Đề thi THPT quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2017 #4

6/24/2017 12:00:00 AM
Các mã đề 404, 406, 412, 414, 420, 422 của bài thi môn tiếng Anh kỳ thi THPT quốc gia năm 2017.

Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Anna and Ms White are meeting in a bookshop.

Anna: "Good morning, Ms White. How are you?"

Ms White: "Hi, Anna. ______. And you?"

  • I'm fine, thanks
  • I'm forty years old
  • I'm not working today
  • I'm looking for a book

Andrew is talking to a waiter in a restaurant.

Andrew: "Can I have the bill, please?"

Waiter: "______."

  • You are very kind
  • Just a minute, please
  • My pleasure
  • You're exactly right

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s):

They are going to declare details of the plan to the public later this week. 

  • announce
  • infer
  • remind
  • notice

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

It rained so hard that the roads were quickly covered in water. 

  • heavily
  • lightly
  • softly
  • badly

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

If you are at a loose end tomorrow, why don't we spend the day sunbathing and relaxing on the beach? 

  • having a lot to do
  • having nothing to do
  • having nothing to lose
  • having a lot to gain

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

The twin girls are so identical that I can't distinguish one from the other. 

  • similar
  • alike
  • different
  • changeable

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • washed

  • passed

  • worked

  • opened

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • hate

  • face

  • make

  • dance

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • medical
  • essential
  • dangerous
  • regular

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • doctor
  • student
  • advice
  • parent

Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The dog ______ my father gave me is very lovely.

  • whose
  • when
  • which
  • where

There has been growing public concern about the use of chemicals in food ______ recently.

  • preservation
  • protection
  • reservation
  • conservation

Peter bought a _____ car as a present for his wife two weeks ago.

  • new German red
  • red German new
  • red new German
  • new red German

You _____ pass the exam in order to graduate from high school.

  • have to
  • can
  • may
  • might

During a job interview, candidates are advised to ______ on the interviewer's questions and make an effort to answer them properly.

  • emphasize
  • decide
  • concentrate
  • rely

The higher the cost of living is, _____.

  • the life of the immigrants becomes the harder
  • the hardest the life of the immigrants becomes
  • the harder does the life of the immigrants become
  • the harder the life of the immigrants becomes

Harmful environmental factors can ______ the development of certain diseases.

  • generate
  • accelerate
  • produce
  • monitor

Last week, we _____ an interesting film about the animal world.

  • see
  • saw
  • are seeing
  • will see

The pace of _____ life is much slower in the country than in the city.

  • an
  • a
  • Ø
  • the

The success of the company in such a ______ market is remarkable.

  • compete
  • competitively
  • competitive
  • competition

A lot of research in medical science has been _____ to improve human health.

  • made up
  • carried out
  • taken up
  • given off

It is important for students to _____ full use of university facilities.

  • take
  • do
  • find
  • make

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the 7 questions underneath.

When naming a child, some parents seem to choose a name based simply on their personal preference. In other families, grandparents or professional name-makers come up with a child's name. In some cases, the time of a child's birth influences how the child's name is determined.

In many European cultures, names are typically chosen by parents. Parents' choice for their child's name may be based on names of their relatives or ancestors. For example, in Italy, children are traditionally named after their grandparents. The parents generally use the father's parents' names first. If they have more children, then they will use the mother's parents' names. Similarly, some people in Eastern Europe name their children after relatives who have died. This tradition is seen as a means to protect the child from the Angel of Death.

Traditionally in some Asian countries, a child's grandfather or a fortune-teller chooses the child's name. In contrast to the tradition of naming children after relatives, the child's name is chosen to influence the child's character. For example, names may be based on a connection to certain elements such as fire, water, earth, wood, or metal. Or the name might include a written character meaning beauty, strength, or kindness.

In certain African cultures, when a child is born plays a large part in determining the child's name. In Ghana's Akan culture, the day a child is born determines the child's name. But each day has different names for boys and girls. For instance, a boy born on Friday is named Kofi, whereas a girl born on the same day is named Afua. Both Kofi and Afua mean "wanderer" or "explorer.Children with these names are seen as travelers.

