Đề thi THPT QG môn Tiếng Anh #24

11/2/2018 12:00:00 AM
Đề thi THPT QG môn Tiếng Anh #24 giúp các em học sinh khắp các tỉnh thành ôn luyện cho kỳ thi THPT quốc gia.

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • interrupt

  • fortunate

  • understand

  • summarize

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • island

  • surfer

  • sandstorm

  • support 

Choose the word which differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.

  • severe
  • kindergarten
  • legendary
  • accurate

Choose the word which differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.

  • sustainable
  • interview
  • congratulate
  • appointment

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

The amounts of oxygen and nitrogen in the air almost always remain stable, but the amount of water vapor vary considerably.

  • The amounts of
  • almost always
  • the amount of
  • vary

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

The deadbold is the best lock for entry doors because it is not only inexpensive but installation is easy.

  • best
  • because
  • not only
  • installation is easy

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

The American frontiersman, politician, and soldier Davy Crockett is one of the most popular of American hero.

  • frontiersman
  • most
  • of
  • hero

He tries to _____ himself with everyone by paying them compliments.

  • gratify
  • please
  • ingratiate
  • commend

As he made no _____ to our quarrel, I assumed he had forgiven me.

  • statement
  • mention
  • reference
  • comment

Frankly, I'd rather you ______ anything about it for the time being.

  • don't do
  • hadn't done
  • didn't do
  • haven't done

I was angry when you saw me because I _____ with my sister.

  • have been arguing
  • had been arguing
  • argued
  • would argue

The book would have been perfect _____ the ending.

  • had it not been for
  • it had not been for
  • it hadn't been for
  • hadn't it been for

_____ I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment.

  • Even
  • Despite
  • Much as
  • Try as

He became one of the most _____ actors in Vietnam.

  • successful
  • success
  • successfully
  • successive

Check the bottles carefully to make sure they have not been _____.

  • broken into
  • taken out
  • touched up
  • tampered with

This house is really old. It must ______ hundreds of years ago.

  • have been built
  • be built
  • have built
  • be being built

Last year, she earned ______ her brother.

  • twice as much as
  • twice more than
  • twice as many as
  • twice as more as

When she _____ her mistake, she apologized.

  • realized
  • realize
  • was realizing
  • has realized

It is imperative _____________.

  • that you not be late
  • that you shall not be late
  • that you are not late
  • that you mustn't be late

John: "I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning."

Tim: "_____________! You must be careful next time."

  • Take care
  • Excuse me
  • What a pity
  • You're welcome

Choose the most suitable response to complete the following exchange.

Tony, Jack and Bob are close friends. However, Tony hasn't seen Jack for three days. So he was very nervous. On the way to school, Tony met Bob.

Tony: "I haven't seen Jack for three days. Is he ill?"

- Bob: "_______. His mother told me that he was in hospital."

  • I'm afraid so
  • I hope not
  • I don't expect
  • I am afraid not

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

He didn't bat an eyelid when he realized he failed the exam again.

  • wasn't happy
  • didn't want to see
  • didn't show surprise
  • didn't care

Choose the word(s) which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Ralph Nader was the most prominent leader of the U.S consumer protection movement.

  • casual
  • outstanding
  • promiscuous
  • aggressive

Choose the word(s) which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

The US troops are using much more sophisticated weapons in the Far East.

  • expensive
  • complicated
  • simple and easy to use
  • difficult to operate

Choose the word(s) which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

In remote communities, it's important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.

  • remake
  • empty
  • refill
  • repeat

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

They arrived late, so the good seats were already taken.

  • They didn't get good seats because they arrived too late.
  • They arrived late enough to get good seats.
  • They had to stand for the whole show.
  • They couldn't get good seats although we arrived early.

Choose the sentence which is CLOSEST in meaning to the given one.

Had he known more about the internet, he would have invested in some computer companies.

