Tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng bài Advantages – Disadvantages

Bài thi IELTS Writing Task 2 cơ bản thường bao gồm 4 dạng đề, dạng bài Advantages and Disadvantages được coi là một dạng tương đối khó so với các chủ đề còn lại. Ngoài ra, dạng bài này còn có tần suất xuất hiện thường xuyên. Vậy nên để có thể làm tốt và đạt điểm số cao trong bài thi IELTS Writing Task 2, hãy cùng TAK12 tổng hợp lại các dạng bài Advantages and Disadvantages đã đã xuất hiện trong đề thi những năm vừa qua nhé!

1. Tổng quan về dạng bài Advantages and Disadvantages

1.1: Dạng bài Advantages and Disadvantages là gì?

Dạng bài Advantages and Disadvantages thường sẽ đưa ra một vấn đề, có thể là một sự phát triển về mặt nào đó, sau đó yêu cầu người viết đưa ra các ưu điểm và nhược điểm của xu hướng này.

Ở dạng bài này, bạn bắt buộc phải đưa ra được đầy đủ luận điểm để hỗ trợ cho cả 2 mặt ưu điểm và nhược điểm, mỗi mặt ở một đoạn thân bài riêng. Cần lưu ý độ dài của hai đoạn thân bài phải tương đối bằng nhau, không được phân tích chi tiết hơn hẳn một mặt nào so với mặt còn lại để đảm bảo mỗi luận điểm đều được phân tích và khai thác đầy đủ và tránh mất điểm phần Task Response.

Tuy nhiên, nếu đề bài yêu cầu đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân, quan điểm này cần được thể hiện xuyên suốt cả 3 phần mở bài – thân bài – kết bài của bài essay. 

1.2: Cách nhận biết dạng Advantages and Disadvantages

Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Các câu hỏi thường xuất hiện ở cuối đề bài của dạng advantages and disadvantages bài này.

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Đây là dạng bài dễ nhận biết nhất do thường chứa sẵn keyword “advantages and disadvantages”.

1.3: Dàn bài Writing Task 2 Advantages and Disadvantages

Mở bài

Thân bài 1

Thân bài 2

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2. Tổng hợp dạng đề Advantages and Disadvantages đã ra trong những năm trước

2.1: Đề thi Advantages and Disadvantages ngày 21/04/2018

Đề bài: Organized tour to remote areas and community is increasingly popular. Is it a positive or negative development for the local people and the environment?

Bài viết tham khảo:

In the present day, an increase in the number of package tours to distant destinations such as mountainous areas mark a new tendency of the tourist industry. Although this development is beneficial to the local residents in terms of economy and living conditions, it can have deleterious effects on the environment and the social security of these areas.

On the one hand, increasing package holidays to remote areas is closely associated with the growth of the economy. For one thing, this new trend in tourism can create more employment in the local areas as the job market for tourist-related services frequently needs human resources. This in turn provides a stable income for local dwellers. What is more, such development in employment rates could be equal to the increase in income tax contributions to the budget of local governments. As a result, local authorities can help raise the living standards of people, starting by having important infrastructure established like the installation of water pipes or construction of hospitals.

On the other hand, the development of package tours to remote areas may act as a detriment to the local environment as well as public security. Firstly, the construction of tourism facilities like hotels can drastically change the landscape of one area, meaning the loss of habitat for local species. Also, massive hordes of tourists scramming to these remote communities may lead to a serious risk of security as the tourists can have disrespectful behavior toward the customs of local people or involve themselves in criminal acts like illegal trafficking.

In sum, despite the advantages the rapid growth in popularity of organized tours to remote destinations could bring about, it is more likely to exert negative influences on these areas.

2.2: Đề thi Advantages and Disadvantages ngày 12/12/2019

Đề bài: A few languages are increasingly spoken in different countries, while the usage of others is rapidly declining. Is this a positive or a negative development?

Bài viết tham khảo:

In our today’s world, some languages gain its popularity while some languages have been gone. There are both advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

On the positive side, the increasing use of some languages will have a beneficial effect on communication between people from different countries. For example, English has become the lingua franca in many parts of the world, easing the difficulty in communication among people with different language backgrounds. It is the dominant language in many global aspects from science, diplomacy to international business so that cultural misunderstandings will be eradicated, global trade flourish and international partnerships are established. This is the reason why the ability to speak English or other languages that have global functionality is a necessary skill in the modern world.

