Cách viết câu chuyện 140-190 từ theo tình huống cho trước

Đây cũng là một trong những yêu cầu thường gặp của bài thi viết FCE (trình độ B2). So với yêu cầu viết câu chuyện dài không quá 100 từ, rõ ràng với dạng đề này, bạn sẽ phải thể hiện kỹ năng viết nhiều hơn, cách lựa chọn ngôn ngữ và dẫn dắt chi tiết sáng tạo hơn.

1. Cấu trúc, ngôn ngữ và các lưu ý khi viết một câu chuyện bằng tiếng Anh

Phần này đã được giới thiệu rất cụ thể, chi tiết trong bài viết: Cách kể một câu chuyện ngắn (không quá 100 từ) theo đề tài gợi ý.

Do đó, bạn có thể tham khảo lại bài viết trên. Ở đây, TAK12 tập trung giới thiệu một số câu chuyện mẫu để các bạn học hỏi và áp dụng.

2. Một số câu chuyện mẫu 

Câu chuyện 1

Cách viết câu chuyện 140-190 từ theo tình huống cho trước

Although I wasn’t feeling well, somehow I managed to get onto the tram to work. Rather foolishly, I’d cooked some food the previous night with an old sauce which had gone off. Now I was paying the price. I’d seen there was a little mould on top of the carrots I was eating yet this Australian attitude came across me:

She’ll be right.”

So I kept on eating. I should have known that something was up when I felt a little dizzy. On the tram I felt faint. Things got worse when the tram was re-routed about 5 minutes’ walk from the school. Damn.

As I was getting off, a girl came up to me.

“Do you remember me?”

I thought it was Pavla, a student of mine, joking about her absence the week before.

“Sorry, not feeling well. I may have to cancel today’s lesson.”

“But..you taught me 5 or so years ago. Don’t you remember?” Now I was delirious. But I did remember, slowly. It wasn’t Pavla.

Looking a little perplexed, Aneta pointed in the direction of the school. Then she smiled and walked away.

(Words: 185 + 5 for the title “She smiled and walked away”)

Câu chuyện 2:

Your teacher has asked you to write a story in English for the school magazine.

Stories wanted

Your story must begin with this sentence:

Nicholas was looking through a dictionary from his school library when he found a photo hidden between the pages.

Your story must include:

  • a friend
  • some money

Nicholas was looking through a dictionary from his school library when he found a photo hidden between the pages. With mild curiosity, he picked it up and saw a large house with an impressive garden. As he turned it over his eyes widened: a message telling the reader to “search behind the painting of Captain Wilson, in the entrance hall”.

He rushed to show his best friend Charlie and he immediately recognised the house, which had been abandoned for a long time. As soon as they were out of the library they started running to the bus stop to catch the next bus to the village.

As they were getting off the bus, they nearly fell, they were so excited, and ran to the lane leading to the old house. The front door was locked but they found a way in through a slightly open window and searched for the painting. Behind it was a dusty envelope with some old bank notes. “Well, we can’t buy anything with this, but I’m sure the museum will be very interested!” cried Nicholas. “We may even get a reward!”.

(Words: 186 and + 3 for the title "Behind the painting")

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