobe beef from Japan.

However, compared with food transported from other regions, eating food produced locally is significantly more beneficial in economic, environmental, and educational terms. From an economic point of view, local food does not involve excessive transportation leading to higher and higher costs, especially with increasing fuel prices taken into account.

This is also associated with less damaging effects on the environment related to the shipping of food products by plane from abroad. In terms of education, consuming local food helps nurture patriotism among young generations, orienting them towards preserving and developing the sense of using indigenous products. In today’s world of globalization, the effort to consume local food is thus playing an indispensable role in maintaining the identity of each and every local culture.

In a word, the downside of eating locally produced food is outweighed by its upside. This is, in actual fact, true from economic, environmental, and educational viewpoints.

2.4: Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 11/07/2020

Đề bài: Some think that students must travel to another country in order to learn its language and customs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài viết tham khảo: 

Some people believe that in order for students to learn a new language or culture, they must move to another country. I partially agree with this opinion, since although I believe that going to a country allows individuals to submerge themselves in that culture, it is still possible to read about languages and cultures through the internet or talking to people from a certain country.

It could be said that given the ease of access to information today mediated by the internet, it is actually possible for individuals to learn about another country’s history and language purely through sitting at home. Furthermore, given the interconnected nature of today’s countries, it is likely that people would be able to find immigrants from the country whose language they are trying to learn. For instance, there have been many cases of polyglots such as Tim Doner being able to speak as many as twenty languages purely through speaking to people around the US.

However, it might also be contended that to fully understand the richness and nuances of a country’s language and culture, it would be worthwhile to travel to that country. This is because although the internet is a useful tool, the subtlety of human interactions might not be conveyed through online pictures and videos alone. Furthermore, immigrants in other countries might also not speak the same version of the language from their host country. For instance, it is often the case that the textbook version of a language, which one might be able to learn from the internet, is very to how normal people speak, with slang words and other cultural references. Therefore, to appreciate the latter, a change of location is warranted.

Overall, therefore, I argue that while it is possible to learn a language and customs to an adequate amount, to fully appreciate and deeply understand, students should travel to the country they are trying to examine.

2.5: Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 11/12/2020

Đề bài: Some think that it is more important for children to engage in outdoor activities instead of playing video games. To what extent to you agree or disagree?

Bài viết tham khảo: 

Because video games are becoming more popular with children than ever, many parents express their worries about whether or not their children should spend time outdoors instead of playing games. I believe that video games are good, but only in moderation.

Engaging in outdoor activities is always good for children for various reasons. Outdoor activities are better than video games for both their physical health and morals. Playing video games means looking at high-contrast screens for an extended period, which is damaging to children’s eyes. Also, today’s games involve blatant violence, which can distort their moral beliefs.  Secondly, doing outdoor activities is a way to connect with their neighborhood. For example, when hanging outdoors, like playing soccer, children can develop their communication skills between their playmates and a sense of belonging with that community.

However, that is not to say that video games are not important for child development. Firstly, video games teach children technology fluency, which is a skill essential in the current society. For example, many children who play video games grow up being familiar with computer hardware and keyboard shortcuts. These skills would come in handy for them in the future. Secondly, I believe parents should not prevent children from playing video games as these games can serve as career inspirations. For example, children can be interested in the storyline or the graphic design of games and be motivated to become pro-gamers or game developers.

In conclusion, the benefits of hanging outdoors are undeniable for child development. However, I believe that, in some cases, allowing children to engage in video games can also be important. Parents should understand that moderation is the key in both types of activities

2.6: Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 20/11/2021

Đề bài: Some people think that big companies should provide sports and social facilities for the local community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài viết tham khảo: 

Whether sports and social facilities should be built by large corporations for the local community has become a topic of discussion. From my viewpoint, I strongly believe that this practice is reasonable and beneficial for both the locals and the businesses.

First of all, large corporations building community facilities would improve the local’s welfare tremendously. Benefits and funds allocated to different areas in a country will vary depending on their economic and political importance. That is why in Vietnam, provinces like Hai Phong are less developed than Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, thus locals of Hai Phong do not have the chance to experience top-notch facilities as in big cities. Nevertheless, Hai Phong is home to various factories of well-known brands. If these businesses help pay for the construction of sports and recreational facilities in the province, Hai Phong’s citizens would have equal quality of life as Hanoians. Since the government cannot invest uniformly throughout a country, large enterprises building local facilities would be a great help in improving the country’s social welfare. 

Moreover, providing sports and social facilities for the local community is a way for businesses to fulfill their corporate social responsibility. As a matter of fact, all corporations are bound to give back to the community in one way or another. However, in comparison to doing charities or organizing marathons, providing the community with sports and social facilities would leave a more lasting impact and on a much larger scale. Not only that people from different social classes can make use of the given installations, but these facilities would last for many years to come, reminding the locals of the businesses’ good deeds.

In conclusion, it is recommended that large businesses give back to the community by equipping them with sports and social facilities. In this way, the community’s welfare and the companies’ image would simultaneously be promoted positively. 

2.7: Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 24/09/2022

Đề bài: Some people say that we do not need printed newspapers anymore. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài viết tham khảo:

Technology advancement has resulted in a profusion of digital platforms. As a result, the vast majority of people believe that daily newspapers are no longer necessary. As a consequence, in my opinion, an up-to-date broadcast is now available on electronic devices. In the following paragraphs, I will clarify my position. There are numerous reasons to support this notion.

Nowadays, getting news on the internet provides a number of advantages. For starters, internet papers keep readers up to date faster than traditional periodicals. For example, we can acquire global updates instantaneously on the internet, but it would take publications a few days to investigate and publish the data officially. Second, the internet allows users to access free material and the most up-to-date information without having to purchase physical newspapers from stores, allowing them to save money and time.

On the other hand, I believe that physical diaries are still indispensable for a variety of reasons. The first is that they are one of the most reliable sources of information. Because anybody may create and upload articles on the internet, they may include untrustworthy material that has not been adequately vetted before release. Furthermore, online journals frequently have a detrimental impact on people's health. For example, if we spend many hours each day reading online news on our mobile phone or computer, this might have a negative influence, particularly on our eyes.

In conclusion, while individuals are increasingly using alternative media to acquire worldwide information, this does not indicate that there is no longer a vital demand for physical press.

3. Từ vựng dùng trong các bài tham khảo trên:

Trên đây là toàn bộ tổng hợp của TAK12 về IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng bài Opinion Essay. Thông qua bài viết này, các thí sinh có thêm thông tin về bố cục, cách viết một bài Opinion Essay. Bên cạnh đó hãy tham khảo thật nhiều bài mẫu để có trau dồi được những kiến thức cần có để đạt được band điểm IELTS Writing cao.
