Đề chính thức Anh Chuyên vào 10 Sở HCM năm 2022

11/1/2022 11:08:51 AM

A week into their camping holiday, the kids _____ in the open air.

  • used to cook
  • would cook
  • used for cooking
  • were used to cooking

Mike would rather his classmate _____ games while he's studying. It's very distracting.

  • aren't playing
  • didn't play
  • wouldn't play
  • hadn't played

_____ for her hard work and determination, she would not have been promoted to CEO. 

  • If it was not
  • Were it not
  • Had it not been
  • Should it not have been

They can't possibly play in this heavy rain. I think they _____ as well cancel the match.

  • should
  • can
  • may
  • will

She suggested _____ a charity performance on Sunday evening to raise money for the research.

  • us to do
  • us that we do
  • to us doing
  • to us that we should do

He decided to leave one hour early, _____ caught in the traffic jam. 

  • lest he be
  • less he be
  • least he should be
  • as he be

"There is nothing I would like more than _____ to this highly prestigious school," said Nam's mother.

  • for you to be admitted
  • that you are admitted
  • if you are admitted
  • only you being admitted

He had a reason for changing his job, but precisely _____ will probably never be known.

  • what reason was it
  • what that reason was
  • which was that reason
  • which the reason was

When the second half was coming to an end, Manchester United scored their third goal, _____ Leeds gave up completely. 

  • until when
  • at that point
  • at which point
  • from then

In spite of her physical disability, she has always tried to lead _____ possible. 

  • as normal a life as
  • as normal life as
  • her life as normal as
  • such normal life as

When his brother left home for university, Lam finally had a bedroom _____.

  • for him only
  • for only himself
  • all to him
  • all to himself

Alice is such an impulsive girl that she often makes important decisions _____ without consulting anyone. 

  • in the nick of time
  • for the time being
  • not for a moment
  • on the spur of the moment

When our football team won the gold medal, we were _____.

  • up in the air
  • on nine cloud
  • over the moon
  • in the seventh heaven

- Jim: I'm going to use energy efficient appliances in order to lower costs and reduce environmental impact.

- Peter: It sounds like a great idea, Jim. You should go _____ it!

  • for
  • on
  • over
  • with

Linh wanted to sound confident at the interview, but I'm afraid she came _____ as dogmatic. 

  • out
  • off
  • through
  • over

Through her efforts An is beginning to _____ in her career. 

  • pull off
  • break through
  • get ahead
  • blow away

Julia is the _____ of her mother. They look exactly alike. 

  • living picture
  • vivid picture
  • visual image
  • spitting image

I don't want to decide until I know all the facts. Until then, I intend to _____.

  • keep a broad mind
  • keep an open mind
  • make up my mind
  • be in two minds

- Alex: I hear they are going to build a shopping center near this public park.

- Ben: Really? _____.

  • No big deal.
  • It's beyond me.
  • That's news to me.
  • When it comes down to it.

- Tam: Do you think that the teacher would let us leave early to watch the football match?

- Minh: _____.

  • Fat chance
  • Not at all
  • You'll never guess
  • Not on your life

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Shaped like an elongated 'S', Vietnam lies on the eastern part of Indochinese peninsula in Southeast Asia, Vietnamese cuisine differs radically in the north, centre and south of the country but two key features stand out.

Firstly, rice plays an essential role in the nation's diet and so do noodles. In fact, the Vietnamese are crazy about noodles. Made from wheat, rice or mung beans, noodles are eaten at any time of the day. They in different shapes and thicknesses and are eaten in soups, as dishes or simply plain.

Secondly, fresh vegetables and herbs are a major focus of every meal. most Vietnamese shop for food at least twice a day which why their cuisine is famous for its use of fresh ingredients. Dishes are with vegetables such as bean sprouts carrots, water spinach, eggplants, cucumbers and bok choy, and seasoned with herbs like lemon grass, coriander, basil, chilli and mint.

