Đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT số 56

4/8/2022 2:27:30 PM
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
  • step
  • check
  • design
  • letter

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

  • smiled

  • loved

  • passed

  • travelled

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • local
  • polite
  • perfect
  • narrow

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.

  • exercise
  • volunteer
  • calculate
  • interview

John is feeling _____ because he hasn’t had enough sleep recently.

  • irritants
  • irritation
  • irritably
  • irritable

They will go for a picnic this weekend, ______?

  • will they
  • do they
  • won’t they
  • don’t they

I wanted to tell him he looked ridiculous, but I bit my _____.

  • nail
  • hat
  • mind
  • tongue

It's nice to be with family and friends _____ Christmas.

  • at
  • on
  • in
  • of

What historical _____ did you visit and what did you learn?

  • locations
  • sites
  • signs
  • positions
The flight to Hanoi was delayed for twenty minutes _____ the weather was bad.
  • because
  • in spite of
  • because of
  • although

She looked graceful in her _____ dress when I caught sight of her on the street yesterday.

  • lovely new red silk
  • red lovely new silk
  • new silk lovely red
  • silk red lovely new
Vietnamese children are taught at a very young age to obey and look _____ elderly people.
  • up to
  • down on
  • away from
  • out of
She didn't hear the dog barking outside because she _____ headphones.
  • is wearing
  • wearing
  • was wearing
  • wore
_____, his nose gets red.
  • Whenever Mike is angry
  • Not until Mike was angry
  • As soon as Mike was angry
  • Since Mike had been angry
Last year, we launched a campaign to _____ funds for street children.
  • raise
  • make
  • gather
  • take

The company _____ customers by selling old computers as new ones.

  • supplied
  • attracted
  • deceived
  • retained

_____, the patient had to sign a hospital form.

  • Before being released
  • Before having released
  • Before releasing
  • Before was released

The faster we finish, _____.

  • the sooner we can leave
  • we can leave sooner and sooner
  • the sooner can we leave
  • we can leave the sooner

A new air-conditioner _____ in my bedroom yesterday.

  • installed
  • were installed
  • was installed
  • installs

- Hai Anh: “_____”

- Minh Phuong: “Why not?”

  • You should cook the meal now.
  • How about cooking the meal now?
  • Have you cooked the meal?
  • We’d better be cooking the meal.

David: "Thank you for spending time showing me around."

Jones: "_____"

  • It's my pleasure.
  • I don't know what time that person comes.
  • Never remind me.
  • I don't want to spend it.

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

As orders are becoming more and more, we’ve been rushed off our feet all week.

  • very angry
  • very busy
  • very worried
  • very happy

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Ninety percent of earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim.

  • happen
  • identify
  • save
  • make

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Thousands are going starving because of the failure of this year’s harvest.

  • hungry
  • poor
  • rich
  • full

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

A family reunion is an important part of most big festivals and holidays in Vietnam.

  • connection
  • separation
  • bond
  • ceremony

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Harry doesn't practice speaking at all, so he failed the English test yesterday.

  • doesn't practice
  • speaking
  • failed
  • the

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Tom's jokes are inappropriate but we have to put up with it just because he's the boss.

  • inappropriate
  • it
  • because
  • the

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

The teacher's uninterested approach toward the debaters made it hard to know which side she supported.

  • uninterested
  • toward
  • hard
  • which side

Read the passage and choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks.

The world is currently experiencing a pandemic of an infectious disease called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19 is a disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people are infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience cold or flu-like symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes, and cancer are more likely to serious illness.  COVID-19 impacts the elderly and those with pec-existing health conditions most severely.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is well informed about the COVID-19 virus, what the disease causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and people from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol-based rub frequently and not touching your face.

The COVID-19 virus spreads through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it's important that you minimize the potential that you infect someone else.

At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. , there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical findings become available.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this sentence.

It is against the school rules to cheat on exams.

  • You must not cheat on exams because it is against the school rules.
  • You don't have to cheat on exams because it is against the school rules.
  • You needn't cheat on exams because it is against the school rules.
  • You oughtn't to cheat on exams because it is against the school rules.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this sentence.

"Why were you absent from the class yesterday?" The teacher said to Andrew.

  • The teacher wanted to know why Andrew was absent from the class the previous day.
  • The teacher wondered why Andrew has been absent from the class the day before.
  • The teacher asked Andrew why he had been absent from the class the day before.
  • The teacher told Andrew why had he been absent from the class the previous day.

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to this sentence.

I have never played golf before.

  • This is the first time I have played golf.
  • I used to play golf but I gave it up already.
  • It’s the last time I played golf.
  • It is the first time I had played golf.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

I saw John with my own eyes. Then I really believed he was safe.