  • Knowing about the internet helped him invest in some computer companies.
  • He did not know much about the internet so he did not invest in any computer companies.
  • Knowing about the internet, he would have invested in some computer companies.
  • He would have invested in some computer companies without his knowledge of the internet.

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to this sentence.

There were over two hundred people at Carl's trial, most of whom believed that he was not guilty of the crime.

  • Carl had not committed the crime, and so more than 200 people came to his trial to show their support
  • When it was announced that Carl had been found not guilty of the crime, there were over 200 people in the audience at his trial.
  • Over 200 people coming to Carl's trial must have influenced the fact that he was not found guilty of the crime.
  • The majority of the more than 200 people at Carl's trial didn't think that he had committed the crime.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

He felt tired. However, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.

  • As a result of his tiredness, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
  • Feeling very tired, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
  • He felt so tired that he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
  • Tired as he might felt, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

I think I should have cooked more food. There's nothing left now.

  • I should not have cooked so much food.
  • I regret cooking too much food now.
  • I did not cook much food and I think it is ok now.
  • I did not cook much food and I think it was a mistake.

Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the blanks.

Throughout history, women have always aimed for the recognized place in (A)______. Guided by their own (B)______ of knowledge and expertise, women like Marie Curie in science, Mary Wollstonecraft in literary writing, Simone de Beauvois in philosophical existentialist debate, and Marie Stopes in medicine, to name a few, have brought about an awareness of the role of women in any walks of life. These women have helped redefine and (C)______ the nature of women's place in society. Today the spread of global women's organizations and the impact of women's contributions to society shows that progress has been made and the progress in furthering the role of women in society has been of some benefit to the (D)_______ woman. The need of the woman who stays at home and raises children will differ widely from the woman who works outside. Nonetheless, in the extensive field of equal opportunities, it would be good to know that access is given to both with equal measure according to the true value of respective abilities. It also would be good to know that the woman at home is recognized as a valued (E)______ of society just as much as the one who deals on business outside the home.


  • social
  • socialist
  • society
  • socialize


  • region
  • path
  • farm
  • field


  • consolidate
  • encourage
  • force
  • gain


  • own
  • individual
  • private
  • personal


  • competitor
  • party
  • partner
  • member

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions underneath.

Although management principles have been implemented since ancient times, most management scholars trace the beginning of modern management thought back to the early 1900s, beginning with the pioneering work of Frederick Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor was the first person to study work scientifically. He is most famous for introducing techniques of time and motion study, differential piece rate systems, and for systematically specializing the work of operating employees and managers. Along with other pioneers such as Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Taylor set the stage, labeling his philosophy and methods "scientific management'. At that time, his philosophy, which was concerned with productivity, but which was often misinterpreted as promoting worker interests at the expense of management, was in marked contrast to the prevailing industrial norms of worker exploitation.

The time and motion study concepts were popularized by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. The Gilbreths had 12 children. By analyzing his children's dish washing and bed making chores, this pioneer efficiency expert, Frank Gilbreth, hit on principles whereby workers could eliminate waste motion. He was memorialized by two of his children in their 1949 book called "Cheaper by the Dozen".

The Gilbreth methods included using stop watches to time worker movements and special tools (cameras and special clocks) to monitor and study worker performance, and also involved identification of "therbligs" (Gilbreth spelled backwards) -basic motions used in production jobs. Many of these motions and accompanying times have been used to determine how long it should take a skilled worker to perform a given job. In this way an industrial engineer can get a handle on the approximate time it should take to produce a product or provide a service. However, use of work analysis in this way is unlikely to lead to useful results unless all five work dimensions are considered: physical, psychological, social, cultural, and power.

What is the passage primarily about?

  • The limitations of pioneering studies in understanding human behavior.
  • How time and motion studies were first developed.
  • The first applications of a scientific approach to understanding human behavior.
  • The beginnings of modern management theory.

The word "which" in the passage refers to _____.

  • scientific management
  • philosophy
  • productivity
  • time and motion study

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _______.

