Đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT số 41

8/27/2020 10:01:00 AM

Đề thi gồm 50 câu hỏi theo đúng cấu trúc đề thi THPT chính thức dành cho học sinh đặt mục tiêu 9 - 10 điểm, đã được giải thích đáp án chi tiết đầy đủ.

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • describe
  • behave
  • provide
  • damage

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • decision
  • countryside
  • computer
  • pollution

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • deaf
  • reach
  • speak
  • dream
Choose the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
  • informed

  • impressed

  • installed

  • admired

Choose the correct response.

- “Thank you very much for helping the disadvantaged children here!"

- “______”

  • What a pity!
  • It’s our pleasure.
  • Sorry, we don’t know.
  • That’s nice of you!

Jenny and Jimmy are talking about university education.

Jenny: “I think a university degree is the only way to succeed in life.”

Jimmy: “ _____. There are successful people without a degree.”

  • That’s life
  • That’s alright
  • I don’t quite agree
  • I can’t agree more

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

I arrived home only to find that I'd left my keys at the office.

  • realize
  • experience
  • understand
  • locate

Choose the word(s) which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).
She met her second husband not long after her first marriage broke up.

  • ended
  • continued
  • went on
  • happened

Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and farmers are having trouble. 

  • proper
  • adequate
  • unsatisfactory
  • dominant

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
I’ll spend the weekends hitting the books as I have final exams next week.

  • reviewing the books
  • studying in a relaxing way
  • damaging the books
  • studying in a serious way

Our firm is so successful because it is at the cutting _____ of computer technology.

  • fringe
  • limit
  • verge
  • edge

The typhoon caused serious damage to the area because they had not received any warning and therefore _____ no preparation for it.

  • made
  • had
  • did
  • got

Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ____.

  • communicate
  • communication
  • communicative
  • communicator

Once _____ with sufficient information, the freshmen will feel more confident to start the new course.

  • having provided
  • provided
  • are provided
  • providing

The school was closed for a month because of a serious _____ of fever.

  • outcome
  • outburst
  • outset
  • outbreak
Billy has been seriously ill, and he was taken to _____ hospital yesterday.
  • a
  • an
  • the

I believe that judges should be independent ______ the government.

  • to
  • from
  • with
  • on
Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank.
The _____ child is forever asking questions. He's incredibly curious.
  • acquisitive
  • acquitted
  • inquisitive
  • exquisite

If the weather _____ worse, we won’t go to the beach.

  • will get
  • would get
  • got
  • gets

Deforestation, garbage dump, and air pollution are the main _____ problems in our country.

  • educational
  • economic
  • environmental
  • physical

The building work is still on schedule _____ a problem in digging the foundation.

  • due to
  • despite
  • so as
  • only if

My mother _____ in the kitchen when I came home.

  • cooked
  • has cooked
  • was cooking
  • has been cooking

Jane would never forget _____ first prize in such a prestigious competition.

  • to be awarded
  • being awarded
  • to have awarded
  • having awarded

___________ , she doesn't want to answer his phone call.

  • As they had a quarrel yesterday
  • Because having quarreled yesterday
  • Because of they quarreled yesterday
  • While they had quarreled yesterday

Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

“The Little Prince” (French: “Le Petit Prince”) is a novella, which tells the story of a child, the little prince, who travels the universe gaining wisdom. First in April 1943, it is the most famous work of French aristocrat, writer, poet, and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
After the outbreak of the Second World War, Saint-Exupéry escaped to North America. personal upheavals and failing health, he produced almost half of the writings for which he would be remembered, a tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss, in the form of a young prince visiting Earth. An earlier memoir by the author had recounted his aviation experiences in the Sahara Desert, is thought to have been drawn on those same experiences in “The Little Prince”.
Though ostensibly styled as a children's book, The Little Prince makes several observations about life and human nature. For example, Saint-Exupéry tells of a fox meeting the young prince during his travels on Earth. The story's essence is contained in the fox saying that "One sees clearly only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eye." The fox's messages are arguably the book's most famous quotations because they deal with human .