On the negative side, the dominance of some languages while other languages are dying out is associated with the cultural loss. It is a fact that language and culture are interrelated, so losing a language means a culture is on the verge of extinction. In contrast, the dominant languages bring their own culture and endanger others, thereby the loss of cultural diversity on our planet. In addition, languages include historical values. An example for this is that a huge amount of knowledge in books and ancient documents cannot be extracted as they are written in the forgotten languages. Therefore, threatened languages should be saved to preserve the identity of people who are speaking them.

In conclusion, the increasing use of a few languages and the decline of others is both a positive as well as a negative development. However, I believe that it is necessary to save these dying languages to conserve our precious history.

2.3: Đề thi Advantages and Disadvantages ngày 23/05/2019

Đề bài: In many cities, there is little control on the design and construction of new houses. Some people think that people can choose to build houses in their own styles instead of building them with the same style as the old house style in local areas. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Bài viết tham khảo:

Some people are of the opinion that they should have freedom of choice when it comes to designing their own houses, and that they should not be restricted to any former local styles. Although freedom in architecture can be beneficial in fostering diversity, too much leeway in building houses would greatly spoil the overall landscape of the local area and therefore I believe this is more likely to be a negative development.

Free house design is, to a certain extent, a good way of promoting diversity. City skylines, for example, would be more interesting to look at if there are buildings and houses with different shapes and sizes. Furthermore, people from different societal backgrounds see houses as manifestations of personalities, wealth, and societal positions. Mansions of the rich, exotic houses of those who are artistic all combine with other normal-looking ones to form a melting pot of creativity.

However, I would not consider an area whose houses are built without any regard to the nature of the surroundings beautiful. Having different styles of houses co-existing in one place can be an architectural disaster rather than a welcome innovation. Ho Chi Minh City is a case in point; ugly buildings not aligned in style with other structures in the city have been erected for years, leaving the historic parts of the city messily mingled with the concrete jungle of brick houses and skyscrapers. Architectural homogeneity, on the other hand, often brings aesthetic appeals to the local landscape. The beauty of ancient towns, for example, comes from the uniformity and harmony in terms of architectural design. 

In conclusion, my firm conviction is that new houses should be better built in a similar fashion to the other buildings in the area.

2.4: Đề thi Advantages and Disadvantages ngày 21/09/2020

Đề bài: In many countries, plastic containers have become more common than ever and are used by many food and drink companies. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Bài viết tham khảo:

Plastic containers and cutleries are becoming a ubiquitous part of the eating-out experience. However, I do think that the disadvantages of using plastic in the food and drink industries outweigh the advantages of doing so.

On the one hand, using plastic is convenient for both street vendors and consumers. Most plastic containers can be discarded after a single-use, eliminating the need to wash them. Moreover, plastic does not break easily in contrast to glass containers, making them easier to carry around. Another reason is that plastic containers and cutleries are dirt cheap to produce. Because the materials needed to synthesize plastics are readily available, most plastic containers are at a lower price than their alternatives, especially in bulk.

On the other hand, however, using plastics to store food can pose both a health and an environmental risk. Firstly, most plastic containers end up in the ocean, which will damage marine life. Fish can swallow these plastic cutleries, cannot digest them, and thus die. Plastic is also detrimental to landfills as they decompose relatively slowly, leading to landfill overloads. Secondly, consuming food and drinks using plastic can be harmful. Plastics are known to melt and release toxic compounds when heated, so they should not be used to store hot foods. Another concern is that some plastics contain carcinogens. This means that consumers are at a higher risk of developing cancer.

In conclusion, convenience and low prices are reasons why people use plastics to store food and drinks. However, I think that the disadvantages of plastic to the environment and consumers’ health far overweigh the advantages of plastics.

2.5: Đề thi Advantages and Disadvantages ngày 27/11/2021

Đề bài: Nowadays, a lot of offices have open-space designs instead of separate rooms. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Bài viết tham khảo:

Many modern offices are now adopting open spaces in lieu of separate working areas for employees. While some would say that such a setting can heighten the level of distraction as well as pose risks to employees’ health, I contend that the fostering of closer collaboration among colleagues and reducing costs outweigh the disadvantages.

Open-space offices can result in more distractions which consequently affect productivity and health. Owing to a lack of private space, employees often have to contend with distractions, such as nearby conversations and co-workers congregating. These diversions may cause them to lose focus and engagement in their work. Furthermore, employees can potentially suffer from poorer health in an open-space office. As they are situated closer together, it gives various pathogens ample opportunity to spread and maximise the potential rate of infection. This can lead to increased absences from work, which in turn may negatively affect overall productivity.