The characteristic flavours of Vietnamese food are sweet, spicy and sour. As in many Asian countries, the Vietnamese do not eat their meals in . Instead, all the food is served at once and people from the dishes in the centre of the table. Vietnames cuisine has been growing in worldwide because it is not only delicious but also extremely healthy. Food is rarely fried. Instead, it is steamed or simmered. Salads are oil free. It is thus very light and its focus on vegetables, incredibly nutritious.


Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Why is it that parents are so often egocentric when it comes to matters concerning their children? Although their are undoubtedly altruistic, they assume that the choices they make for their offspring are the right ones. Take the of colour, for example. Who decides what colour of trousers to buy for young Jimmy? Who chooses the colours for his bedroom or bedclothes? parents condition their child's perception of colour from a very early age. Choosing a pair of pink trousers for their six-year-old son runs counter to most parents' idea of how to dress a boy, and they would be to decorate their daughter's bedroom in brown. In a similar way, a small child seen drawing a red tree may be quietly told that trees should be green. Yet the underlying criticism in that can be detrimental to the child's of the world around them.

Psychologists believe that allowing children to choose their own colours increases their self-confidence and their ability to express themselves. They use colour as a(n) of helping children to identify their feelings and discuss them. For instance, have shown that after listening to a sad story, children tend to draw in dark brown, black or grey, whereas one with a happy ending will a response in yellow or orange. So, a mother should be delighted to see her four-year-old drawing an orange tree or a yellow house, and perhaps be concerned if the child only uses grey. children free rein to choose colours for themselves may help parents to understand them better.


Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question below.

Victorian style is a broad term that refers to the characteristics of design from the latter period of Queen Victoria's rule, from 1837 until her death in 1901. At the time, the style was used as a signal of affluence among the upper class of British society due to its ornate, showy interiors. Today, it is still popular across the globe; particularly in Asia, where it is used to create opulent spaces that convey a high position in society.

One of the principles of Victorian design is that unused space in a room is a sign of poor taste and lower economic status. With that in mind, European designers sought to fill every space. Victorian design has sometimes been viewed as indulging in a grand excess of ornament. Every room was decorated with objects that reflected the owner's influences and preferences. Extravagant decorations, lace tablecloths, stained glass, vases, busts, framed paintings or prints, multi-layered window treatments, richly patterned fabrics, and accessories were used throughout the house. The Victorian Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia, exemplifies the classic Victorian Style. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling, vases with fresh flowers dot every table, and the dining room features elaborately carved furniture and decorative teapots made of china. It is elegantly appointed, true to the Victorian style. This hotel often hosts the royal family when they visit Canada.

Emblematic of a Victorian home was the use of vibrant, brightly colored fabrics. Complex patterns covered every surface. Oriental rugs and heavy draperies were thought of as the height of good taste. Windows were rarely left uncovered, rather, on them hung thick, decorative drapes. The lack of light that could enter rooms through these heavy draperies was compensated for with eye-catching appointments of velvet, silk, and satin. Linen patterns ranged from flowers and animals to geometric shapes, stripes, and woven Arabic symbols: squares and circles, typically repeated, overlapped and interlaced to form intricate patterns. Victorians loved these patterns and used them liberally.

The decoration of walls and ceilings was yet another element of Victorian design. Ceilings were covered in embossed paper or painted a light color so as not to detract from the wall decorations. Wallpaper became enormously popular and is an enduring feature of Victorian design. At first, this was because of the development of mass production as well as the repeal of the 1712 Wallpaper Tax. Wallpaper was decorated with beautiful flowers in primary colors of red, blue, and yellow, printed on beige paper. This was followed by the latter half of the Victorian era when wallpaper was inspired by Gothic art of earth tones and stylized leaf and floral patterns. William Morris was one of the most renowned designers of wallpaper and fabrics during this period. He was influenced by medieval art, which he saw as the noblest art form, and used Gothic tapestries from that era in his work.


The word "affluence" is closest in meaning to _____.

  • influence
  • impact
  • wealth
  • interest

According to paragraph 1, the Victorian style is used in Asia _____.

