Đề thi chính thức vào 10 chuyên Anh HN năm 2011-2012

9/1/2018 10:51:00 PM

Đề thi môn Anh Chuyên cho các học sinh thi tuyển vào khối chuyên các trường THPT Chuyên trực thuộc Sở GD Hà Nội năm 2011-2012

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • stepped
  • worked
  • cleaned
  • matched
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
  • ache
  • chaos
  • archeology
  • charity
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
  • increase
  • exercise
  • because
  • choose
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
  • double
  • plough
  • tough
  • couple
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
  • teenager
  • endangered
  • international
  • landscape
Choose the word whose main stressed syllable in different from the rest.
  • suppose
  • commuter
  • fortunately
  • confused
Choose the word whose main stressed syllable in different from the rest.
  • conductor
  • conference
  • confidence
  • context
Choose the word whose main stressed syllable in different from the rest.
  • already
  • complain
  • arrangement
  • temperature
Choose the word whose main stressed syllable in different from the rest.
  • compensation
  • accommodation
  • population
  • importation

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • comment
  • nourish
  • marine
  • landscape
I don’t know if I’ll be able to help you but I’ll _______ my best.
  • make
  • give
  • do
  • work

Would you care for _____ cup of tea?

  • another
  • more
  • one other
  • some more

She would rather stay at home than _____ shopping.

  • will go
  • going
  • to go
  • go
We’re short _______ staff in our office at the moment. There aren’t enough people to do the work that has to be done.
  • in
  • of
  • at
  • with
Scientists and engineers have invented filters and other methods of removing ______ from industrial wastes.
  • pollute
  • polluted
  • pollution
  • pollutants
I was just walking along the street when I ________ Jame I hadn’t seen for years.
  • came across
  • came over
  • came by
  • came off
Don’t ______ to any conclusion before you know the full facts.
  • leap
  • rush
  • dive
  • fly
He may be quick __________ understanding, but he’s not capable _________ remembering anything.
  • in/on
  • at/with
  • at/of
  • above/of
Engineers worked throughout the night to ________ electricity to homes whose supplies had been cut off by heavy snow.
  • reinstate
  • fix
  • renew
  • restore
The two men looked so alike that it was impossible to _________ between them.
  • discern
  • distinguish
  • differ
  • discriminate

______ his advice, she would never have got the job.

  • Except
  • Apart from
  • As for
  • But for
People in this village have got an _______ appetite for news.
  • inexorable
  • inevitable
  • insatiable
  • inedible
I will stay in the Queen Hotel in London. Why don’t you _________ ?
  • come in
  • drop in
  • visit in
  • call off

When shall we meet: at 7.30 or 8.00?

I don’t mind. ___________.

  • Either time
  • Neither of them
  • Both time
  • Neither time

Hello. Is that 4578? Please put me _________ to the manager.

  • across
  • up
  • over
  • through

Complete the space by using one word which fits in all three sentences.

- The _______ to ban fox hunting was rejected by five votes.

- Now we’ll see the goal again in slow _________.

- The constant swaying ________ of the ship made Jane feel seasick.


Complete the space by using one word which fits in all three sentences.

- Michael Jackson was bringing out a new ________ called “Hopeless Love”.

- It’s difficult for anyone with a criminal _________ to get a job.

- The police are keeping a _________ of all cars which enter the area.


Complete the space by using one word which fits in all three sentences.

- If you _______ any mistakes in the article, just mark them with a pencil.

- Let’s go down to the river. It’s a really nice ________ for a picnic.

- I’m afraid I’m going to be late. I’m having a _________ of bother with my car.


Complete the space by using one word which fits in all three sentences.

- You can rely on the Prime Minister to take ________ of the situations.

- A new _________ measure has been announced to stem the tide of illegal immigrants flooding the country. 

- The police were accused of heavy-handed crowd ________ tactics. 


Complete the space by using one word which fits in all three sentences.

- My favourite ________ in the play is where Uncle John breaks a priceless vase.

- No thanks. Discos are not really my ________.

- Reporting from the ________ of the accidents is on Channel 5 tonight.


Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following passage.


For all of us, close personal friends are important. Good friends are above all (RELY) people who you can trust to keep a secret. If you have a problem to solve, or a (CONFESS) to make, they will listen and give you (HELP) advice. Their (GENEROUS) is such that they do not expect anything in return, but they know with (CERTAIN) that you would do the same for them. 

Complete each sentence using a suitable verb form in column A with a preposition in column B to make phrasal verb. (You can use prepositions more than once.)

A: [ pour | tell | knock | cheer | jump | play | call | take | count | bring ]

B: [ out | over | at | up | down | off | on ]

We took her out for a meal to her .