  • Only after I had really believed he was safe did I see John with my own eyes.
  • Not until I had seen John with my own eyes did I really believe he was safe.
  • Had I seen John with my own eyes, I would have really believed he was safe.
  • Were I to see John with my own eyes, I would really believe he was safe.

Choose the sentence that best combines this pair of sentences.

I didn’t get admitted to Harvard University. It would have been fantastic otherwise.

  • That I got admitted to Harvard University was fantastic.
  • If only I gained admission to Harvard University.
  • I regretted having been admitted to Harvard University.
  • I wish I had gained admission to Harvard University.

Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to answer the question.

How can scientists predict earthquakes? Earthquakes are not scattered anywhere but happen in certain areas. They happen in places where pieces of Earth's surface meet. For example, earthquakes often occur on the west-coast of North and South America, around the Mediterranean Sea, and along the Pacific coast of Asia.

Another way to predict earthquakes is to look for changes in the Earth's surface, like a sudden drop of the water level in the ground. Some people say animals can predict earthquakes. Before earthquakes people have seen chickens sitting in trees, fish jumping out of the water, snake leaving their holes, and other animals acting strangely.

After an earthquake happens, people can die from lack of food, water and medical supplies. The amount of destruction caused by an earthquake depends on where it happens, what time it happens, and how strong it is. It also depends on types of building, soil conditions and population. Of the 6000 earthquakes on Earth each year, only about fifteen cause great damage and many deaths.

The word "They" in the first paragraph refers to _____.

  • places
  • earthquakes
  • scientists
  • areas
What can help predict earthquakes?
  • soil conditions
  • water beneath the Earth's surface
  • drops of water
  • strange behaviors of animals

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause of people's deaths after an earthquake?

  • lack of food
  • lack of water
  • lack of medical supplies
  • lack of knowledge

The word "depends" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.

  • counts
  • relies
  • focuses
  • insists

The passage mainly discusses _____.

  • how to predict earthquakes
  • how strong earthquakes are
  • changes in the earth's surface
  • the damage caused by earthquakes

Read and choose the correct answer for each question.

It used to be that people would drink coffee or tea in the morning to pick them up and get them going for the day. Then cola drinks hit the market. With lots of caffeine and sugar, these beverages soon became the pick-me-up of choice for many adults and teenagers. Now drink companies are putting out so-called "energy drinks". These beverages have the specific aim of giving tired consumers more energy.

One example of a popular energy drink is Red Bull. The company that puts out this beverage has stated in interviews that Red Bull is not a thirst quencher. Nor is it meant to be a fluid replacement drink for athletes. Instead, the beverage is meant to revitalize a tired consumer's body and mind. In order to do this, the makers of Red Bull, and other energy drinks, typically add vitamins and certain chemicals to their beverages. The added chemicals are like chemicals that the body naturally produces for energy. The vitamins, chemicals, caffeine, and sugar found in these beverages all seem like a sure bet to give a person energy.

Health professionals are not so sure, though. For one thing, there is not enough evidence to show that all of the vitamins added to energy drinks actually raise a person's energy level. Another problem is that there are so many things in the beverages. Nobody knows for sure how all of the ingredients in energy drinks work together.

Dr. Brent Bauer, one of the directors at the Mayo Clinic in the US, cautions people about believing all the claims energy drinks make. He says, "It is plausible if you put all these things together, you will get a good result." However, Dr. Bauer adds the mix of ingredients could also have a negative impact on the body. "We just don't know at this point," he says. 

(Adapted from "Reading Challenge 2", Casey Malarcher & Andrea Janzen, Compass Publishing)

The phrase "pick-me-up of choice" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.

  • delicious dish
  • favorite drink
  • vitamin pill
  • available energy
The beverages mentioned in the first paragraph aim to give consumers _____.
  • more choices
  • more energy
  • more caffeine
  • more sugar
The word "it" in the second paragraph refers to _____.
  • Red Bull
  • the company
  • one example
  • thirst quencher
The word "plausible" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
  • reasonable
  • impossible
  • unlikely
  • typical
Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
  • It has been scientifically proved that energy drinks work.
  • The makers of Red Bull say that it can revitalize a person.
  • Bauer does not seem to believe the claims of energy drink makers.
  • Colas have been on the market longer than energy drinks.

According to the passage, the mixture of ingredients in the beverages _____.

  • directly helps improve our health
  • certainly brings good results for our body
  • might have an evil influence on our body
  • hardly damages our health
What is the main idea of this passage?
  • Teenagers should not choose energy drinks.
  • Red Bull is the best energy drink for athletes.
  • Caffeine is too bad for people to drink every day.
  • It is uncertain whether energy drinks are healthy.