  • to conform to cultural norms
  • to signal an elevated status
  • to attract visitors
  • to create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere

According to paragraph 2, why did Europeans fill up every space?

  • To show visitors their collections of objects
  • To demonstrate that they appreciated a grand excess of omamentation
  • To showcase their personal interests by adorning any open spaces with pieces of art that were aesthetically pleasing
  • To show that they had wealth and sophisticated taste

What can be inferred about the Victorian Hotel in British Columbia?

  • It was meticulously designed to meet the standards of the Victorian style.
  • It was one of the most expensive hotels to design in Vancouver.
  • It is more elegant than the home of an affluent family during the Victorian era.
  • It was designed to accommodate visits from the royal family.

The phrase "indulging in" is closest in meaning to _____.

  • living in
  • deriving pleasure from
  • obsessing about
  • showing an interest in

ln paragraph 2, why does the author mention the objects found in a Victorian style home?

  • To illustrate the objects that could be purchased only by the rich
  • To point out that Victorians indulged in many objects that did not serve a useful purpose
  • To give examples of the items that were popular in the Victorian era
  • To suggest that design has changed a great deal since Victorian times

What is the purpose of paragraph 3?

  • To describe another feature of Victorian style
  • To account for the use of Arabic symbols during the Victorian era
  • To describe the patterns used in Victorian design
  • To explain how homeowners compensated for a lack of natural light in Victorian style homes

The word "intricate" is closest in meaning to _____.

  • interesting
  • colorful
  • attractive
  • complicated

All of the following are patterns that could probably be seen in Victorian linens EXCEPT _____.

  • roses and tulips
  • bows and arrows
  • squares and circles
  • horses and sheep

According to paragraph 4, why did wallpaper first become popular?

  • lt became more widely available and more affordable.
  • It was a way to cover up plain walls and make them more interesting.
  • It was a reflection of how popular the Gothic style had become.
  • It was not as heavily taxed by the government as paint.

Five paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the list A-F below the best paragraph to fill in each of the blanks. There is one paragraph you do not need to use.

List of paragraph

A - Experts have no explanation for this lack of interest except that younger siblings may require more personal space after having shared the family home throughout their childhood with their older brothers and sisters.

B - The explanation for this difference in size is not clear, but experts maintain that mothers of small families are often more concerned with persuading their children to eat, which can lead to overfeeding and obesity.

C - The general reason given for these traits is that the last-born tend to be the parents' most favored child. A warm atmosphere makes a child feel secure, encouraging them to grow up as self-confident individuals.

D - One possible explanation is that later-borns are associated with greater risk-taking, so they are more prone to accidents and hospitalization, which means they take more time off work.

E - Experts use a theory called the dilution hypothesis to explain diminishing intelligence. This suggests that the levels of parental attention and stimulation will drop as more babies come along because family resources have to be shared among more children.

F - One theory offered to explain the prevalence of these afflictions is that younger children are exposed to a wider range of infections by their older siblings, causing their immune system to develop further and offering them more protection.

Research has shown over the years that birth order can have a fundamental effect on numerous areas of an individual's life. Listed below are some of the main factors that scientists believe may vary according to a child's position in the family. Personality is one of the favourite areas of research, and most studies agree that last-borns grow up to be the most sociable, extrovert, and creative of the siblings.

A second question that interests scientists is whether birth order affects brain power. Research carried out at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam showed that, in general, the IQ of a first-born child is higher than that of a second-born child.

Moving on to the relationship between the siblings, studies have shown that older siblings invest more time in younger ones than vice versa. Researchers at Newcastle University found that first-borns had significantly more frequent face-to-face contact with their siblings than middle-borns or last-borns. 

On a completely different note, a study in Italy has shown that the number of children in a family can actually affect their health. It seems that the fewer children there are in a family, the greater the chance that they suffer from asthma or eczema.

Continuing on the theme of health, a Japanese study has shown that later-borns are less likely to be overweight. Researchers found that boys from three-child families had a significantly lower risk than only children.

Supply each blank with one suitable word to make a meaningful passage.