No matter where the name comes from, a child's name is the first gift in life. Whether the name is chosen according to preference or dictated by tradition, it reflects something about a child's culture. For that reason, all names should be treasured and respected.

(Source: Reading Challenge 2 by Casey Malarcher & Andrea Janzen)

What is the main idea of the passage?

  • The choice of name for a child in Asia.
  • The history of child naming around the world.
  • The practice of child naming in Europe.
  • The tradition of child naming in different cultures.

According to the passage, in many European cultures, names are typically selected by ______.

  • ancestors
  • parents
  • relatives
  • grandparents

What is a common belief in some Asian countries concerning the tradition of naming a child?

  • A child's name must include a written character meaning beauty, strength, or kindness.
  • The choice of a child's name is believed to have an impact on his or her personality.
  • A child's name shouldn't be connected with certain elements of nature.
  • The choice of a child's name should be based on names of his or her relatives.

The word "means" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.

  • sign
  • symbol
  • route
  • way

Which of the following about the tradition of child naming in African countries is NOT true according to the passage?

  • The arrival time of a child is an important factor in deciding his or her name.
  • Children born on Friday are normally given names meaning traveling.
  • Children receive the same name if they are born on the same day.
  • No matter how a child's name is chosen, it is related to his or her culture.

The word "it" in paragraph 5 refers to ______.

  • preference
  • culture
  • name
  • tradition

The word "treasured" in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ______.

  • ignored
  • developed
  • valued
  • revealed

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the 8 questions underneath.

Tropical rainforests are being destroyed and badly degraded at an unsustainable rate. Some scientists estimate that in the early 1990s tropical forests were being destroyed at a rate of approximately 28 hectares a minute, or about 14 million hectares each year – an area about the size of the state of Wisconsin. This figure marked a decrease since in the 1980s, when approximately 16 million hectares were destroyed each year, largely due to a reported decline of deforestation in the Amazon River Basin in the early 1990s. However, satellite images indicate that rates may have rebounded in the late 1990s as burning in the Amazon increased again. Over the past three decades alone, about 5 million square kilometers – or 20 percent of the world's tropical forests – have been cleared. During this time, deforestation in tropical Asia reached almost 30 percent. High rates of deforestation are inevitably followed by alarming rates of plant and animal extinction because many rainforest species cannot survive outside their pristine rainforest habitat. Some scientists estimate that dozens of rainforest species are becoming extinct every day.

Causes of deforestation vary from location to location, but certain patterns tend to be consistent across all forests. Logging companies in search of valuable rainforest hardwoods, or, less often, oil companies in search of petroleum, are often the first to enter a remote area of rainforest. Some logged forests, if left alone, can regenerate in a few decades. But typically, they are not left alone – the roads built by logging companies often provide access for landless farmers to enter a new area, as well as a means to transport agricultural crops to market. For every 1 kilometer of new roads built through a forested area, 4 to 24 square kilometers are deforested and colonized.

Once the loggers leave the land, a typical cycle of destruction ensues. When the landless farmers arrive, they clear the land for planting. Poor rainforest soils produce a low crop yield, especially after a couple of years. At that point, the farmers often sell their lands to cattle ranchers or large plantation owners. After nutrients have been exhausted and soils compacted by cattle, lands are then abandoned and often laid to waste. Rainforest does not readily regenerate on these lands without human intervention. Meanwhile, the colonist farmers and cattle ranchers move to a new piece of land made accessible by logging roads, where the cycle of deforestation begins again.

(Source: Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation)

What does the passage mainly discuss?

  • The size of tropical rainforest loss.
  • Causes and effects of rainforest destruction.
  • The rate of rainforest destruction in the Amazon.
  • Typical patterns of extinction of rainforest species.

According to paragraph 1, which of the following about the rate of rainforest destruction is TRUE?

  • It was greater in the early 1990s than in the 1980s.
  • It was the same in the early 1990s as in the 1980s.
  • It was greater in the 1980s than in the early 1990s.
  • It kept increasing from the 1980s to the 1990s.