He tried to his injury, saying that it wasn’t that bad.

I’d the chance of a trip to Paris.

The match was because of the rain.

Jerry all her worries and problems to her close friends.

You can always Martin to help you if you have problems.

Ted’s mother him for hitting his sister yesterday.

The boy was by a car.

She is her children to be polite.

Mrs. Jones will be from Mr. Mark when he leaves at the end of the term.

Read part of a letter to candidates for a job and fill in the missing words, which are all connected with “work”. The first letter of each word is given.

We advertised the position of Sale manager a week ago in the national newspaper. So far we’ve had more than fifty (a) for the job. As you know, we’re offering a (s) of $2,000 a month. We would prefer to appoint someone with a few years’ (e) in the field. Remember that we stated in the advertisement that high academic (q) are not so necessary for a job like this. We need to stress that in this company all (e) are treated in the same way. All staffs are entitled to an annual share in the (p) of the company, and we believe that good working relations between (m) and staff are essential. We’ve selected ten (c) to be interviewed next week. The successful candidate will take up his/her appointment from next month.

Choose the best option to complete the passage.


The first television weather forecast was basic, to think the least. In the mid 1930s, when began, viewers were treated to a weather map, shown nightly for five minutes without comment or explanation. The next stages in the evolution of the weather chart was revolutionary: a disembodied hand drew isobars on a map while easy listening to music in the background and a voice soberly intoned the forecast. Weathermen didn’t make an appearance until the 1950s, but technology remained at the level of felt pens. Sticking felt letter onto the to spell out S-U-N or F-O-G was hardly any advance. It was a progress and if it drizzled in the south-east there wasn’t time left to tell viewers about rain in the north.

The childish symbols of happy suns, ice-cream clouds and oil-drip rain were an of the 1970s. They were made of magnetic rubber and were a weatherman’s nightmare: clouds would slide Scotland to Wales when the weatherman’s back was turned. The satellite pictures that followed have somehow never been as convincing as those good, old-fashioned symbols. The BBC installed an electronic system in 1985 which allowed forecasters to prepare their charts on computer and them on screen during transmission. Now the weather is so much more complicated, with symbols indicating air , humidity, depth of cloud, exact wind and the rest. It’s all way over our heads these days. 

Use the letter A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H to answer these questions with reference to the passages. There are some passages you can use more than once.


Getting two dolls in one packet was the ultimate value-for-money principle applied by our young testers to this "Shopping Fun" ensemble, which features buxom Barbie and her baby sister Shelly in a supermarket setting. A mechanism causes Shelly to bounce up and down on the seat of her supermarket trolley as it is pushed and, in a nice twist, a magnet on Shelly's hand enables her to pick up tiny cereal and cookie packets. The irony was lost on Alice, who declared Shelly's behaviour to be "just like a real baby". All in all, this perfect image of consumerism in miniature was a major hit with the girls, who also heaped praise on Barbie's short skirt, cooed over Shelly's bottle and dummy and "took a great deal of interest in her nappy." They voted it the winner - even though their parents felt "Working Out" Barbie was better value in terms of cost versus hours of distraction.


Not yet in the shops but bound to be popular, "Working Out" Barbie was the favourite with Rebecca, mostly due to her trendy outfit in sickly pink and super-long blonde hair. On the plastic accessories front, she also has a matching personal stereo, dumbbells and water bottle. Barbie is fully articulated, has suction pads on her feet and comes with a full-size music tape, so little girls can hold her hands and dance with her. Rebecca quickly disappeared into another room with the Barbie and tape to do some serious exercising. She loved the fact that the doll can do the splits and her arms bend and stretch.


In a puzzling, but too frequent demonstration of the generation gap, "Pet Doctor Barbie" - this year's hot new launch which benefits the RSPCA, appealed greatly to the testers parents, but not especially to the children. The package includes plastic dog bones, pet bowls, pet basket stethoscope, medical clipboard, bandages, grooming brush, doctor's bag and, most importantly, dog and cat. Her leggings even have paw prints on them. Alice thought it was pretty silly having a brush for the animals when they were made of hard plastic. Barbie's arms were thought to have too little movement. As usual, Emily liked Barbie's hair, which is long and silky, if not ethnically correct in the black version sampled. Meanwhile, the adults laughed themselves silly over the meowing mouse and barking bone buttons in the pet basket.


"Hair is a very important factor when choosing dolls - part of the lasting appeal of glamour dolls is the ability to do their hair and dress them up after the gimmicks have lost their novelty," mused Rebecca Jones's mother in her report about Barbie's male friend, now produce in tandem with his baby brother, Tommy. The New Man caring and sharing theme made no impact on the testers, it seemed; they were appalled by Ken's hair, since it felt as if it had gel on it. The accessories in this packet include a "special baby carrier pack" which takes Tommy, his bottle, rattle, dummy, nappy and baby lotion on Ken's back. The testers thought Tommy was rather "cute", but were concerned that he was only a wearing dungaree with no shirt underneath and that his dummy was too large, covering half of his face. The fact that Tommy can wave did not impress the testers.