They are the generation born approximately between 1980 and 2000. What them from their parents (known as Baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, and Generation X, born between 1960s and 1980s) is that they have been up surrounded by digital technology and media.

Not only are they with apps, iPhones, and social networking, but many of them have been responsible for bringing the communications revolution. successful young entrepreneurs, like Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook, they have not been afraid to aim in their quest to realize their ambitions. Along the way, these entrepreneurs have accrued riches beyond their wildest . Well-educated and industrious, they see no limits to what they can do and trust the technology to get them there.


Supply each blank with one suitable word to make a meaningful passage.

Dairy farms have long had an overabundance of waste, particularly manure, produced by their cows. Some farmers, however, have found a way to it to good use: they have been converting it into electricity. First, bacteria are added to the cows' manure to break it . This process, known as manure digestion, produces biogas, which can then in be used to generate electricity.

Recently, one dairy farmer who became in manure digestion 30 years ago was finally able to start using the system. He was able not only to produce ample to use on his farm, he was also able to sell his surplus electricity to the local power company.

to a senior agricultural engineer, environmental concerns, the country's growing need for renewable , and rising electricity costs render manure digestion an increasingly attractive option. Many farmers say that they would like to reduce or even eliminate their electricity . Doing this by transforming farm waste electricity would help the environment at the same time.


Given the correct form of the words in brackets.

Kait said it was the custom of the villagers to have a feast after the harvesting. (memory) 


Given the correct form of the words in brackets.

The team recently introduced a/an kitchen robot that can serve tea and other drinks. (human)


Given the correct form of the words in brackets.

Henry hopes he will soon to the humid tropical conditions in Vietnam. (climate)

Given the correct form of the words in brackets.

Though many people doubt its accuracy, handwriting analysis, or is used by employment agencies. (graph)


Given the correct form of the words in brackets.

The of Charles as Prince of Wales took place on July 1st 1969 and was well received by many Welsh people. (invest)


Given the correct form of the words in brackets.

The archive was a/an important addition to the school library's collections. (estimate)


Given the correct form of the words in brackets.

The channel continued airing after a classic movie every night. (shop)


Given the correct form of the words in brackets.

The type vehicle you are in, certain disorders and sensory mismatch can all make you feel more on your journey. (travel)


Given the correct form of the words in brackets.

Banking continues to be one of the most career choices among students. (seek)


Given the correct form of the words in brackets.

There are unsung heroes who individually and quietly work for social change and never receive public attention. (assume)

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given. You must use from three to eight words, including the word given.

Passengers are absolutely forbidden to cross the railway track. (ALLOWED)

=> On the railway track.

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given. You must use from three to eight words, including the word given.

We should have had someone repair the roof in the dry season rather than leaving it until the rainy one. (BETTER) 

=> It would repaired in the dry season rather than leaving it until the rainy one.


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given. You must use from three to eight words, including the word given.

The company avoids employing unqualified staff unless there is no alternative. (RESORT)

=> Only unqualified staff.


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given. You must use from three to eight words, including the word given.

Williams suggested a guest list should be written. (DRAWN)

=> "Why ?" said Williams.


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given. You must use from three to eight words, including the word given.

Bill was concentrating hard on his work, so he didn't notice when I came in. (WRAPPED) 

=> Bill was so notice of my coming in.


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given. You must use from three to eight words, including the word given.

Ben is far superior to Dylan in terms of technical knowledge. (MATCH)

=> When it for Ben.


Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between TWO and FIVE words in each gap.

She always enjoys this programme although she watches it very often. (FREQUENTLY)

=> However , she never tires of it.


Complete the second sentence, using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do NOT change the word given in brackets in any way.

The organizers planned everything as carefully as they could possibly have done. (UTMOST)

=> Everything the organizers.


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given. You must use from three to eight words, including the word given.

"The situation won't be repeated in the future, I promise," said Mike to his mother. (WORD)

=> Mike repetition of the situation in the future.


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given. You must use from three to eight words, including the word given.

Jack admitted that he was responsible for the broken window. (OWNED)

=> It was the window.