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the 8 questions underneath.

The oceans are so vast and deep that until fairly recently, it was widely assumed that no matter how much trash and chemicals humans dumped into them, the effects would be negligible. Proponents of dumping in the oceans even had a catchphrase: "The solution to pollution is dilution." Today, we need look no further than the New Jersey-size dead zone that forms each summer in the Mississippi River Delta, or the thousand-mile-wide swath of decomposing plastic in the northern Pacific Ocean to see that this "dilution" policy has helped place a once flourishing ocean ecosystem on the brink of collapse.

There is evidence that the oceans have suffered at the hands of mankind for millennia. But recent studies show that degradation, particularly of shoreline areas, has accelerated dramatically in the past three centuries as industrial discharge and run-off from farms and coastal cities have increased. Pollution is the introduction of harmful contaminants that are outside the norm for a given ecosystem. Common man-made pollutants reaching the oceans include pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, detergents, oil, sewage, plastics, and other solids. Many of these pollutants collect at the ocean's depths, where they are consumed by small marine organisms and introduced into the global food chain.

Many ocean pollutants are released into the environment far upstream from coastlines. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers applied by farmers inland, for example, end up in local streams, rivers, and groundwater and are eventually deposited in estuaries, bays, and deltas. These excess nutrients can spawn massive blooms of algae that rob the water of oxygen, leaving areas where little or no marine life can exist.

Solid wastes like bags, foam, and other items dumped into the oceans from land or by ships at sea are frequently consumed, with often fatal effects, by marine mammals, fish, and birds that mistake them for food. Discarded fishing nets drift for many years, ensnaring fish and mammals. In certain regions, ocean currents corral trillions of decomposing plastic items and other trash into gigantic, swirling garbage patches. One in the North Pacific, known as the Pacific Trash Vortex, is estimated to be the size of Texas.

Pollution is not always physical. In large bodies of water, sound waves can carry undiminished for miles. The increased presence of loud or persistent sounds from ships, sonar devices, oil rigs, and even from natural sources like earthquakes can disrupt the migration, communication, and reproduction patterns of many marine animals, particularly aquatic mammals like whales and dolphins.

(Source: http://www.oceannationalgeographic.com)

What does the passage mainly discuss?

  • Marine pollution and its many forms
  • Noise and its disruptive effects on marine life
  • Various kinds of harmful pollutants
  • The end of the "dilution" era

The word "negligible" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.

  • serious
  • insignificant
  • unpredictable
  • positive

It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that the "dilution" policy is related to ______.

  • dealing with the problems of water pollution
  • helping the ecosystem of the oceans flourish
  • neglecting the effects of dumping trash into the oceans
  • treating harmful materials in the oceans properly

The word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to ______.

  • ocean's depths
  • man-made pollutants
  • marine organisms
  • the oceans

The word "spawn" in paragraph 5 can be best replaced by ______.

  • appear
  • prevent
  • produce
  • limit

According to the passage, nitrogen-rich fertilizers ______.

  • are created by massive blooms of algae
  • cause a shortage of oxygen in the ocean water
  • do not relate to the disappearance of marine life
  • cannot be found inland

Which of the following statements is NOT supported in the passage?

  • Many pollutants deposited in the oceans finally become part of the global food chain.
  • It is apparent that the oceans have been polluted for a long time.
  • Industrial wastes and agricultural run-off are blamed for the degradation of the oceans.
  • The oceans in the past were more contaminated than they are now.

Whales and dolphins are mentioned in the final paragraph as an example of marine creatures that ______.

  • can communicate with each other via sound waves
  • can survive earthquakes because of their large bodies
  • suffer from loud or persistent sounds at sea
  • are forced to migrate because of water pollution

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

I told her that she’s put on weight. I feel so regretful now.