Alas, Britain's answer to Barbie did not score well in our trial. Evidently more cheaply produced, "Sindy Skater" has the obligatory long hair, but is adorned only in a pink, sparkly tutu. "Her bodice is painted on!" said Rebecca. They soon discovered that her hair and boots could not be removed either. "She's no good", was the unanimous verdict.


Emily Buckett immediately fell in love with the "Baseball Cap Sindy", which Rebecca and Alice attributed to her age. For once, the doll itself is the accessory, capable, with the help of ankle straps, of assuming several acrobatic positions on the cap wearer's head. Rebecca and Alice "wouldn’t be seen dead wearing it." Emily wouldn’t take it off. The older two lost interest altogether when they discovered Sindy was made of foam and therefore not a real doll. The mothers declared this Sindy to be more of a clothing item than a toy and wondered how long any child would want to wear a doll on their head?


Action Man, parents will be glad to know, has been updated. His jaw is now squarer, his cheekbones more sculpted and his flock hair has metamorphosed into a sleek, painted, plastic style with two locks falling over one eyebrow, "as they would do whenever he does something heroic," a spokesman from the manufacturer said firmly. His new character is sport oriented, which is why he has "super active limbs, according to the packaging. Our testers were not taken in. "He's a toy man who fights," David said. "He has bendy legs and arms for kicking and punching." He also comes equipped with designer shades, a 9 mm automatic pistol and a suction pad for climbing rocky terrain. He does not come with a shirt presumably this is intended to allow the consumer to appreciate his very muscular torso. In response to the politically leading question, "Would he still be a good Action Man without a proper gun?" the boys answered (somewhat uneasily) "Yes." William was impressed with the way his sunglasses stayed on. Only later did the children notice a scar on Action Man's cheek. "Brilliant," said David. Adam voted Action Man the winner, even though Batman "is just as good, but Action Man is bigger."


Never mind the Bat mobile - Batman and Robin now come with any number of more complex, bellicose accessories. In our samples, Batman "flies" about with the aid of a rocket backpack, while Robin has an airship and peg-on bomb. At first, Batman's "lovely velvet" cape was thought a great accessory, but it was soon discarded for the better performance of his rocket engines. Our testers also took pleasure in holding the backpack themselves for shooting Robin's accessories were more difficult to assemble, and David Jones’s mother said: "The rocket engines took a bit of manipulating for a six-year-old - they're afraid of breaking them if they’re too forceful." The boys were not the least bit interested in Robin's windswept hair. The packaging of Air Strike Robin enticingly shows how he can be joined up with Turbo Surge Batman to form "a high-tech team with double the powerful capacity to conquer Gotham City's most diabolical villains!" But the fact that this device wasn't in the pack was noticed immediately by the children. Only later, when David discovered that Batman has holes in his feet and that he could hitch a ride on Robin's airship, was all forgiven.

*Which toy:

... made a shocking impression to the testers by its appearance?

...was designed in Britain?

...has some illogical accessories?

...acts like a naughty baby?

...attracted adults more than children?

...was considered likely to be played with widest?

...is a symbol of the way of life of an affluent society?

...was likely to catch cold?

...was least popular?

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

“How long will you stay here?” Paul asked Linda.

=> Paul asked..........

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

John isn’t intelligent so he can’t do the test well. => If John .....

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

They are going to demolish the old hospital soon.

=> The old ..........

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

John and Mike got up late this morning.

=> Neither ..........

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

John has not had his house decorated for over three years.

=> The last ..........

Form a new sentence using the word in the bracket. Do not alter the given word in any way.

You could always stay with us for a few days, if necessary. (put)

=> We .

Form a new sentence using the word in the bracket. Do not alter the given word in any way.

I have a friendly relationship with everyone at work. (terms)

=> I’m .

Form a new sentence using the word in the bracket. Do not alter the given word in any way.

Nobody apart from my mother thought I would win the race. (person)

=> My mother ____________

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.

Jane is very likely to be promoted. (stands)

Form a new sentence using the word in the bracket. Do not alter the given word in any way.

She was invariably optimistic even when things were going wrong. (looked) 

Write no more than 200 words about the media you like best. Give the reasons to prove your opinion.

*Hệ thống tienganhk12 không thiết kế để học sinh nhập câu trả lời tự luận này. Học sinh hãy tự làm trên giấy.