The word "rebounded" in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by ______.

  • remained unchanged
  • fallen again
  • risen again
  • gone up and down

According to the passage, what is the most common cause of deforestation in different regions?

  • The search for oil
  • The search for valuable woods
  • The search for rare animals
  • The search for new farm lands

Which of the following can result from the loss of tropical rainforests?

  • The decrease in wasted lands
  • The disappearance of many rainforest species
  • The disappearance of landless farmers
  • The increase in the rainforest habitat

The word "regenerate" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.

  • recover
  • renew
  • repeat
  • refine

The phrase "these lands" in paragraph 3 refers to ______.

  • lands for raising cattle
  • lands sold and colonized
  • lands abandoned and wasted
  • lands for planting

What can be inferred about rainforests from the passage?

  • Rainforest destruction can be reduced with the help of cattle ranchers.
  • The cycle of rainforest destruction will come to an end.
  • Human beings are the main contributor to deforestation in tropical regions.
  • Most tropical rainforests have been sold to plantation owners.

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Working as a doctor would give me a chance taking care of people's health.

  • Working
  • as
  • would give
  • taking

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Jane help her mother to do the housework when she has free time.

  • help
  • do
  • when
  • free time

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Many living organisms depend largely on the environment for the satisfaction of its needs.

  • Many
  • on
  • satisfaction
  • its

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to this sentence.

They cancelled all the sporting events because of the heavy rain.

  • Without the heavy rain, they wouldn't cancel all the sporting events.
  • If it hadn't rained heavily, they would have cancelled all the sporting events.
  • If it didn't rain heavily, they wouldn't cancel all the sporting events.
  • Had it not rained heavily, they wouldn't have cancelled all the sporting events.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

I haven't heard from Susan for several months. 

  • I last heard from Susan several months ago.
  • Susan didn't hear from me several months ago.
  • Susan heard from me several months ago.
  • I didn't hear from Susan several months ago.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

"I didn't give John the money," said Mary. 

  • Mary denied giving John the money.
  • Mary admitted giving John the money.
  • Mary suggested giving John the money.
  • Mary remembered giving John the money.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

Many Vietnamese women are successful in their careers. They are excellent homemakers. 

  • Many Vietnamese women are successful in their careers, and they are excellent homemakers.
  • Many Vietnamese women are successful in their careers, for they are excellent homemakers.
  • Many Vietnamese women are successful in their careers, so they are excellent homemakers.
  • Many Vietnamese women are successful in their careers, or they are excellent homemakers.

Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following question.

Nam had all the necessary qualifications. They didn't offer him the job.

  • Despite having all the necessary qualifications, Nam was not offered the job.
  • They didn't offer Nam the job as he had all the necessary qualifications.
  • Nam had all the necessary qualifications, so they didn't offer him the job.
  • If Nam had had all the necessary qualifications, he would have been offered the job.

Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the blanks.

Culture has a strong influence on non-verbal communication. Even the simple act of looking someone in the eye is not at all that simple. In the USA, Americans are (A)____ to look directly at people when speaking to them. It shows interest in what they are saying and is thought to carry a (B)____ of honesty. Meanwhile, in Japan and Korea, people avoid long periods of eye contact. It is considered more polite to look to the side during a conversation. The Lebanese, (C)____, stand close together and look intensely into each other's eyes. The action shows sincerity and gives people a better sense of what their counterparts want.
Given such differences with even the most common expressions, people (D)____ travel or work abroad have a real need to learn the other culture's body language. People tend to be unaware of the messages they are sending to others. So, it is (E)____ to consider your own body language before dealing with people from other cultures. Knowing about the body language of friends, clients, and colleagues can be very helpful in improving understanding and avoiding miscommunication.

(Source: Reading Fusion 1 by Andrew E. Bennett)


  • encouraged
  • opposed
  • assisted
  • forbidden


  • touch
  • taste
  • sound
  • sense


  • therefore
  • in addition
  • in contrast
  • moreover


  • who
  • whose
  • which
  • where


  • usefully
  • use
  • useful
  • usefulness