  • If only I didn’t told her that she'd put on weight.
  • I wish I hadn’t told her that she'd put on weight.
  • I regret that I hadn’t told her that she'd put on weight.
  • If only I had told her that she'd put on weight.
Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.
It rained heavily yesterday. We didn’t accomplish painting the walls.
  • Had it not rained heavily yesterday, we would have accomplished painting the walls.
  • Were it not to rain heavily yesterday, we would accomplish painting the walls.
  • Only if it didn't rain heavily yesterday, we could accomplish painting the walls.
  • Not until it had rained heavily yesterday did we accomplish painting the walls.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this one.

They knocked it down even though it was a lovely old building.

  • They couldn't have knocked that lovely old building down.
  • They needn't have knocked that lovely old building down.
  • They shouldn't have knocked that lovely old building down.
  • They may not have knocked that lovely old building down.

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to this sentence.

In Vietnam, football is more popular than basketball.

  • In Vietnam, basketball is not as popular as football.
  • In Vietnam, basketball is more popular than football.
  • In Vietnam, football is not as popular as basketball.
  • In Vietnam, football is as popular as basketball.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given.

”How long have you lived here, Lucy?” asked Jack.

  • Jack asked Lucy how long did she live here.
  • Jack asked Lucy how long she had lived there.
  • Jack asked Lucy how long she lived here.
  • Jack asked Lucy how long had she lived there.

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
The drug has in fact been shown to be farther more effective than expected in its early trials.

  • in fact
  • to be
  • farther
  • expected
Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
Our kids seldom are late for school and they are often there pretty early.
  • seldom
  • for
  • and
  • there

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
Cuc Phuong National Park located 160 kilometers south west of Hanoi.

  • National
  • located
  • kilometers
  • west

Read the following passage and choose the correct answers to questions underneath.

Children all around the world love to read comic books. Maybe they like to read the kind of comic books that come out once a month, like Spiderman or Batman, or maybe they like mangastyle comic books. That means that publishers who make comic books need to keep in touch with the things young people like to do. One thing that many young people today are interested in is technology, so of course kids want to read digital comic books on electronic devices.

Let's take Japanese manga as an example. There are lots of people around the world who enjoy reading manga. However, in the past, it was difficult to find translated versions of manga in comic bookstores. But that did not stop manga fans. Some fans who could translate Japanese into their own language started translating manga themselves. Then they scanned the pages of manga books and uploaded the scanned pages to the Internet with their translation. This practice has become so popular. People in the comic book industry made up a name for it. By combining the words scan and translation, they call it "scanlation", and it is a big problem today. The people who do scanlation usually share their manga for free, so readers do not buy manga books. Writers, artists, and publishers all end up losing money because of scanlation. Another problem is piracy in the comic book industry. Illegal copies of old and brand new comics alike have been hurting comic book sales.

Despite the progress made in converting comics to digital formats, hardcopy comic books are still by far the most popular format among fans. In the meantime, comic book publishers and stores will just have to keep an eye on their buyers' habits. As the popularity of digital books for e-readers and tablets grows, the popularity of digital comic books will grow as well.

(Source: Reading Advantage by Casey Malarcher)

What is the passage mainly about?

  • The need for digital comic books
  • Children's most favourite type of books
  • Problems in the book industry
  • The manga industry in Japan

The word "they" in paragraph 1 refers to ______.

  • children
  • comic books
  • publishers
  • things

According to the passage, in the past, some manga fans who knew Japanese translated manga because ______.

  • it was enjoyable to translate Japanese books
  • they wanted to make a name for themselves
  • it was difficult to buy translated manga books
  • they wanted to read manga for free

According to paragraph 2, who could benefit from scanlation?

  • Readers
  • Publishers
  • Writers
  • Artists

The word "piracy" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

  • illigal copying
  • sudden attacking
  • best selling
  • serious reading