However, open-space offices engender better social relations and cost less. Having an open office can reduce construction and utility expenses as well as the need for office equipment. All employees can share equipment and resources such as printers and stationery. Open-space offices can also engender closer communication and teamwork between workers. Such an environment makes it easier for them to exchange ideas and fosters greater inclusion. Since most businesses thrive on innovation, having all employees in a single space can help those ideas to flow faster and get everyone involved in the process. 

In conclusion, despite the disadvantages related to loss of concentration and adverse risks to health, I would assert these are outweighed by how such a setup can stimulate closer collaboration between employees and reduce costs. In the near future, it is likely offices with separate rooms will be completely phased out in favour of open offices.

2.6: Đề thi Advantages and Disadvantages ngày 26/03/2022

Đề bài: Some people say patriotism causes problems and is negative overall. Others feel that it is beneficial for society at large. Do the advantages of patriotism outweigh its disadvantages?

Bài viết tham khảo:

Certain individuals are of the opinion that issues may occur once people become patriotic, especially in extreme cases, which is regarded as an adverse tendency. However, another school of thought opines that it is worthy and advantageous to show national loyalty. I think that the demerits of this tendency are eclipsed by its benefits.

To begin with, patriotism at its most extreme could be regarded as problematic due to its detrimental impacts on economic and social aspects. With regard to the former, the loyalty that one may express towards their country is attached to a feeling of superiority over other countries. This causes an obstruction in international trade as people regard others from different nations as inferiors; thus, there is no attempt to be made in commercing and exchanging goods worldwide. Turning to the second idea, it is true that in the modern-day, while every nation enjoys equal standing on a global scale, any country putting itself on a pedestal is detrimental to mutual connectivity and often leads to conflict as well as social exclusion of other minorities. Such practice, in extreme cases, maybe the primary cause of terrorism around the globe.

However, despite the aforementioned drawbacks, I think that patriotism can be favorable in terms of promoting solidarity and enhancing national independence. Firstly, patriotism plays a crucial role in uniting people living in the same country. The majority of citizens, undeniably, would value communal senses, and eventually, national unity could be obtained. In this case, patriotism can be supposed as a means of protection which safeguards the country from outside terrorists. Furthermore, without national unity, one country may have to accept unfavorable trading conditions that can be dictated by another country. Thus, it is of paramount importance for a nation to stay independent to avoid adverse effects. For instance, authorities should be aware of the number of goods produced within the country to minimize imported products and consequently be under no control.

In conclusion, although I acknowledge that patriotism, on extreme levels, may be detrimental to a global economy and society, I think that its benefits including enhancing unity and national independence are more considerable.

2.7: Đề thi Advantages and Disadvantages ngày 19/03/2022

Đề bài: In some countries, schools are teaching foreign languages for primary school children. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Bài viết tham khảo:

Many educational institutions at the elementary level in certain nations include non-native languages as a compulsory subject in their curriculum. Despite the disadvantages involved, I am of the opinion that this development is generally more favorable.

One of the main disadvantages is that implementing non-native languages in elementary education programs may create considerable pressure on young learners. The reason for this is that many students nowadays already have a burdensome volume of schoolwork and a hectic curriculum to follow, they would find it challenging to have spare time if one more subject is added to their already tight schedule. For example, when a primary state school in Japan introduced a new scheme of forcing students to learn foreign languages, it raised a number of objections from parents as they voiced their concern over the paramount amount of stress their children have to suffer from.

Nevertheless, I would argue that teaching foreign languages to primary school students is more beneficial in terms of developing their intellectual faculties and improving their future employability. It is true that the acquisition of a new language at the beginning level promotes frequent exposure to diverse and unique cultures. Such experience allows children to gain an enormous wealth of knowledge about others' customs and lifestyles as well as develop an acute awareness of other exotic people. Furthermore, foreign languages are undoubtedly a crucial tool to open more job opportunities. Employers in certain sectors have a tendency to recruit applicants who demonstrate exceptional linguistic competence, which suggests that students possessing expert language skills are more inclined to have chances to work in various fields such as interpretation, diplomacy, aviation, etc.

In conclusion, although children have to face pressure from studying more lingual subjects in their very early years of life, the integration of foreign languages in primary school's curriculum has paved the way for enhancing students' capability and career prospects. Therefore, I hold the belief that the advantages of this development clearly overshadow the drawbacks involved.

3. Từ vựng thường dùng:

Trên đây là tổng hợp của TAK12 về dạng đề thi Advantages and Disadvantage. Hy vọng thông qua bài viết, các bạn sẽ nắm được cấu trúc và cách làm của dạng bài này. Chúc các bạn ôn luyện hiệu quả!