  • workers welcomed the application of scientific management.
  • Taylor's philosophy is different from the industrial norms.
  • by the early 1900s science had reached a stage where it could be applied to the workplace.
  • workers were no longer exploited after the introduction of scientific management.

The word "prevailing" is closest in meaning to _______.

  • predominant
  • broadly accepted
  • prevalent
  • common

According to the passage, Frank Gilbreth discovered how workers could eliminate waste motion by _______.

  • using special tools such as cameras and clocks
  • using stop watches
  • applying scientific management principles
  • watching his children do their chores

According to the passage, the time it takes a skilled worker to perform the motion of a given job can be measured by using ______.

  • stop watches
  • all five work dimensions
  • special tools
  • therbligs

All of the following are true EXCEPT ______.

  • scientific management was concerned with productivity
  • the beginnings of modern management thought commenced in the 19th century
  • Frank Gilbreth's fame was enhanced by two of his children writing a book
  • analyzing work to increase productivity is not likely to be useful unless all of the dimensions are considered

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions underneath.

Most people can remember a phone number for up to thirty seconds. When this short amount of time elapses, however, the numbers are erased from the memory. How did the information get there in the first place? Information that makes its way to the short-term memory (STM) does so via the sensory storage area. The brain has a filter which only allows stimuli that are of immediate interest to pass on to the STM, also known as the working memory.

There is much debate about the capacity and duration of the short-term memory. The most accepted theory comes from George A. Miller, a cognitive psychologist who suggested that humans can remember approximately seven chunks of information. A chunk is defined as a meaningful unit of information, such as a word or name rather than just a letter or number. Modern theorists suggest that one can increase the capacity of the short-term memory by chunking, or classifying similar information together. By organizing information, one can optimize the STM, and improve the chances of a memory being passed on to long-term storage.

When making a conscious effort to memorize something, such as information for an exam, many people engage in “rote rehearsal”. By repeating something over and over again, one is able to keep a memory alive. Unfortunately, this type of memory maintenance only succeeds if there are no interruptions. As soon as a person stops rehearsing the information, it has the tendency to disappear. When pen and paper are not handy, people often attempt to remember a phone number by repeating it aloud. If the doorbell rings or the dog barks to come in before a person has the opportunity to make a phone call, he will likely forget the number instantly. Therefore, rote rehearsal is not an efficient way to pass information from short-term to long-term memory. A better way is to practice “elaborate rehearsal”. This involves assigning semantic meaning to a piece of information so that it can be filed along with other pre-existing long-term memories.

Encoding information semantically also makes it more retrievable. Retrieving information can be done by recognition or recall. Humans can easily recall memories that are stored in long-term memory and used often; however, if a memory seems to be forgotten, it may eventually be retrieved by prompting. The more cues a person is given (such as pictures), the more likely a memory can be retrieved. This is why multiple-choice tests are often used for subjects that require a lot of memorization.

According to the passage, how do memories get transferred to the STM?

  • They revert from the long term memory.
  • They are filtered from the sensory storage area.
  • They get chunked when they enter the brain.
  • They enter via the nervous system.

All of the following are mentioned as places in which memories are stored EXCEPT the ______.

  • STM
  • long term memory
  • sensory storage area
  • maintenance area

The word "elaborate" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.

  • complex
  • efficient
  • pretty
  • regular

Which of the following is NOT supported by the passage?

  • The working memory is the same as the short term memory.
  • A memory is kept alive through constant repetition.
  • Cues help people to recognize information.
  • Multiple choice exams are the most difficult.

How do theorists believe a person can remember more information in a short time?

  • By organizing it
  • By repeating it
  • By giving it a name
  • By drawing it

The author believes that rote rotation is ______.

  • the best way to remember something
  • more efficient than chunking
  • ineffective in the long run
  • an unnecessary interruption

The word "it" in the last paragraph refers to _______.

  • encoding
  • STM
  • semantics
  • information